Integrating left and right brain question

I have a question…
I go for walks and during that time I do a lot of thinking and vision of what I want my days to look like. What I’m trying to create in my life. Like a walking meditation. In the lesson
Integrating Your Left & Right Brain For Spontaneous Learning

And the exercises suggested to activate the brain. Can walking be for the first and while walking if I cross my hand over to tap the top of my opposite leg when the opposite leg is forward while walking (hopefully that makes sense) can that be used to help activate the brain?
Vs the standing in one position and doing the ones you suggest in the video?


  • Hi Lori,

    Welcome to the forum!

    That's a great question. When you are walking, you are actually already hemi-syncing the brain because your right brain controls the left side of your body and your left brain controls the right side of your body. This is a great time to visualize the intended outcome. If you'd like to add extra cross movements to that, it is perfectly fine. However, you may find that it's not necessary. 

    My biggest recommendation during your walks would be to visualize the end goal of your desire (skip all of the other steps that your brain wants to use to get to the desire and solely focus on the end result.) Make this as vivid as possible. And then use the other processes for the new belief installation as described.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if I can assist further. :)

  • Thank you Jessica. That is definitely helpful
  • You are most welcome. Glad it helps!
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