
I was doing the technique of installing a new belief in 5 minutes. Is it normal to feel discomfort on your body? For me I felt a really bad itch, my eyes being sore, and felt discomfort in my back. After awhile it did stop and when I stopped doing the technique it all went away. I also could hear my subconscious saying that the new belief I was installing wasn’t true and “We don’t like this” and noticing it go away was pretty neat. But is it normal to feel bodily discomfort?


  • Yes Caleb that happens sometimes and I'll tell you why. Beliefs are thoughts that have been repeated repeatedly. Beliefs are thoughts we keep telling ourselves. Now emotions are a product of thought. Our thoughts create our emotions. Emotions are a bodily sensation. They are biochemical. Thoughts are electrical, they fire via the neurons causing a chemical reaction. That chemical reaction occurs in the body. So when we begin installing new beliefs (new thoughts) our deeply embedded old beliefs try to resist. This resistance causes body sensations of all types because the opposing thoughts are firing in rapid sequence. Not all people have that experience but some do. Do not be worried.

    Here's what I suggest to folks. First be gentle with yourself. If a particular practice starts feeling uncomfortable, take a break from it. If it's uncomfortable but in a good way, then flow with it. Secondly, take a look at the new belief and determine whether or not it's too specific. Sometimes we have to go more general first. For instance, if I try instilling a belief like, "I am beautiful and prosperous," and the old belief is, "I'm not enough and I'm not deserving," then I need to start where I am. We need to start with, "I am deserving," "I am enough," "I am a spiritual being first and foremost," " I am worthy because I am an extension of the Divine." Stuff like that.

    I hope that was helpful. My name is Shelia and I am a moderator on this forum.I work for Jessica and for you. Keep me posted!♥️
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