Met a Match

edited February 2020 in Relationships
I have been single for about 7 months now. My last relationship was with a wonderful man who wasn't financially stable. He and I shared the same love languages, he's educated, he's a great father, he's funny, and he was also extremely reliable...however part of being emotionally available is having time to dedicate to a partner and finances to support that. I was often times left with the bill after dates. So I broke it off. I was quite sad for a while and took a very long break from the dating scene.

Since doing some major work on myself through exercises here in the Tribe and meditating daily with the available MP3s, I resurrected an old dating profile as I felt ready to try again. Something inside of me said "cast your net wider Shaera and give all polite men a chance with, at the very least, a meet to share a drink." Well, the fella I've been engaging with for the last month (5 dates) has everything I desire in a mate. He is however the complete opposite of what I used to find attractive from facial features and ethnicity to height and build. I mean...I wouldn't have even read his first message based on his profile image (shallow and limiting for sure) before engaging in all this work.

I truly believe I drew him to myself and manifested our first encounter with the help of the meditations I've been engaging in for almost 2 months straight now. Manifest Miracles has several suggestions in regard to love and relationships. And by acting on intuition--gut feelings--I've found myself quite happy spending time with him.

Oh, best part: he showed me his credit score which is excellent and he makes himself available throughout the week despite full time work plus studies. Those two were must haves. Thank You Universe!!! Thank You Jessica!!!


  • Ahhh how exciting! It’s so wonderful to hear about all this beautiful inner growth and how you’re experiencing your 3D reality conforming! Love it! Happy dating
  • Kim! It's so wonderful. You're right...things are materializing due to the work. You & our other Tribe leaders are the biggest support. Your words of affirmation keep me working! Thank you for your well wishes.

    I'm going to keep up with Manifest Miracles--Speed up your manifestations & Affirmations to Build, Creative Confidence, Self-worth, and Inner Power.

    Are there any other meditation MP3s in the store that I can engage in to grow & maintain this new relationship?
  • Hi Shaera! 

    How awesome is that?! I love how you expressed casting your net wider! Sometimes, that makes all the difference in the world! (We never know unless we try, right?)

    I haven't produced a meditation specifically for relationships as of yet. However, I have tons of requests for this, so it might be my next one! I'll let you know! :) 

  • Jessica, it really is awesome! Yes, my gut told me to and I followed it which is what this work encourages us to do.

    Ok, great to hear. I appreciate you considering the request.
  • edited March 2020
    Isn't it wonderful when Jessica does sneak out of her studio to consider a request! Even though I have to say that I also love knowing she's answering the call of Source and pumping out more content packed videos. I learn so much from her, Shaera. Just like you do! I can't wait to hear how fantastic your new relationship unfolds! You are sowing some serious seeds. Your harvest is going to be amazing!♥️
  • Shelia, ditto. It's awesome knowing even with all the content she's created she's considering requests. Thanks! I'll try to update in 30 days as I will have engaged in Manifest Miracles for 90 days & Creative Confidence about 60 days :)
  • I'm looking forward to your update!♥️

    Shaera where do I find "Manifest Miracles has several suggestions in regard to love and relationships..... "
  • I too am very interested in hearing more about your Manifest Miracles experience!♥️
  • Jessica,

    Have you created a meditation specifically for relationships?
  • Hi Mark,

    Although many of my meditations are created for general use (whatever a person is trying to manifest), I do have one meditation with affirmations specifically for this that people report great success with. Here it is in my store:  (This is an 8 hour track for sleeping or listening to in the background during your daily routine.) 

    You can also listen to a shortened version here on YouTube:

    Let us know how it works for you!

  • Hi. That is a great story. I am attempting through this program to manifest the next great love in my life as well. Any other tip? I have been single for about 6 months now and was very heartbroken after my last relationship. Thanks.
  • Hi Garett,

    I'm so sorry to hear you were heartbroken. I know that feeling from my past and it is not one that I choose to experience again. 

    What I realized on my journey when this happened in my life is that I was putting a lot of emphasis on outer circumstances and people to bring me joy and happiness. I now know, without doubt, that the outer world reflects back to me what I think, feel and believe about myself and how the world treats me. This is going to sound very cliche, but it is true: When you start to give yourself love, joy and attention from a genuine space, you will see that show up from others. 

    It sounds as though this time and space has been given to you for just this. And although that may not be what you want to hear/read in this moment, I can tell you with certainty that if you do that inner work you are going to look back from a space of complete self-confidence, self-love and self-assuredness and realize just how irresistible and magnetic you have become to positive experiences and positive people. I would begin by implementing the processes in the course daily. Choose one or two things there that "speak" to you and then decide that you are worth using them to create this change within. 

    I'd also begin affirming a new story to yourself daily until you begin to see some shifts. (I'll leave some affirmations below for this, and I also have an affirmation video for just this coming out next week.). What you'll notice after some consistency - and this could be a few hours or a few weeks, as everyone is different - is that some small evidences of your affirming is beginning to show up for you. For me, it would be something like a random person coming up to me and telling me I had a pretty smile, or that I lit up the room. Pay attention and watch for the signs as proof that your inner work is beginning to spill over into your outer world. That's really a very fun part of manifesting, in my opinion!

    Affirmations to use daily:

    I am learning to love myself fully
    I deserve love on all levels
    I am worthy of having a loving, committed relationship
    I am beginning to love myself deeply and others reflect that back to me
    I embody joy and happiness
    I am always enough
    I am strong and confident
    The more amazing I feel about myself, the more amazing experiences show up in my life
    I am creating the new story of my life where I am fully loved by me
    My path is one of greatness
    I am worthy of happiness
    Any person would be lucky to be with me because I am just so amazing
    Today, I begin creating new, positive habits in my life
    I am dedicated to loving me
    I am beginning to understand just how valuable I am
    I am important
    From this point forward, I give love to myself
    I am spending time doing what makes me happy
    I love who I am, inside and out
    My confidence in myself grows stronger and stronger each and every day
    My love for myself becomes so full that it begins to spill out to others

    One of the key components of getting what you want is treating yourself the way you want to be treated. I know this to be true in my own life and I have seen it thousands of times over with my clients. Feel free to add your own affirmations to this list, or change them around a bit, to fit your specific desires. And don't worry if they don't feel true to you at first. Keep persisting with them until you find yourself naturally thinking them without any effort. This is when you will know that you're new story is sinking into your subconscious mind!

    I'd love to hear the evidence that begins to show up for you once you start implementing this into your life! Please keep me posted on your progress with this because I already see you as succeeding in my mind! :)

  • Hi Garett! I'm a student in the UMM course and just wanted to say keep the faith brother! Dr. Jessica and this program is the most amazing and transformative process that I've ever come across, just keep following her advice. I am also in your shoes relationship wise and I know you can do it! 

    These affirmations are incredible and just what I needed as well! Cheers!

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