Old patterns

Good morning tribe Sheila and Jessica


  • oops iI pushed the wrong key
    I'm am feeling some resentment /anger

    I live in a share house

    My house mates are essentially great
    But Ive fallen into old patterns of picking up the slack where cleaning and being responsible things are concerned
    Ive re-wrtten  what I am saying to myself about it
    But not sure what else to  do
    Externally Ive asked for a house meeting and asked for money owe to me.. none ofwhich have been forthcoming
    I really want /choose to break this
    May I please have some pointers
    Thanks you!!!
    :x >:D<
  • Hi Kristin,

    Try this phrase out for a minute: I create the feeling of resentment and anger when __________.

    In doing so, you might be able to see how these feelings are created internally. They don't come from an outside source, only the thoughts you are thinking regarding the situation. Have you gone into the bonus section of the course and read through the "How to Become the Ultimate Creator of Your Experience" exercises? I think the tools there will REALLY help you with this! :) 
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