Brain Syncing

So it's funny this topic is even in the course, b/c I only learned how we aren't full human beings if we don't use both parts of our brain last year from Mark Passio. It was under a different context of course, but it made sense to me then.


1. Why isn't the brain synced after age 7? Is that due to parents & society trying to control us?

2. Hemisync - is this the Brain Gym?

3. As I mentioned in another thread, I have serious brain issues which I'm pretty sure is due to mold toxicity, mercury poisoning or both. Could be aluminum too. They all affect the brain. (Note: my guesstimate is that at least 75% of the population has serious brain issues, but most don't admit this to themselves, or they never valued their brain to begin with as intelligence is looked down upon in society unfortunately. I find moldies are at least honest about it. I'm telling you this b/c it's a serious empidemic.)

These are toxic heavy metals & mold is an organic organism that has been made stronger by EFMs, so I doubt this would work, but have you heard of this fixing different types of brain issues? I know the brain gym helps with LD problems, but IMO, that's not quite the same brain issues.

Thanks, & have a good one.


  • Interesting questions Michelle. Let me start with the second one. Hemisync and Brain Gym are similar in that they both are designed to help create or increase learning. They share many psyoch-k techniques. Hemisync is designed to more easily reprogram your subconscious mind. It helps us use our whole brains to impress the subconscious mind with our desired program. Brain Gym, as I understand it, is a program designed to integrate learning strategies for the purpose of learning a task such as reading or memorizing.

    Now to question #1. Ours brains are incredible machines that have been evolving for infinity. In our current state of evolution, one brain (the sync) would not be best to insure our survival as a species. However, the sync is the best state for reprograming our disempowering beliefs. Our old programs came from messages we interpreted in childhood. But as for why the brain organizes into it's hemispheres: its just biology!

    Good news on question #3. We now know that the brain can be pruned and grown anew. Neuroplasticity is an amazing field of study. We can create new neuro-pathways and networks. We do this by changing our thoughts, our beliefs, even our physical states and daily habits. I am right handed. I trained myself to brush my teeth with my left hand. I got new brain "stuff" from that simple change.

    My advice to all of us: take it ease, have fun with it, focus your thoughts on what you want to create, remember at the end of the day, it's all energy. Flow your energy in the direction of healing, abundance, solutions. Avoid focusing on unwanted things. Have fun in your creative process!♥️
  • Once again, I couldn't have answered this better myself! Great and informative reply, Shelia!
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