love and relationships

Hi. I am working on some questions to ask myself each morning in order to prompt my brain for the answers. I am excited to do this because I feel like I need to have one solid session each day, even before I journal. So far, here is what I have created: 1) What is the best expression of myself I can be today? 2) What will it look like when I manifest the next great love in my life? 3) What will it feel like when my next great love is in my life? 4) What can I do today to reach my goal even faster? 5) Who can help me reach my goal even faster? 6) What would it take from me today to reach my goal?  I know that some seem redundant but do these sound useful? Looking for feedback...thanks.


  • Hi Garett,

    I'm so happy to read that you are working with the positive subconscious questioning. Redundancy is perfectly fine. Yes, they are useful and, in fact, are very similar to the ones I have previously produced.

    Keep working with these types of questions and let your creative machine answer them for you!

  • Hi again Jessica. I am doing well. I am currently on the changing my environment worksheet. I may have made this request before but could you help me find people, like Franklin for example, who have used this course for the same or a similar big goal of meeting someone? I have been racking my brain and am having a hard time coming up with successful people in this area. Thanks.

  • edited February 2023

    Hi Garett,

    Are you able to identify anyone you know, or anyone you see in your external world, who has been successful at creating a relationship?  I'm certain the answer to this is yes. What do those people have in common? What energy to they carry? How do they act? How do they feel about themselves? How do you know they are successful in love? Generally, these people have high self-worth. They value themselves and expect to be valued. They love themselves and expect love to show up in their lives. 

    There are tons of posts in this forum regarding these things. Below is one. I encourage you to go through and see what you can find here if you aren't able to identify anyone who has a loving relationship in their life.

  • Hey Jessica. I have been working on visualizing myself with a perfect match for me. The challenge is knowing who this know, what she looks like etc..what suggestions do you have regarding this? And, how often should I practice visualizing and for how long?
  • Hi Garett,

    You don't have to know who the person is. The visualization process is one that consists of feeling immense love. You can imagine holding hands with someone, or waking up next to someone, or being on an airplane with someone without ever having to see their face. You're going for the feeling of what this feels like to be next to the love of your life, so your subconscious mind takes the cue. I recommend doing this as you drift off to sleep. 

  • edited February 2023
    For what it's worth, through the UMM course and reading Neville Goddard, the statement "feeling is the secret" is your best friend when manifesting. If your struggling to create a clear picture in your mind then you may want to use general mantras and repeat them while falling asleep, feeling and using techniques like priming with statements like "how wonderful is it?" and so on. 

    When I can't imagine specific, I go general. My fall back is just repeating "I am loved" over and over and over and feeling that state as I drift off to sleep and it lulls me to sleep and attracts all kinds of magical things, whether I want them to or not! I also use "I am the prize," and "I am the starring role" phrases throughout the day. 

    Just recently, I manifested something quite cool. While manifesting some side money opportunities, the guy I am working with tells me that my neighbor is a classmate of mine. She just happens to be single and cute as a button! We have been walking at night and I'm in allowing mode for whatever may happen. This all just transpired last week. 

    The point is, as Jessica said, you don't have to have a specific person in mind, it's the feeling state of being loved and being the prize that will attract it to you. You got this!
  • Thank you for sharing that, Franklin! How wonderful it is! :)

    I remember when you were kind of fighting against those feelings of wanting to be in a relationship so much that it was causing some resistance. Now look at this positive feeling and allowing you're doing!  And surprise...the Universe delivers (in unexpected ways). Congratulations!

    I'm sure this advice will assist Garett and others immensely! 

  • Hey there! Thanks to you and to Franklin. He is my manifestation hero. Ill put those tips to work tonight before bed, then again in the morning. I woke up feeling sad today right until I opened the forum and saw! Happy Saturday..
  • Oh, and, I am now choosing a task from this course to control my environment to create a peak performance. Since I have gone to you and Franklin, what or which tasks from this course would benefit me, given my goal?
  • edited March 2023
    Hi Garett. Well, the exercise that worked really well for me to clear negative emotions and concepts of myself was the one where you stood in a spot, thought about all of the negative emotions and then took steps back to look at yourself. This was really powerful for me and I carried it forward as I progressed through the course. 

    "How to Experience Emotions Differently and Master Control Of Them - Video" (@7:00min) - from the Recreating Your Emotional Intelligence section. 

