First part of the course

Hello, I have watched the videos and did the exercises of the first part a few times each and have a few questions:
1.Challenging Your Current Self-Image:
My main weaknesses are impatient, can be judgemental and stubborn.  How are these weaknesses affecting the manifestation of my SP?
2. Intergration your left & right brain:
How long are you supposed to do the exercises after the Changing the Course of Events meditation?
Not sure how to answer the questions on the worksheet.  Ex: What is the next step I need to take to fulfill my dream?  I don’t know, that’s why I signed up for this course lol!  
What do I need to know about making this dream my reality that I haven’t considered?  Still don’t know how to answer that. 
What has blocked me in the past when it comes to this dream that I can now bring to the surface and let go of?  I think the answer is that I need to re-program my sub-conscious mind.  I wrote this answer using my non-dominant hand.  Is my answer a powerful revelation like the exercise said it would be?
3. How to program a new powerful belief in under 5 minutes
I don’t feel any triggers, there is no difference between true and untrue statements.  How can I re-program my subconscious mind if I don’t have or feel any triggers?


  • Hi Julie,

    I'm happy to read that you are working with the processes. Let me see if I can assist with your questions.

    1. Impatience and judgement are responses to fear. For example, impatience often reflects a belief that a person is fearful of not getting what they truly want. And being judgmental generally indicates a belief that we don't have much control over what is happening. When a person is judgmental, it can make them feel as though they have more control over something. This can also be a defense mechanism to cover up such feelings as sadness and low self-worth. This is good information to have because you can begin to dismantle fear-based beliefs such as these with the processes given and change your overall self-image - - something I highly recommend!
    2. I'm not sure I understand this part: "How long are you supposed to do the exercises after the Changing the Course of Events meditation?" These are 2 separate exercises. You can do one right after the other, but they aren't mutually exclusive with one another.  
    If you read through the worksheet you are referencing, those are examples of questions you might use. As stated, you can also use other questions that feel "right" to you in the moment. I'm not able to answer any of these questions for you because the point of the exercise is to tap into the deeper areas of your mind and the perceptions held there. 

    I suppose the question to ask yourself is...Do you feel as though your answer is a powerful revelation??

    3. I recommend working with the processes more. You have only had the course a short time. I believe I already stated this to you, but these types of physical changes can often be very subtle. Test this in different ways and with different statements. Everyone has differences in these two things in one way or another. Have you tried the finger exercise I recommended to test your statements? Have you tried to introduce any new statements? 

    Let me know.

  • Hi Jessica,

    I've done it a few more times and I additional questions and comments:

    Creating a New Model for Success

    Early childhood beliefs?  I had my
    heart broken at 18 and at 32.  Nothing of substance in between.  Then
    at 44 I had a good relationship with a married man (I didn't know at the
    beginning) but I had no expectations from this relationship as I was leaving the
    country 10 months later.  This relationship was the best I ever had, I
    felt loved, desired and respected.  It gave me hope that I could have a
    loving relationship again.  Sadly that was 9 years ago and I haven't had a
    relationship since.  

    After studying LOA and doing all kinds
    of techniques for over a year I realized that I was unwittingly sending out  negative energy hence why I wasn't attracting men in my life.  Not sure
    what happened when I dated the married man but it was a successful relationship
    to me because m
    y heart was not broken, it was mutual
    break up. 

    Changing the Course of Events Meditation

    I've been
    doing the meditation daily but I create a different scene every time, is that

    Integrating your Left & Right Brain - Worksheet

    My question:  What has
    blocked me in the past when it comes to this dream that I can now bring to the
    surface and let go of?  Answer using my non-dominant hand: I didn't believe that it would happen to me. 
    It only happens to other people not me.  I need to re-program my
    subconscious mind. 

    I don't think my answer is a huge revelation as I've been saying this out loud for years until I started LOA last year. I thought I didn't believe it anymore but since my SP hasn't resurfaced yet I figured I'd sign up for your course to re-program my subconscious mind and let go of that belief if that's what's blocking my manifestation.

    How to Program a New Powerful Belief in Under 5 minutes

    don't have any physical triggers.  I tried the sway and finger lock
    techniques.  How can I be successful in this course if I don't know if I
    have programmed new powerful beliefs and reprogramed my creative machine.  Can
    I manifest my desire without this step?  I haven't told anyone about this
    course so I don't have anyone to do the tests with. 

    As much I am enjoying doing this course and have high hopes for success sometimes I feel like I'm going in circles.


  • Hi Julie,

    Changing who you are at a fundamental level is achieved by BECOMING that person through consistent, conscious and deliberate intention. The course is specifically designed to assist you in this change when learning all of these processes and working with them with dedication. I say that so you know that the "How to Program a New Powerful Belief in Under 5 Minutes" exercise is not the only one that will assist you in making this type of change. If you feel as though it's not working for you, I encourage you to work with some of the other processes that don't cause you frustration. In this way, you can begin to release some of this resistance around your manifestation. Let it be fun and easy! You can come back to that part later. Beliefs can gradually adjust as well with new information and practice. (This is what I explain in the "Creating a New Model for Success" Section.) :) 

    To answer your other questions:

    If your scene changes during meditation, that's ok. Let it wander and have fun, as long as the scenes are positive and working towards your life's goal. If that's not the case, gently reign it in a bit and let it know the direction you now prefer. 

