
Hi, I’m somewhat new to the Law of Attraction and manifesting. I’m wondering, what exactly about beliefs have to do to help us manifest our desires? I’m currently manifesting a relationship and what should my beliefs be?


  • Beliefs are huge in becoming deliberate in our manifestations. Here's why. The Law of Attraction falls under a primary law called The Law of Vibration. It states that like attracts like; that all vibrational frequencies are matched up via the Law of Attraction. Thoughts are vibrational. They are energy. The energy of thought transmutes into emotion and together they become a signal that is then broadcast into the ether, the Universe. The signal is received by the Law of Attraction which begins matching that signal with it's like. So a thought and feeling of, "I can't do this" or "I'm tired," bring to themselves more of "I can't do this" or "I'm tired." We can see how important the thoughts we think are right!

    So where do these thoughts come from? They are directly linked to our belief systems. In order to have access to new unlimited (empowering) thoughts, we must change any old limited (disempowering) beliefs we hold. Thoughts are generated via our subconscious mind which houses our belief systems. If I believe I am not good enough then my thoughts will reflect this belief and I will have feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, etc. I will be self critical, judgemental, arrogant, or even self destructive. I must change the belief so that I have access to the new thoughts organically. Remember, what I put out energetically, I get back. As I think, so am I.

    In manifesting a relationship, I want to think thoughts of joy, love, excitement, passion. I want to imagine my lover next to me. I want to feel the goodness of all that. When a negative feeling shows up that is an indicator that a negative belief is activated which is producing a negative thought. Become aware of thoughts that have words like never, can't, won't, shouldn't, always, everybody, nobody, etc. in them. Disempowering beliefs like to hide in those thoughts.

    I hope this helps you to understand the importance of changing old beliefs. You are going to be amazed! ♥️
  • I couldn't have said this any better myself! 

    The mind will always search out what it believes to be true so that it can validate it. It wants its beliefs to be true and will look for evidence of such as proof. What we believe, we see and create. If you can adjust your belief systems, you can adjust your experience! :) 
  • Hello Caleb,

    I just joined and I was wondering if you were successful in finding a relationship?
  • This is my issue. How do i change my beliefs? It only lasts temporarily.
  • Good to have you back Nicole! It is good to remember that beliefs are just thoughts that we have internalized through repetition. Said another way, beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking. Deep seated beliefs were internalized unconsciously as children. They also arise from the collective unconscious. Here are the ways we change beliefs that no longer serve us:

    1. Affirmations and constant self-talk. Listen to what your mind is saying to you. Talk back to that mind. Say, "No! I believe that I am worthy" or loved or deserving or abundant or successful... Place written affirmations all over your environment to help you. Wear a rubber band on your wrist, put a sticker on your rearview mirror, write list of positive aspects of yourself and life daily. Be as creative as possible and always, always have fun with it. If it feels like chore, you will only attract to you more things that feel like chores. Fun is essential!

    2. Subconscious reprogramming audios. This is the easiest way ever. Jessica has tons of wonderful reprogramming audios. Find ones that speak to you. Commitment is key here. You must listen regularly. I recommend a minimum of one session per day, preferably at night before retiring.

    3. Quiet your mind through meditation. Meditation is an absolute essential key. We must train ourselves to be still. The mind hates this and will resist initially. It will tell you all kind of reasons why you can't meditate. By meditating we connect to our true, infinite selves. Meditation allows us to detach from the ego. The authentic, true self is without negative beliefs. We must come to experience that Presence as our true self. Meditation and mindfulness are the way to get there.

    These tools practiced as a way of life will transform your life. Another key: Practice, practice, practice, practice. You will feel the change and then the change will show up in your life!

    I hope this helped! You are much loved! ♥️
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