    Hope that helps!
  • edited March 2023
    Thanks Jessica!  >:D<   \:D/

    You have been such a blessing and transformative influence on my life! The more I connect the dots between my thoughts and feelings and their outcomes as manifestations, the more purposeful I can be with them. 

    Have a wonderful day!!!
  • Thank you for your kind words, Franklin! I'm happy to read that my influence and materials are of assistance to you and your journey! 
  • Hi. It has been a little while since I have been on the forum. I am finished with the course but have yet to experience a manifestation. I feel discouraged at times but am never giving up. I feel like some past beliefs stand in the way. Would you suggest I start my course over again?
  • Hi Garett,

    Happy to see you here! 

    I definitely recommend working through the processes in the course that tackle limiting beliefs, especially since your internal guidance system is indicating that there are beliefs stopping your progress. The first module of the course is designed specifically for this. Listen to the information in the videos and saturate your mind with that. I also recommend dedicating a minimum of 30 days to the processes there that resonate most with you. Ultimately, you want to create a new internal pattern/habit/program through repetition and consistency. If you catch yourself thinking or feeling in a way that indicates "lack" where your manifestation is concerned, this will be the time to stop that in it's tracks and feed your brain with something in your favor until the change takes hold as a new, permanent way of thinking and feeling. An internal adjustment will always manifest corresponding external manifestations!

    Let me know if I can assist you further!

  • Hi Jessica. What is the link to get back to the course? It was on another computer.
  • Thank you Jessica. I recently watched a video you made about the cycle of inner beliefs becoming reality and before I go back into the course work, can you suggest a few daily affirmations to help change a belief that I am somehow not good enough for some of the women that I desire? It has to help. This cycle I feel I am in I am aware of and it feels unstoppable given it always shows up in my world.
  • Of course, Garett.  

    I am happy to read that you are aware of this cycle; that's great news! The physical world gives us a great reflection of what we're thinking and feeling on the inside. Remember that it is just that - a reflection. So it IS stoppable, and it IS malleable. All of the power is within YOU.

    Here are some affirmations you can use daily to help:

    I am a valuable human being who deserves the best that life has to offer. 
    I was created from pure love, therefore I am pure love. 
    Just by being my authentic self, I attract all good, abundant and lovely things.
    I love seeing how my confidence and self-worth are growing more and more each and every day.
    All of my thoughts and ideas lead me to successful outcomes in every area of my life (or, in love).

    Have you used the self concept affirmations I have on my channel? If not, here is the link to the "I AM" Version, and here is the link to the "You Are" Version. I believe you may find these really useful! I recommend using these daily, and especially at night as you're falling asleep.

  • Thank you Jessica. It almost feels like I skipped a step, the belief never changed so the same things happened. I am kinda starting over. I will keep you posted on the forum.
  • Yes, the belief most definitely needs to change! Everything else will fall into place one that happens. Keep me posted! :) 
  • Hi Jessica. I watched a couple other of your videos which were great. I am looking for a bit of help in creating a good, solid before bedtime routine. I find myself always changing and then forgetting and then falling asleep like a tired person. So, given my goal, what do ya think?
  • Hi Garett,

    As you probably know by now, this is one of the most important times to impress your mind.

    I personally enjoy reading something positive, or watching a video that aligns with my vision (YouTube is great for this). I then choose a meditation to fall asleep to and envision my end goal as I drift off. You can also use affirmations. If you don't have a good set of headphones or earbuds, I recommend investing in that as comfort is key while falling asleep. I also like to download my favorite meditations on my phone so this is an easy process. If you want to use your own personal affirmations, there is a great app called "ThinkUp" and I recommend it for this process.

    It's really that simple. And you can do this for any goal. After a couple of months of dedicating yourself to this habit, you should experience some pretty amazing shifts. It might even happen sooner for you than that!

  • Hi Jessica. There was an activity in the course that asked to write a narrative about my ideal life, the one I am manifesting. Perhaps I should read that aloud to myself before bed each night, impressing it on my mind. What do ya think? Keep in mind, evening Garett is not the enthusiastic manifestor that morning Garett is.
  • I think that's a great idea. Yes, our energy tends to get a bit drained as we move through our physical day-to-day life. Try to give yourself permission to feel how good it feels to absorb yourself in what you wrote as you read it to yourself. Conjuring up those joyous states while being relaxed are a fantastic way to get the subconscious mind on board!
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