Aha Moment


I had three aha moments.
This morning I was meditating and a voice called me by name as if a person was
calling me the voice was really audible. All the voice did was called my name
and I knew exactly why the voice was calling me, it was time to go to work,
this had happened to me many many years ago and now the voice has returned to
me. When I heard the voice I didn't get frighten, I said thank you thank you
and immediately went to work, when I heard the voice it was just enough time to
reach to work on time.

And the thing is that I didn’t
use any wake control technique it just happened.

Sometime in the future I
may share when was the first time I heard the voice and why I trust it when you
here this story you going to be very surprise.

With Gratitude,



  • What a wonderful experience Russell! Your commitment to this work is quite impressive and your results are so exciting!♥️
  • Yes, wonderful! Aren't "AHA" moments the best?! I would love to hear your story about this when you're ready to share it! 
  • Jessica,

     A case has been opened in my name and because of insufficient
    funds the case was closed, not knowing to me. Recently I found out that others
    have been reopened based on specific approval.

    Notwithstanding the fact that my case was closed and not
    knowing and with out specific approval the case was reopened because I continue
    to visualize talking to the person “mentally” in charge and continuously seeing
    my approval completed.

    You see these cases must be approved specifically on a case
    by case basis and my case was being worked on with out all the approvals that
    others would have to go through. I am confident that I will succeed THE VISION
    IS CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR I do not have any resistance during my visualization for
    this process.

     With Gratitude,


  • I'm inspired by your determination and commitment to create your reality deliberately! I stand with you as part of this Mastermind group!♥️
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