
Hi There!

My name is Surina and I am thrilled to be here. I've immersed myself in the self-help/spiritual path for a little over three years now after having gone through depression/anxiety for several years without knowing I had it. Instead of taking pills I tried this path instead and it's been a crazy ride! Lot of good has come out of it but lot of chaos as well and so I'm using these tools/this space to help refine the work I've already done and really fine tune what's been going on with me so I can heal my mind and body and manifest my dream life. Im excited for the journey and for the support. Thanks so much!


  • Welcome aboard, Surina! 

    I love your dedication and the fact that you're choosing to incorporate a holistic route in your personal transformation! 

    We have a lots of wonderful and supportive people in this forum. I think you'll find the different threads to be very beneficial! 

    Let us know if you have any questions! 

    -Jessica :) 
  • Thank you so much!!
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