Creating New Beliefs



  • I love the sway test! I also like to redirect my focus completely. Try focusing only on your desires, your goals. What some call your "Definite Chief Aim." I'm learning that my desires are bigger and easier to focus upon than my old beliefs. Old beliefs are just old thoughts we have repeated to ourselves. Try to pick new, positive thoughts. It's really simple and fun when approached with humor and light heartedness. When you catch yourself telling yourself a worn out thought, that's ok! It's a wonderful opportunity to practice taking control back with new thoughts. Thoughts of self love are best. Be gentle with yourself. Never beat yourself up because you are simply in a divine process of growth. You are extensions of the Creator. You (we) are part of Source, the Allness! You are loved, worthy, and deserving of the best the Universe has to offer!♥️
  • James,

    A while ago, I remember reading somewhere that the subconscious mind does not process "negatives." Meaning if you tell it "Do not do this," what it hears is "do this." I don't know if this is true but just to be on the safe side, whenever phrasing a new belief I am careful to word it in the positive, avoid words like "not."

  • Hello all.  I just started the coaching course.  I read the day 4 about beliefs part 2, now day 5 to 7 is suppose to be to identify my beliefs and then choose a new belief.  I am challenged in getting myself started.  Do I just randomly write down what I think I believe?  Is there some type of structure that can guide me through this process that will be more effective?? help please

  • Shelia, I read through this thread, I watched the video you mentioned on Feb 11, How to reprogram a belief in 5 minutes.  Is there a way one can do the first step by themselves?  My wife thinks what I am into is woo woo.  I have tried muscle testing over the years, with pendulum and fingers - it appears to me I can control the answer. 

  • I like the sway test because you can do it alone. Play with it. Be easy. Let me know.♥️
  • Hey john,

    Part of this process is about discovery... a few quick tips to help about limiting beliefs.. if you take about 5-10 minutes you can sit and write out any limiting beliefs that you have about anything in your life... and then write out the ones specific to your goal as well. As you go through the course and the 21 day belief exercise you will continue to discover more and continue to grow in your trust of yourself and the universe. It’s a beautiful process and is always evolving !

  • One thing I found is that while reciting a new belief to install it, I sometime alter the words. What I initially started with become more refined and specific. The think specificity it important when changing a belief. I've had amazing affects on my life by getting very specific about each belief. This has meant I sometimes have to install several new beliefs in certain area of my life, but the impact is profound.

  • Okay Charles! It sounds like you have discovered a method for using the tools that really works for you. That is wonderful! In addition, I want to share with you a discovery that has been very powerful for me. It's so simple also! I call it "see what shows up." I have learned that my emotions tell me everything I need to know regarding old, disempowering beliefs. I know that when I find myself reacting to something instead of responding, I am in the presence of an activated belief. Sometimes the reaction shows me an empowering belief. For example, a burst of happiness or joy is brought on by an empowering belief like "life is wonderful, life is fun." However when I become aware of a negative reaction, a disempowering belief is present. I have found this to be a terrific way to gather data regarding my progress. I hope you have fun with that! Remember, life is suppose to be fun!♥️
  • Hi Charles,

    I am so inspired by your posts.

    Which technique are you using to instil your new beliefs? Is it the one with your legs and arms crossed?

    Kind Regards,
  • Shelia,
    I do a similar thing. I try to be very aware of my emotional reactions and self-talk in response to things, and that often reveals beliefs to me. I often make notes to myself to revisit them later, if I'm not in a place where I can immediately address them. 
  • Tracy,
    It makes me happy to know my experiences inspire you! Thank you for letting me know!

     Yes, that's the methods that works best for me, and which I've seen the most dramatic results. I find it really important to use the sway test before and after to make sure a new belief has taken hold. I've had a few that took several tries because the negative opposite was so deeply ingrained.

    Another thing I found is that there are often overlapping beliefs around an issue, and many specific ones pop up as you go, like peeling an onion. For example, I began with a lot of general things like confidence and belief in my own abilities, and saw massive changes immediately. But yesterday, because I paid attention to my emotional response to a youtube video, I realized I still didn't feel I deserved success in a specific area of my life. So I set aside time to install the belief that I do. 

    Its a process I return to over and over, each time with more and more specific focus. 
  • I'm glad to hear you are writing things down that "show up." I find that to be very helpful. It seems to make the progress more noticeable. And remember, we always want to affirm and celebrate our progress!♥️
  • Thank you Charles. I appreciate your help. I look forward to applying this too.
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