In just 25 days



  • Hi Harinath,

    You can read more about the quantum healing codes here:

  • Hi Jessica
    How do we get the discount when we purchase the other MP3s?
    I am listening to dna activation before bed and changing course of events on waking. I’m up to day 24. I plan to do 60 days.
    What do you suggest I do at the end of 60 days? Continue with the same meditations or try new ones?
    I also play the positive questions while washing dishes etc.
    kind regards and gratitude
  • Hi Tracy,

    The discount should automatically be applied during the checkout process. If that isn't the case, let me know so I can get my tech guy on it. (Also, if you're able, let me know if this is happening with all meditations you're trying to purchase - it may be just an isolated incidence where the code was inadvertently left off.)

    Awesome job on the meditations! To answer your question, it's completely a personal choice. I have used specific meditations for a year or two at a time because they were working so well for me. But, sometimes I feel like I want to switch it up, or find myself needing a different experience. 

    My rule of thumb, and what I always tell people, is this: If it feels like a chore, do something different. "Chores" aren't always much fun and can cause resistance. :) 

    Hope that helps!

  • Thanks Jessica! This is really helpful.
    I look forward to the DNA meditation but the changing course events has become a chore and I feel like my mind wanders and I don’t hold the vision.
    What would be your suggestion to replace this one with?
    ( and I don’t think I was logged in when I went to purchase so that may be the problem)

  • I'm so glad you identified that! Because we are all different, our preferences are different too!

    Do you have the "Manifest Miracles While You Sleep" Meditation?

    I get so many wonderful reviews about this meditation and I personally use it myself quite often. In fact, it's been my "go-to" again for the last few weeks. As a course member, you should have received this free of charge. I'm going to go into email and send it to you, in case you don't already have it. 

    Let me know what you think!
  • Hi Jessica

    Thank you so much ❤️
    I downloaded this meditation from your store just a few hours before you sent your email.
    I listened to it and loved it thank you!
    I’m excited to use it every night.
    Please see my reply email.
    Thank you for shining your light so bright.
    I am grateful our paths have intersected.

    Tracy x
  • Likewise, Tracy! I have replied to your email. :) 
  • Hi,

    The link asks me to buy this meditation and takes me to a payment page even though I am logged in and a member. I am only able to download a 1 min version of it.

    Do others have this problem?

    How can we access the meditations that are available to members?



  • Hi there,

    There are 5 meditations given within the course. You also should've received an email with a link for the one you are referencing above. I'm going to resend that to you via email now.

  • OK, thank you so much! I thought there were additional ones at YouUniverse available to members.....
    I bought one (chakras one) anyway.

    I've received the email :) thanks!

  • nice :) thanks for sharing guys :)
  • Dyuthi, 

    You're most welcome! And just so you're aware, as a member you get 25% off of all additional products you purchase from my store.  :) 


  • Hi Jessica!

    Regarding the "Manifest Miracles While You Sleep" being freely available to members on the course, are you referring to the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery course? If so, I can't recall seeing this meditation?

    Apologies if I've missed it!

  • Hi Gareth, 

    You should have received this through email - I will send it to there again!

  • Hi Jessica,

    Hope you're keeping well :)

    A question; I've been using the Manifest Miracles While You Sleep audio while falling asleep. However the Changing The Course Of Events Meditation is suggested to be used at the same time - just before sleep.

    Is it possible to do the CTCOE meditation just before bed and then continue with the MMWYS to fall asleep to, or am I better off just focussing on one for 30 days and then seeing what happens?

    Gareth :)
  • edited November 2020
    Hi Gareth,

    It's really a personal choice. They are both very effective meditations. The "Changing the Course of Events" can also be used during the day as the visualization process is very powerful. The Manifest Miracles is great for falling asleep to as there are many subliminal messages within the track. 

    You can do both if you choose. However, if that seems too daunting, choose the one that resonates most with you and use that exclusively. I always encourage people to go with what feels "right." 

    Hope that helps!

    I also saw your introduction to the tribe. Some weeks the forum is super active, and others not so much. Just wanted to say I'm happy to have you are here and admire your dedication to the processes!

  • Thanks Jessica, it helps.

    I think I'll stick with the Miracles meditation before bed as I'm someone who does not struggle to fall asleep, so not sure I'd make it very far into the less subliminal, more focussed one like the CTCOE meditation.

    I actually did it mid-morning this morning and found that I engaged more than when doing it first thing in the early morning (when there's a tendency to drift off/lose track I find).

    Thank you very much for the support too :)

  • Is this meditation in the UMM course?  where might I find it?  "Manifest Miracles-Speed Up Your Manifestations"
  • Hi Monet,

    You should have received an email with a link to the MP3 download when you signed up for the class. (It would have been my first email to you.) If you can't locate that, please email my staff and they will get it to you. 

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