Getting insensitive to feelings during meditation


Changing the Course of Events Meditation - MP3

I have been meditating almost everyday on this one. I often experience intense emotions, very positive but the more I do it, the less my emotions are intense. It says to be in your dream but if I keep that same dream, the same scenes, etc., it desensitizes me. 

How do you suggest I do it?

Thanks :)


  • Hi Maryse,

    Welcome to the forum!

    This state is often referred to as the "Sabbath." Generally, this is when you feel you as though the scene you have experienced in meditation has already occurred, which is a wonderful thing. It's when the seed of the manifestation has been planted, so to speak, and resting in that knowing causes it to come about in manifested form. (I've experienced this myself many times.)

    Do you feel as though the scene you have created has already occurred in some way? Or do you feel some other emotion about this scene? I recommend changing the scene around just slightly in your mind while meditating to see what type of emotions come up for you. Or you could add more details to the scene to enhance the outcome. However, if you feel as though it is already "done," I recommend just meditating for the sheer relaxation of it and allowing the manifestation come to be!

  • Okay I’m doing the right thing by adding details prior to realization to keep it alive. I have a very high response when I add stories to my story.

    Thank you Jessica ♥️
  • You are most welcome! Please keep me posted on your progress. :) 
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