Programming new beliefs


I am new to UMM, happy to be here. I got through the first section of the training this week. I’ve been learning and practicing the law of assumption around two years. I only found Dr Connors in the past few weeks. I’ve been doing the quantum jump meditation on YouTube followed by affirmations while sleeping the past couple of weeks.

I have a couple questions. Since diving in pretty intensive with two daily meditations, affirmations at night and as much as possible during the day for the past couple weeks (on top of UMM this week), I found myself this morning starting off with what felt like a lot of internal resistance that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. I think this just might be part of the process in purging out my old beliefs, but wanted to get some thoughts on that.

Second question… I programmed a couple of new beliefs today through the process taught at the end of UMM section one. I preceded the process with the hemi-syncing. By the end of two new programs I felt soooo tired. Is this also pretty normal? I assume it may lessen over time as I do this more. I am also not sure I’m noticing any change during the process to signal it’s been installed, so I just keep going for the full five minutes. I get a positive sway test in the end, so I guess that’s okay for now?

Thanks for your time.



  • Hi Alexis,

    Happy to have you here! 

    To answer your first question, you are correct. The subconscious mind prefers that things remain orderly and consistent. So, when we step in to give it new instructions, it sometimes argues back a bit as it releases the old story and sets of belief that don't align with the new information. This is actually also related to your second question... Your subconscious mind needs a little time to assimilate and process all of this new "stuff." Sleeping is how the subconscious mind does that. When we sleep, the subconscious mind is able to have access to nearly all of the brain's resources because daily life is not interfering during that time. It can then go through the new information, problem solve by seeing things from a variety of different angles, create solutions and give us the best course of action (in an automatic way) to bring those outcomes into manifested form. Your mind is likely telling your body to slow down so that it can do this. 

    I'm happy to read of your enthusiasm and that you are getting a positive sway test result! My only caution after reading your post would be to tell you to take your time a bit so you don't get overwhelmed/overloaded by doing too much with the new information given. (See above) Let your subconscious mind do some of this work for you without too much "effort" on your part. I totally get it because I generally dive in to new personal development processes in the same way, but I've learned to slow down just a bit so my subconscious mind can process what I give it and then do the work for me. 


  • Thank you for your response! I do tend to dive into things quite intensely, I will try to slow down.

    I actually have one more question related to programming the new beliefs. One of the major things impacting my life feels very out of my control. There is a legal issue a loved one is dealing with and the outcome could have a significant impact on my family. Neville encourages us to imagine lovingly for others, which I have been doing through the course of this, but I am wondering how I might go about programming some new beliefs that would assist with this situation. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you again.
  • Hi there,

    You are most welcome! 

    I like to imagine one small scene (as Neville suggests) where the person is telling me or someone else of how relieved they are that everything turned in their favor, or a congratulatory scene where hands are shaking and there are smiles all around. That generally does the trick. 

    For new beliefs, I use affirmations in my own life that say things like this: 

    Everything is rigged in my favor. The universe is always conspiring to make my dreams a reality. I only hear good news, all day, every day. 

    These could be used for other people in your life, as they reflect your consciousness. Let's try some examples:

    Everything is rigged in ____ favor. The universe always conspires to bring ____ the best possible outcomes. I just love seeing how _____ life has changed in such positive ways. ______ is now always telling me only good news about his/her life. 

    Couple this with the visualization and I would expect a very positive outcome. :)

  • Thank you again. I can use statements like those you suggested (regarding the other person) with the programming new beliefs process? I wasn’t sure if that process could be used with anything other than “I am” type statements.

    I greatly appreciate your responses and support.
  • Sure, if you'd like. When it comes to the self-image, we use I AM. But we hold beliefs about everyone and everything in our lives. If our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, then we can change how we view others and see that reflected back to us as our experience. 
  • Thank you so much Dr Connor.
  • You're welcome! Keep me posted. :) 
  • Dear Jessica,

    I am so thankful to have found you on YouTube and then this class.

    My main problem is in the IMAGINATION part. I moved to Maine to be retired. Don't have any friends up here and just have my daughter and her family, and they are very busy. I don't know how to imagine people in my life when I have no idea of meeting them. I want to have like-minded people to bounce ideas off of and friends to go places with. I live in a beautiful state.

    As I'm going through the Timeline process, I just get a BLANK for the future. I want a male partner and new friends. Beginning in January, the 4 friends I had that I talked to almost daily, were removed by my Oversoul (I think). This has given me time to reflect on myself and create a new me. But I come up with blanks for the future.

    I have been able to manifest a lot of miracles in the past because I knew what I wanted. Now, it's just people and a love interest and I'm not coming up with any visualizations.

    Can you give me some suggestions?

    Thank you so much.
  • I apologize for calling you Jessica. I change that to Dr. Conner. I would love to have gotten a degree in metaphysics and philosophy. My 2 favorite fields.
  • edited June 2023
    Hi Lauren,

    Welcome to the forum! And no apology necessary; calling me Jessica is perfectly okay. :) 

    First, don't worry about that "BLANK" you are getting for the future. Trust me when I say there is a deeper, higher part of you that knows how to fill in those blanks. That's just your brain trying to figure out "how" it will happen. My belief, based on personal experience, and the experience of coaching thousands of clients, is that the subconscious mind is intimately connected to that divine part of us and that when we tap into it's power, all just falls into place and aligns in our lives perfectly!

    You do know what you want: friends and a love interest, as you have stated. For visualizations, I recommend taking it right to the end result so you can be guided there in an automatic way. Here are a couple of suggestions of how I would do this:

    See yourself walking in your favorite new place in the city you live in and look down to notice that you are holding hands with someone. Imagine what it feels like to hold someone's hand. Move your fingers around that hand in your mind and feel the joy of knowing that the person attached to that hand is someone you are deeply in love with. Hear that person whisper something in your ear that lets you know they are the one for you. And then let those feelings of peace, happiness, gratitude and love overwhelm you as you feel yourself walking in this scene. 

    Imagine your phone ringing and getting excited that it's your new friend calling you. Answer the phone and hear the other person inviting you to a gathering with all of your new friends. Feel the excitement of having this new adventure to go on. Imagine yourself telling your family that you are busy with your friends today. You can even take this as far as picking out a new outfit and getting ready. And if you're able to, see yourself arriving at this place with your new friends and having a ton of fun with them! (I know faces can sometimes be difficult to imagine when you don't know who the people are, but you can imagine yourself laughing with a group of people and really get into those feeling states of having a great time!)

    These types of visualizations give your mind the information necessary to get you there. Repetition is very, very important. Make the scenes as real as possible and let joy overwhelm you as you do this. I fall asleep visualizing like this most every night! And the more you do this, the more your mind will believe it is true and it will have to fill in the "blanks" between you and those things.

    I hope this helps, Lauren! If you have any other questions, I'm here to assist! :)

  • That was just what I needed to hear. Thank you, thank you. -Lauren
  • You are most welcome!
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