Goal setting

Hello Jessica!  Thank you for creating this amazing course.

I’m on the Preparing Yourself for Change Module and I had an
epiphany.  I realized that that a HUGE BLOCK FOR ME is that I’m unsure of
how to create realistic goals or any goal at all!  This is an area where I
could use some help.  I feel that once I master GOAL setting, I’ll have a
template to follow.  I think my problem with manifesting what I want for all
 these years is that I don’t have complete clarity. My roadmap is muddy. I don’t think I
can have clarity until I have the GOALS.  For example:

I was starting to fill out the question “what is your goal
for next year?”. When I start to write down my goal, I second guess myself
about the goal.  If I say I would like to make $16,000 per month, I
immediately say “well, if you are asking for $16,000, why don’t you ask for
$20,000? Then I don’t know what to do and I then I stop as I’m not sure what to
do. How do I know what is a
realistic and attainable goal?

Yours in manifesting,



  • Hi Kelly,

    I'm happy to have you here in the forum! And that's a great question!

    The first point I'd like to make regarding setting a goal is that it should feel naturally wonderful to think about. We're setting goals outside of our current, physical reality BECAUSE they generally generate excitement and pleasure within us. The "BECAUSE" answers our "WHY," which is always a big part of the driving force behind what we do. It's our motivation! Why did you sign up for my program? BECAUSE you want to experience something new! And it's fun to dream BIG! There's a part of you that is ready to experience MORE in life. 

    Have you ever tried creative writing where your goals are concerned? By this I mean, have you ever just freely flowed your writing on a piece of paper by allowing your mind to create a beautiful story of your life that is unique to you? This is a great way to connect with that part of you that knows and is inspired by what it wants to experience in this life. This helps us find out "more about our why"  when it comes to reaching out past our current experience. 

    A fantastic way to do this is by writing out a few questions and then allowing this part of you to answer them without trying to regulate what is coming through. For example:

    What is it that I truly want in life?
    What feelings would I like to experience more of?
    What creates these feelings in me now?
    What can I imagine would create more of these feelings?
    What would bring me more joy?
    What do I really enjoy doing most?
    What brings me happiness? 
    What would it mean to me to have more happiness?
    What motivates me to have more happiness?
    Why do I want to experience more happiness?

    Or, try to come up with some other questions that resonate with you. I recommend getting into a really relaxed and calm state to do this process, and to make it fun! In this way, you will allow that higher, infinite and playful part of you to come through and assist you. It's likely that you just have some everyday life kind of rules standing at the gate guarding these "illogical" things from coming through, as most do. The course will help you greatly when it comes to moving past that!

    I hope this helps!

    Let me know if you need more clarity!

    -Jessica :) 

  • Thank you!!!!  You pretty much nailed it with this line: "It's likely that you just have some every day life kind of rules standing at the gate guarding these "illogical" things from coming through" 
    I've noticed that I'm wayyyy too logical and need to learn how to use my fun imagination more!  I think this blocks my visualizing as well.  I really KNOW that once I can get past these two obstacles, my world is going to pop open and all that I want will be revealed.  I'm on the precipice!!!  And I 100% believe that the universe will give me what I want so we must be crystal clear about what it is I want.  It can be a little off! Then, like Louise Hay says..send it back to the cosmic kitchen.  At that point the clarity will be there.  Haha I LOVE THIS STUFF!!! Thank you, Jessica!!!

  • You are most welcome! 

    Please keep me posted about your creative writing and the upcoming "Aha!" moment where your goal is concerned! :) 
  • I will!  I'm excited. Thank you!
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