Question - When something happens that challenges your goal(s)


Thank you for all the questions and answers on this forum. They have been very helpful.

Could you please give some guidance around how to best handle situations, your thoughts, or conversations with others, etc that may trigger any doubt in the new subconscious beliefs that your goal is done?

For example, if you're focusing on starting a new business and making a certain amount of money, but you have a conversation with someone close to you who talks about how all the money is made by large, existing businesses or other lack/fear type commentary - what is the best thing to do? Or if you just get into doubt thoughts in your head?

Is it best to treat it like a passing thing and don't pay attention to it? Or is it better to meditate and look for a past memory in the subconscious and go back and emotionally clear it (like with the Release Past Limiting Decisions meditation) or revise the memory? Or is it a sign to do more reprogramming with the new belief that you want?

thank you so much!


  • You know Pearl, we have no control over other people. I do believe that everyone on this planet is doing the best they can. In situations like you described I have to choose me. It's the most selfless thing I can do for those I love and for mass consciousness. If I can't maintain my alignment in a situation or around a certain person, then I have some choices to make. I am very protective about what goes into my subconscious mind. My environment is extremely important. I know for sure that the more work we do on developing ourselves, the more our external world changes. I have been known to go to the bathroom 15 times during one family dinner!
  • There was more to my answer put I guess I hit post before it was saved. Boo! I can't get it back just now. My mind is a stream that flows. I can't paddle back...♥️
  • Hi Pearl,

    I have been there many times myself where people in my life with "good intentions" share their limiting beliefs with me. 

    For me I  learned to not judge what they are saying to me because they are coming from a limited belief system so they only say what they believe BUT I have the choice to either reject their feedback or accept it as my truth.  If it is not in alignment with my beliefs then I always choose to reject.

    I also know that the people in our lives are simply messengers of our beliefs and even when we are starting to reprogram our mind... some old energy will still be in my current reality (temporarily) so I once again just observe it and decide that this irrelevant as it's simply just remnants from my old beliefs. I will then redirect my thoughts back to what I want or visualize the future memory I installed (like you did in this course)  and connect to that beautiful feeling of that future memory.

    In the case of someone that has limiting beliefs, and I am around them a lot, I have to kindly let them know that I prefer to focus on abundance, success , solutions and favorable outcomes and thank them in advance for not sharing their limited perspective with me. That usually works! 

    Sometimes we may have to distance ourselves from people if they are always in a negative and limited mindset as protecting what messages you saturate your mind are super important. 
  • Beautifully said Kim!♥️
  • Thank you both so much.

    That makes sense to have that balance of setting boundaries and knowing that they can be a reflection sometimes. So at the start of programming, they may "throw you off" more.
    But at the same time, it may be best to limit time around certain people. 

    Would you say that once one's mind is completely re-programmed and free of the limiting belief,
    we wouldn't notice or be bothered by other people's limited beliefs? Have you found this to be the case?

    thank you
  • Hi Pearl-

    You are absolutely correct! The more you advance in this process of reprogramming your mind, you will be less and less bothered by others limiting beliefs. You will become a protector of your energy and mind (as Sheila highlighted) and simply just not really pay attention to someone else's limitations and/or hang around people who don't share the same beliefs- you will be sensitive to their lower frequency energy and most likely NOT want to be around it.  

    I have also found that the more secure and confident you are in YOUR beliefs- you just won't pay much attention to other beliefs that aren't in alignment. I also have noticed that I actually experience very minimal interactions of people having limiting beliefs in my personal reality because I AM my new belief system. So the more anchored and the more we become what we believe (energetically) the less the opposite will reside in our 3D experience. Does that make sense? 
  • Hi Kim,

    That makes a lot of sense, thank you for the explanation. 
    I agree with you about being sensitive to lower frequency energy and choosing not to be around it.
    I've shifted a number of friend relationships but what gets me is family :)

    have a great weekend!
  • Wonderful Pearl! You have a great weekend as well!  :)
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