The Feedback Loops

The first 2 videos of "Ramping your behavior"  couldn't have come in a better time, as if you were reading my mind Jessica!  
Not that I have stopped or given up on the processes or meditations; I just felt a bit down and out of energy in last 3 days.
 I still kept my daily ritual in the morning which consists of 1-2 meditations, going through with the process from the 30 day manifestation that we learn in the first section including saying what I'm grateful for every day then looking at pictures that represent my desired goal, then talking to my subconscious mind - I had an alarm on my phone to remind me 3 times a day :=)  At night I do 2 meditations as well.  However, I didn't continue with the course as I've been doing on a daily basis, I kept thinking I'll do it after I finish this or that... then I just watched the first 2 videos and I feel like you've been watching me :))   Now that I understand it's a mind game and what the consequences would be I got more motivated, I am declaring victory over my brain from this moment, won't let it go back to old program!  
I have a question here- I have observed that during my mediations in last 3 days that since I'm doing the same guided mediations the process is becoming more predictable. What I mean is that for example I know exactly when you will say to imagine a bright white light... I do that, and I see my self being propelled through it and into my dream before you even say it !  Same thing with the DNA meditation and imagining going in an elevator etc. before you mention it.  is this something expected or did anyone else feel or go through the same thing? 
Another observation, is that a few times I found it harder to "feel" the emotions of me accomplishing my desired dream or manifesting my goal. I force myself to get into that mood or feeling, but it's becoming too familiar and that scene of me getting excited is waring off. what do you recommend I should do? 


  • Hi Wafa!

    You're doing such a fantastic job! If you feel you need a little break here and there, be easy with yourself about that. It could be that your creative machine is processing all of the work you have already accomplished. Although I do agree with you about getting back to it when you feel you're able.

    To answer your questions, it sounds as though your brain is already creating the habit of moving into the space that the meditations allow for well before you get to that point. This is a new habit! Repetition and dedication is what creates that. See how quickly it took the instructions? 

    I have personally experienced what you're referring to with the excitement not being at it's fullest height after so many repetitions. When this happens, a simple tip is to ask yourself, "Why do I want this thing in my life?" "What was my original reason that prompted this desire?" And "How would it feel if I had this thing in my life?" You want to get back to the space that prompted you to create it in the first place. We "want" things because of how we think they will make us feel. 

    If the meditations are evoking that response, just try a little creative visualization without them to remember what it is that provoked your desire. And let your mind flow into that happy space again without trying to force it too much. Then recapture that emotional response from there. 

    I hope this answers your question! The journey is meant to be fun, so keep giving your brain the instructions of your desire, but don't let the practice of getting there muddle that. Keep it light and enjoy your desires for what they mean to you -- that's why you want to create them in your life!

  • thank you so much Jessica, indeed your suggestion worked! I feel the same excitement and emotions when I meditate and visualize my goal. 

    Now, in the creating quantum feedback loop mediation, what I have experiences was strange. As soon as the meditation started and began to relax, I immediately felt "high"?? I don't know if that's the right description, I felt this only once and I posted it in another thread, I felt my head pulsating around my temples and forehead, my heart was beating fast, but this feeling didn't last and I don't even know what triggered this feeling of excitement because I had just started to relax.  I tried to make this moment last but it was out of my control. 
    My question is how can I "feel" my energetic field or a new quantum feedback loop? I tried visualizing but not able to get to that point..

  • Hi Wafa,

    This just takes a little practice. My suggestion would be to not "try" so hard, but just allow. We can use our minds gently to reach emotional states that cause these feelings. When you fully understand that you are connected to all of this energy, you can begin to reach into those powerful, positive states at will. It's only that we are not often taught to do this and we get caught up in the external. But all of the fun really starts within. And once you can train yourself to do this, through practice and repetition, the outer world will adjust accordingly.

    Just be gentle with yourself and remain dedicated. You've already reached that "high," so you know you have the ability to do it. Believe in that! :)

  • I'd like to add: Reach for states that you know that you can easily access that feel good to you. Start with what is already working for you and then build upon that. In other words, what makes you happy when you think of it? Look for the easy things first. 
  • Thank you Jessica, you're right, I think sometimes I'm just trying too hard. 
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