Just Came Back from a Vipassana Course/Retreat (10 day silent retreat)

Hello everyone!

I just got back yesterday morning from a Vipassana Course/Retreat and I had a lot of epiphanies regarding manifestation and higher consciousness that I'd share with everyone here.

Epiphany #1: Meditation helps you process the past & Visualization helps you create the future

before going to the retreat I had gone through 50% of the UMM course and had done the Changing the Course Visualization a number of times and had noticed the positive effect it had on my mind. I had started to see possibilities that I didn't really see before, my my mind became open to the possibility of abundance! It was like I switched the channel on the TV of my mind to abundance. I've always wished I was more business minded and could think of opening new business and I realize now all I have to do is practice visualisation to turn the TV channel onto to abundance.

Meditation is a practice that helps you process the past because by continuously connecting with the observer within you that observer helps you untie knots in your mind and before you know it you're walking as a lighter person without the bag of bricks of the trauma of the past.

Epiphany #2: The Creative Machine within you works by intuition so have faith and follow it!

While going through the UMM course one of the questions Jessica asked in a video is "Who do I have to be in order to get what I want?" and one of the things I wrote was Diligent, devoted and having clarity, and as I'm going through the UMM course I get the hunch that I want to do a Vipassana course/retreat and during it I realized the intensive schedule of the retreat is making me the person I want to become and in the first minute of meditation sessions there the teacher says "Start again! Work persistently! Work ardently! Work DILIGENTLY!"

When I heard those words I knew my intuition guided me to the Vipassana Course because the work I had been doing in the UMM Course.

what a beautiful chain of events!

Epiphany #3: Manifestation Masters are sensitive people in order not to become volatile people.

I realized by going through the UMM course and the Vipassana course/retreat that the secret to a fulfilling life is to develop emotional intelligence and are aware of how you feel that would be considered sensitive to the average person who doesn't do this kind of work and you do that in order not to become volatile like how the average person lives by bottling their emotions and not being aware of them until they burst into anger, sadness, resentment etc...

I hope this has been helpful to people and I look forward to continuing the UMM course and manifesting my dream life :)


  • Wow, Ali! Those are amazing insights!

    I greatly appreciate you sharing your experience here so that others may benefit. They are truly wonderful epiphanies that show your growth since we've been interacting! I can't wait to see what comes next for you!

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