Hello Friends

I am Miriam and I'm an entrepreneur with a business that is starting to take off. I have goals to meet this year but I still get anxious thinking about not achieving them. I'm new to all of this an am in the process of unlearning many years of ignorance in order to manifest the desires of my heart. I've had successful moments and events where the manifestation happened fairly quickly but I still get anxious in the waiting for the next goal to manifest. I'm still going through the course but would like to introduce myself to the group and obtain any advise you can offer. 


  • My best advise Miriam is to make this work a priority. Stay consistent with your practice. Don't skip any days in studying the course. If you do those things, you will be amazed at how fast your desires and successes flow effortlessly into your life.♥️
  • Hi Shelia, 
    Thank you for responding and obviously I have not done what you suggested. 
    I really need help right now. 
    I am by nature a very optimistic person but right now, I feel like every relationship I have is crashing in! 
    I'm woke! 
    I see lies everywhere! 
    I'm changing and the people around me don't like it. 
    I feel alone. 
    My daughter and I love each other very much but she's always been "my Mother" and now just today we had an another argument as she is in the hospital after delivering her second baby yesterday. 
    I feel devastated at all of the misunderstandings and miscommunications with her....often, especially on memorable days.
    I just don't feel like doing anything right now but disappearing. 
    My husband is also struggling at all of my changes and we aren't as connected as we used to be. 
    I'm sorry to sound so helpless right now, but I don't know where to go nor what to do today. 
    I'm unplugging from everyone and everything for the rest of the day and thought I'd reach out for your advise. 

  • When we begin doing this work it can certainly upset the apple cart. If those around us aren't doing similar work they will often feel unsettled by the change. Change is scary for some. In your post you spoke mostly about how others feel about your changes and about how you feel about how they feel. The question for you to ask yourself is, "How do I feel about me?" The problem is never, yes I did say never, on the outside of us. The experiences we label as problems are indicators of our belief systems, our thoughts and our perspectives. Sometimes we need outside help to unravel the theater of our relationships (a therapist or clinical coach). As you continue to grow consciously your relationships will take on new dynamics. The tools in this course help us to see the new dynamics as opportunities instead of problems.

    I hope this was helpful Miriam ♥️
  • Miriam, this picked me up instantly when I felt down, I hope it helps you too..

    500 x 666 - 33K
  • Hi Miriam!

    Doesn't Shelia give the most eloquent of answers?! I love what she said!

    In reference to what she said about our relationships taking on new dynamics, I believe this happens to most people who embark on a personal transformation. Part of what you're going through can feel very exciting and sometimes overwhelming. And when trying to share that with others who haven't experienced the same, it may cause them to pause or not understand where you are coming from. When this happens, I like to remember that the work we are doing is within ourselves. What is going on "externally" will catch up with that. 

    This is a great time for some inner reflection for you. In the moments in my own life where I felt as though things were falling apart, I've always come out of them realizing that something else better came into being because of that. I like to think of it like this: If you were to remodel your home, you would need to break down some of the old stuff in order to create room for the newer, better version. The "remodeling" part doesn't always seem like that much fun, but the end result makes it all worth it. And you can rest in knowing that the better version is being created. 

    The work here, and my advice to you would be, it's not necessary to convince others to agree with your beliefs. In fact, you don't even have to share them with others if you don't want to. Someone very wise once said, "The secret of the universe is minding your own business." Meaning, you can gently allow others to feel and act as they do so you are able to honor their learning and growth experiences, honor your personal growth and reduce resistance in your own life. Everyone has their own path and they are exactly where they need to be at any given moment. I would invite you to allow that. 

    I can assure you that you are not alone! This tribe is here to support you!! 

    And thank you, Wafa, for that beautiful post!

  • Dear, Sheila, Wafa, and Jessica!

    Thank you for taking the time to share your love and wisdom with me. 
    Each one of you spoke exactly what I needed to hear. 

    Excellent and very helpful advice. I get it. 
    Yes! I feel good about me! I like who I Am and know that I AM becoming who I already AM. 
    The best is yet to come! 

    It was a rough day, but all is well. 

    I am loving this community. 

    Thank you! 
  • You are welcome Miriam. You matter greatly and your progress is a joy to be part of.♥️
  • So happy to have you here and offer words of support! (We all need that on occasion.)

    We have an amazing community of people here! :) 
  • paraphrase a bible story. . . . .

    "Why am I in this valley ?  There is a GIANT that needs to be defeated !"
  • My interpretation:

    "I am in this valley. What thought or belief needs to be changed?"

    Shelia ♥️
  • I was touched by your message Miriam. I too am starting a new business and
    I am a complete novice. This course is helping me gain confidence and
    I hope, like you, to see the steps forward towards my success.

    To our success!
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