
Can you attract a spouse back? Also when programming a new belief can we do multiple affirmations or done one at a time. Fingers touching says several mintues. So 7 or would 3 big sufficient. The bonus mp3 affirmations should we do them the same crossing arms and legs. And can we close our eyes of is it better to gaze like it says. Sorry about all the questions.


  • Hey Santiago,

    We can manifest anything we desire if we are in alignment with it. When it comes to an ex , the best thing to do is focus on YOU. Your value and worthiness and self love. That way when you are creating a reality where you have the type of relationship you desire, you will be the version of you to receive that. Most people who strive to manifest their ex back continue to seek and want the reassurance of having them back for validation of worthiness rather than seeking their validation from within themselves. This keeps them in the lack state and not in alignment with what they want. As for the other questions, there is no right or wrong. Always do what feels best and most natural for yourself.
  • Great answer Kim. My first thought was, "Why would I want an ex back? Do I believe that there is no one else for me? Do I believe that I'm not worthy of more or better? Do I really desire someone I left or who left me?"

    The desire generates deep self examination. What is going on within me that I'm still looking backwards.

    Lots of things to ponder!♥️
  • should I envision her returning or already being back?
  • Focus on you and feeling loved and valued.
  • Hello Santiago,

    I just joined and I am also trying to attract my ex back.  Have you had success?
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