Hi. I am working on some questions to ask myself each morning in order to prompt my brain for the answers. I am excited to do this because I feel like I need to have one solid session each day, even before I journal. So far, here is what I have created: 1) What is the best expression of myself I can be today? 2) What will it look like when I manifest the next great love in my life? 3) What will it feel like when my next great love is in my life? 4) What can I do today to reach my goal even faster? 5) Who can help me reach my goal even faster? 6) What would it take from me today to reach my goal? I know that some seem redundant but do these sound useful? Looking for feedback...thanks.
Hi Garett,
Are you able to identify anyone you know, or anyone you see in your external world, who has been successful at creating a relationship? I'm certain the answer to this is yes. What do those people have in common? What energy to they carry? How do they act? How do they feel about themselves? How do you know they are successful in love? Generally, these people have high self-worth. They value themselves and expect to be valued. They love themselves and expect love to show up in their lives.
There are tons of posts in this forum regarding these things. Below is one. I encourage you to go through and see what you can find here if you aren't able to identify anyone who has a loving relationship in their life.
You don't have to know who the person is. The visualization process is one that consists of feeling immense love. You can imagine holding hands with someone, or waking up next to someone, or being on an airplane with someone without ever having to see their face. You're going for the feeling of what this feels like to be next to the love of your life, so your subconscious mind takes the cue. I recommend doing this as you drift off to sleep.
As you probably know by now, this is one of the most important times to impress your mind.