Update, and some questions

Now that I'm done with the "Redesigning Your Environment"  and even some parts of the bonus material section, I have started to realize the difference in myself and in somethings in my environment. For example, last week I had 4 signs that I'm on the right track to my manifesting, or at least I would like to call them signs.  

I know that my dream goal will take time to manifest, and realistically I don't see it happening this year and that's ok with me. 
Here are my questions though:

  • I do have the determination and motivation to follow through to manifest my desire and big gaol, but since I know it might take time to manifest what will happen if I don't follow the same processes on daily basis as I am doing now? especially the daily meditation part. Will that cause me to fall off the wagon? 

  • In reference to designing the physical environment, I'm doing very well with clearing the negative clutter and distractions; phone, internet, news/TV (haven't watched TV in 12 yrs, well.. only NFL), however, how can I control staying away from negative people? especially when they surround you at work or home? they may not be "negative" people per say, but when they say negative things or say anything in a negative way-and words are powerful as we learned- that may cause having a negative energy and vibrations around them, and ultimately around me.. How can I deal with this?

  • Is it acceptable to talk about or reveal what the goal that one is trying to manifest?  it's inevitable when I have visual boards and notes all over walls at home and work :)) I try to elude the question, what's your thought on that? 

  • As I was learning about the quantum field and how to imagine or feel it I found that for some people it was easy for them to do it and feel it while others still have difficulty. Is it a requirement to manifesting your dream that you need to feel the quantum field and have those elevated energies and emotions? so one can't manifest their dreams unless they experience the quantum? 

  • in the beginning of the course we try to uninstall old programs and beliefs, so I had list of things to do and say to the creative machine, things I got from the course and other I got from the Your Youniverse youtube channel. things like "I'm easily and effortlessly changing old beliefs that block my success" etc.. then goes to part 2 where I'm trying to install the new beliefs.  

  • If we now believe that we have a new program installed, do we still have to repeat the same process, or proceeds with new affirmations? 

by the way, what's your thought on this...suddenly, and I don't know when or how my goal kind of changed, or split into 2 during my meditation and I find myself asking or trying to manifest both at same time.. :))  and Jessica, it's not the side dish I was referring to! haha, that's another project all together, which I don't want to risk trying to manifest till I get my big dream! 


  • Hi Wafa,

    There's really nothing "realistic" about intentional manifestation. It's all quite magical. :) 

    I encourage you to work daily with what feels "right" for you. But this sometimes means pushing yourself past an old habit that isn't serving your highest choices for your life. You don't have to follow all of the processes. However, do something intentional towards your goal each day! 

    For your question about negative people: When you begin to ignore this behavior, you will notice that it starts to fall away. You can observe it without putting any energy into it. Or, you can imagine sending healing light to another person when this happens. Or, envision them talking and acting in a more positive way. It's an opportunity for revision. Try that and see how it works for you! 

    In regards to revealing your goal: I often like to keep my "big" goals to myself. Yes, people will see your vision boards and notes if you have them up everywhere, lol. You don't have to go into a lengthy explanation with anyone. You can simply say, "I have found a lot of power in positive thinking and visualization. This keeps me on track with that." 

    Next question...You're connected to that quantum field...always! Keep this simple without trying to overthink it too much. It's as easy as finding things that make you feel joyful and happy. When you're actively looking for those things, you are connected to those higher energies.

    If you believe you have a new program installed, your outer world will begin to reflect that back to you. And when that happens, we can use those positive experiences to begin reinforcing those beliefs even more. It's a great idea to keep affirming to yourself, continue meditating and actively looking for positive signs. I do these things daily. It becomes a lifestyle. You don't have to create a chore out of it. However, living as an intentional manifestor is what keeps those good things coming!

    My thoughts on your last statement: Isn't that fun? That's your creative machine working for you! Enjoy those creative juices that are flowing!

    Awesome job on moving through the course so quickly! Keep referring back to those processes. Like I just said...this is a lifestyle. You are powerful and you are proving that to yourself! :)


  • Wow Jessica! Thank you for that detailed answer! I learned a lot!♥️
  • Thank you Jessica for the valuable info they are awesome!
    I love the response that I can give to questions on my big goal and notes and vision board :=) 

    Good to know that our dreams/ goals and desires can magically be "intentionally manifested", I need to intentionally focus on that even more!  I know it will happen, I'm so excited!!!  I do feel more confident about making my dreams my reality, this ensures me that my new programs and beliefs are installed, thankfully.

    Today marks a month since I've started this course and it's been great journey to say the least. I am having so much fun and learning a great deal. I AM SO GRATEFUL to Your Youniverse, to Jessica, Shelia and this universe, and mostly to God, that  I found you! 

    A fun experience while meditating this morning, I changed the meditation to the Raising Your Vibrations and Clearing Negativity". As I was asking to clear all negativity out of my being, I got the thought to ask my creative machine to let me radiate with high energy and allow me to transmit it to others who need it, to expand that radiation around me to the whole universe as ripples of energetic waves of goodness, love and gratitude,  OMG, I was able to visualize that in 3D and I had a big smile on my face, my body was quivering, my chest was lifting up and saw my heart looked like the sun with so much light, my forehead was pulsating, my feelings were so intense. 
    I tried to keep those feelings till the end of meditation and I found myself with tears of joy. that was awesome and never had that experience before, was so much fun!!!  
    I don't think I will ever stop meditating, I feel fresh, cleansed and love life. 
  • What a beautiful testimony! You are doing it and IT is happening. I feel very excited to see what you create next! ♥️
  • I'm so glad you found that helpful, Wafa! 

    And, WOW! I love hearing about your meditation experience! It IS fun!! :)
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