unmanifest rather than manifest?

Hey all, I've got a challenge at the moment and wondering if anyone else has tried to remove an obstacle or end a difficult situation, rather than try to bring something in...I can't decide if I am resisting an event or actually trying to make a certain outcome manifest...which might be in a similar energy working against me if I am trying to "control" something.  

anyone care to discuss?  

I'm nearly at peace and nearly able to bless the situation and accept that I will have to participate, while simultaneously feeling grateful for its dissolution.  but there is a particular outcome I'd like to see...not sure if my desire will bring it or push it away...if that makes sense.  I get a little lost in the gray areas of how this process works.  

I'd love to get a good perspective and hear what you've got!


  • Hi Monet,

    I answered this somewhat in my other response, but I'll elaborate a bit here. 

    I'm sure you've heard the term: Where focus goes, energy flows. I would spend my time focusing on the outcome you desire, rather than what you don't desire. I would also spend time working on my beliefs around this situation. I do love that you are peaceful about this, but do you have to settle for that outcome? You are correct in identifying the resistance, so ask yourself what it is about this situation that you are resisting. Then, work on changing your belief about this with the processes given. 

    I'd also like to note that if this is a core belief that you are working to change, it may take some practice. I know in my life when I worked on changing beliefs, it took a little work to get it just right. If it doesn't "stick" the first time, go back to the drawing board and continue making the adjustments necessary. Consistency and persistence are often necessary with this. 

    I would also like to see some of our forum members chime in! We have a lot of new students here and I so enjoy it when others get in on the discussion. Thank you for being open and engaging, Monet!

  • "but do you have to settle for that
    outcome? You are correct in identifying the resistance, so ask yourself
    what it is about this situation that you are resisting. Then, work on
    changing your belief about this with the processes given."  This is excellent.  Thank you! 
  • You are most welcome!
  • I need to do some more work on beliefs here. But for clarity as I'm trying to understand the nuances of this work I will share the situation.
    I'm being sued for an amount of money only 1%-ers have. I'm being threatened with bankruptcy essentially. I was in a car accident and because I didn't see to react in time I assumed fault. 1st suit from who I hit directly was nearly settled (minor injuries) when 2 years after the incident the one in front of them that they hit is now suing us both. (Delaying settlement of 1st) The man has been in 7 accidents in 5 years and from this one he never missed work and was not hospitalized had a prior injury and cannot prove his claims. But they are taking me to trial. I don't want to answer to their attorney's nor do I think I should. The 1st took my statement and used that in litigation and is working within my ins policy limits. This other suit makes no sense (besides greed) other than my guilt and fear manifested the scariest thing. There is a specific outcome that I want to achieve here...however I want that outcome for "justice" as this person is trying to take advantage of me from this situation and there is a dark force behind it. I just want The whole thing dropped because I don't want to face their attorneys. (My fear of it is keeping it in motion perhaps) I will face it if I must for I cannot see what everyone's highest and greatest good is from my vantage point. But I feel like if it were dropped I could move on and I would be at peace knowing my family is safe from financial ruin. What I really want is protection and inner peace.
    My question is really...perhaps it's not a specific physical outcome I need to work on manifesting but THE FEELING, knowing and trusting that I am fine no matter what. Being at peace being able to trust and let go. It seems that focusing on the specific outcome has too strong of an attachment which will keep it out of reach. I have written affirmations that bless the situation should I have to attend trial but also includes gratitude for its dissolution. You see the nuance here I'm wresting with. It's really the feeling that manifests things but I'm still in a space where I think an outcome will give me the feeling but I need the feeling first. Thanks for reading and considering as just writing this out has helped me refine it. I'm closer to my focus...I think.
  • edited December 2023
    Hi Monet,

    Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to help you sort through this to see if it is helpful for you. Most of the details of your case are actually not as important as the beliefs, as you mentioned. Let's examine what you might consider working on with the processes in the course:

    "I'm being threatened" - This is a fear of security/poverty.
    "my guilt and fear manifested the scariest thing" - This is self explanatory.
    "I want the outcome for 'justice' as this person is trying to take advantage of me" - Again, fear of security along with fear of criticism/failure.
    You mentioned twice that you didn't want to "answer their attorney's" and that you didn't "want to face their attorneys" - Attorney's can sometimes be intimidating, so I'm going to say this relates to fear of criticism once more.
    "financial ruin" - Again, fear of security/poverty.

    So, there is a pattern here which I believe many, MANY people can relate to, regardless of the details. If you want to tackle these fear-based beliefs directly, you can work with the processes in the course to begin loosening their grip on you, while creating new beliefs that empower you. 

    Alternately, let's try this as an easier and more fun way to begin changing the outcome...

    I don't know the timeframe of your situation, but I would recommend starting out light and easy with a new story. Grab a journal and write out your perfect outcome to this situation. What is the most ideal scenario here for you, and why? In doing this, if you allow yourself to really get into the writing, you're going to be able to get in tune with the feeling states you are referring to. 

    Pretend that you can have anything you desire where this is concerned - ANYTHING. All of the choices are up to you. Leave out other people's opinions. If this were a movie you were writing a script for, and you also get to direct this movie, how would you have the whole thing play out?

    Once you have that in place, begin to rehearse that scene in your mind. Do this daily. Twice per day if you can. Don't let your mind be in charge by trying to take you back to the old story. Remind it that you are the director and you have the ability to change the scene and the scripts of the characters as you please. Keep having everyone rehearse their new role until they all get the new story just right. (It may take a couple of tries. Don't get discouraged if this happens. Keep working on it.)

    Once everyone (your characters) has the scene perfect, run through it some more and feel how it feels to have it go just the way you wrote and directed it. Again, continue to absorb yourself in this - over and over again. 

    I have used this in my own life with miraculous results, so I highly recommend putting in the time and effort. It's totally worth it!

    I will be leaving tomorrow to go out of town for a few days. If you have any questions or comments, I will check in when I'm able to reply. :)

  • This is sooooo good! Thank you. I have watched the videos on this...I will revisit and use what you gave me here AND I will work on those beliefs and emotions.
  • You're so welcome! 
  • I've done something close. Neville Goddard style working from the wish fulfilled where I imagine a short scene and feel how I would feel were it happening.
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