    I believe that you have uncovered one of your self-image beliefs that you can work on with the new model of success to create the change you are desiring to make: "It only happens to other people." If we look at the Be, Do, Have model that I discuss, you know that changing your self-image, and therefore your reality, will be determined by you becoming this person that this happens for (as I said above). Your brain and mind will need new information to form this belief. I recommend saturating your mind with some daily affirmations regarding this to start. You're basically going to convince yourself that you get what you want until your subconscious mind believes it - that is how and why affirmations work (they just take a little more time, but that's okay!)

    I can't remember if we've talked about you using this, or not, but I'm leaving a link to my possibility thinking for love affirmations below. I'm getting a lot of great feedback for this track and recommend using it daily (minimum 30 days/but I believe 60 or 90 is best). I also recommend denying anything in your outer experience that says otherwise as you are able to do this. I like to use the affirmation, "Oh, that's just an illusion" whenever I see or experience something that tells me that my reality isn't giving me what I prefer. Try it out to begin changing those old beliefs into new ones, and let me know how these things work out for you! Remember that practice and repeated practice are key in creating these new habits, and therefore, new beliefs.


  • Thanks for responding so quickly.

    For over a year I've been practicing LOA with scripting, meditations, affirmations (examples below), whispering affirmations to my water and tea, consulting LOA influencers that I found on YouTube, etc. I've found that I'm happier and more positive but no sign of my SP or any love relationship.  

    So in November I found a 8-hour sleep meditation on YouTube to reprogram my subconscious mind to attract a SP (or another love).  I did it for a month and noticed that I got asked out on dates a lot more (dating apps) and sometimes for 2 or 3 dates with the same man.  I was really excited about this change but nothing really went further.  I figured that there's still a block.  

    I've been listening to your video above daily since you posted it last month.  I listen to it in the morning on loop as I'm getting ready for work.  I re-started listening for the 8-hour sleep meditation again every night for over a month now along with other exercises from your course ex: Changing the Course of Events Meditation every evening before I got to bed.  As I drink my morning water I cite affirmations and positive questions: 
    What if (name of my SP) showed up in my reality today?  
    Why do things always work out for me?  I always get what I want.
    Subconscious mind, show me a loving and committed relationship with (name of my SP).  
    Everyone finds love easily and I can too.  
    I'm so grateful to be married to the love of my life.  
    (name of my SP) are so happy together.  
    We are soulmates.  
    Being together is so easy.  
    I'm the happiest I've ever been.  
    I feel loved and desired.  
    I feel safe and secure in this relationship. 
    I am Mrs. (name of my SP).
    How did I manifest (SP) so fast?
    And many more...

    I noticed that in the past few weeks people that I know that have been single for a long time (just like me) have found a partner.  I thought to myself: this is a good sign.  I'm next :) !!

    I've been committed to changing for over a year but sometimes I feel tired.  I've had those negative beliefs about love or lack thereof for over 30 years but I thought for sure I'd manifest a love relationship (with my SP or someone else) by now.  

  • What if you just let those negative beliefs from 30 years ago go and stopped telling that story? What if you stopped "efforting" and just allowed it come to you? What if you got more excited about life in general and decided to have a lot more fun, and then you just watched as the universe delivered all of your desires to you? ;) 

    This tells me you might need to just relax a bit and sit back and watch it unfold with excitement: "I thought sure I'd manifest a love now." 

    Listen to the affirmations when you feel inspired to do so. Meditate when it feels "right." Live as the person who already has this relationship and have joy because of that. In doing so, your subconscious mind is going to lead you there. I think the only thing blocking it is that you don't "see" it yet. Remember, that's just an illusion! 

    There's an old saying: A watched pot never boils. The minute we surrender and trust in the work we've done (and it sounds as though you've been rewiring your brain for a while), everything falls into place!
  • But I haven't told `the story` for over a year now.  I've mentioned it to you for background.  I thought I had gotten rid of that belief but since there hasn't been a change in that part of my life - yet! I decided to invest in your course.  Everything else in my life is great!!  I am healthy, have a job that I enjoy, I live in a great city close to the beach, I am financially secure.  I travelled to Japan in April to visit a friend and I had a friend visit me last week and had a great time catching up.  

    To be clear citing affirmations and meditating is not a chore, it's become part of my life now. 

    Should I stop everything that I've been doing?
  •  ''Live as the person who already has this relationship and have joy because of that''
    I do, ALL.THE.TIME.
  • You mentioned that story as if it is a part of your current thinking. 

    And I'm happy to read those things are not a chore for you. Please, continue to do them as they feel right to you.

    You seem to challenge and rebuttal all of my suggestions. I'm hearing you say that you already know this relationship is yours because you've doing this work for so long. I also hear you saying that this can only happen for other people. I'm responding to both of these things, but each time I do you go back to the other storyline. Why is that? 
  • ''I also hear you saying that this can only happen for other people''

    I stopped thinking and saying that over a year ago.  I thought I had reprogramed my brain to say and think: I can find love easily and effortlessly just like everyone else.  But since there were no changes in my reality I decided to sign up for your course thinking that my block is still there even though I thought it was gone. 

    I think this is why I feel tired.
  • Please refer to my above suggestions, as well as my other suggestions given in your other thread, based on what you truly believe about yourself and your relationship status. Only you know the answer to that. 
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