Meeting like-minded people

edited February 2020 in Relationships
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. I am wondering if anyone can share any tips/suggestions or 
success stories on how to make new friends who are like-minded and into metaphysics / raising consciousness,
going for what they want in life, etc. 

I've been into metaphysics, manifestation, spirituality for the last few years, and have one or two friends who share common interests,
but not many. I also have a toddler (who is amazing and fun), so that keeps me a bit busy. 

I am considering moving to a new place (currently in Arizona) - am wondering if anyone has suggestions on cities/
areas with a higher than average number of people interested in consciousness/exiting the matrix/seeking/spirituality etc?
I actually met a number of people like that when I visited LA, but I think that's out because it's very crowded and less
family friendly (imo).

Thank you so much for reading!


  • I'm sure we can all relate to that desire Pearl! We want to be around people and have friends who share our passions. What I have come to know on my journey is that life really is all about attraction. If I'm looking for something I want, then I am focusing my energy in the direction of lack. What I am saying to Infinite Intelligence is, "Hey, bring me some more of what I lack, more of what I don't have!" If I where in your slippers I would start practicing feeling as if the wonderful friends where already there. I would spend time imagining what my life would feel like with these wonderful friends. I would focus on the couple of good friends I already have in the physical. I would write lists of gratitudes. I would find all kinds of things that would put me in the vibration that allows me to attract into my physical life what I want. I know for sure, for sure, that where I physically go, I take my vibrational offering with me. What happens is that I end up creating the same experience in a new location. As a mother, I know the joy of great love. Sometimes I use the love I have for my son as a starting point. From there I can pump it up as much as I want. THEN, the path lights up under my feet. I attract all kinds of amazing components that help me manifast my desires. I'll find myself inspired toward right action! I will be in the right place at the right time surrounded by the right people! I hope this gives you clarity and helps you on your journey. You are much loved.♥️
  • Thank you Sheila! That makes a lot of sense. I appreciate your thoughtful response.
  • I completely love everything Sheila suggested! Great and wonderful techniques to definitely practice! 

    In addition to what Sheila suggested you may also want to checkout It's a great resource that is free to join and you can literally search for any interest you may have and see what local gatherings are happening in the surrounding area. Example- if you want to find like minded people, search for meetup groups about your interests. There is literally EVERYTHING on there- writing, yoga, spiritual, knitting, law of attraction, golf, etc.

    There are TONS of spirituals groups all over the US as well as hobbies and interest groups. Most groups are free or charge a nominal fee. I have had tons of clients explore and have success with this website. It's not dating - it's literally just a place to see in your area (or any area in the US) what groups are around... you can see who attended the meetings and how often these meet ups are happening as well as amount of members. 

    If you check it out, please keep in mind to always make your safety a priority when meeting anyone, anywhere off line. But I think it's certainly worth checking out!
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