How to Clean Up Past Memories & Emotions

Hey guides. 

So Im in the 2nd week, My game plan is to go at my pace through all of this the first time for familiarization, and the following 25 days go back to do the repetition. 

So for this part of the program I get completely overwhelmed. Not in a self talk negative way I dont think. Maybe.

So I will fly above my timeline or the best visualization of a timeline I can, its not very clear, its like rising about myself into the sky and looking down like at a graph |- - - - - - - - -| _ |- - - - - - - - -| , my visualization isnt top notch at this yet. 

Then since I have soooooo much trauma in my younger life, like a ridiculous amount, most my past is dark and grungy. Ive gotten as far as rising up with the light and beginning to heal those dark spots. But the instructions afterwards I literally just blank out and get overwhelmed like I have no idea what to even imagine. It almost feels like im short circuiting like my brain doesnt understand what youre trying to instruct me to do. 

So yeah, its an overwhelmed blank feeling. Like the chalkboard just got cleared. 

I also am noticing I find the guided voice over to be pretty fast. Even in the meditations I find I dont have the time to finish visualizing and considering before the next step comes up. I feel like hopping out of astral every 4 minutes to pause then proceed the audios is going to be counterproductive??? I wont be in the 5th dimension if I have to hop back into 3rd over and over through the process yes nah? 

Thoughts or advice? Hopefully the repetition will fix this?


  • Congratulations on being into your second week! Just by making a commitment to this course says you are in the top 99% of people. I like your game plan. It is solid. The course is simple, all be it not easy. It requires awareness and daily practice. I'm proud of you for rising above the vibrational frequency of victim. The trauma you talk about can be seen as a gift. Without such wounding we usually don't seek enlightenment. You are a teacher and healer I have no doubt. The more you hop between dimensions, the better you get at it. Consider it practice. Be easy and light with the work. Getting serious about the process actually slows it down. We are all in the right place all the time. We are eternal creatures learning our power of manifesting. You are right on track my friend. Keep us posted. We all learn from each other. I celebrate you!

    Shelia ♥️
  • Bless, thank you. 

    So....hopping in & out of 5th & 3rd every other minute isnt going to take away from my energic potenecy & concentration? I feel like it might. Otherwise why is it a common practise to "go someplace you wont be interrupted" etc? 
    Which is more ideal, hopping in & out a butt ton disrupting the energetic flow/connection persay, or visualizing to the pace of the voice over & not having great form, skipping out on some visualizations because I gotta hop to the next part etc. Like when you work out, your form starts going. They say its best to keep form vs following along for that physical aspect. 

  • Hi Andrea,

    I've found that when I want to go through an exercise at my own pace, I will try to memorize the process and do it on my own. This can be just as effective and I can even change things within the process to customize them to my own preferences. You might also find it helpful to just work on the healing part of the timeline as you begin working with this process so you don't feel overwhelmed with the remainder of it. 

    As you familiarize yourself with each part of that particular meditation, your mind will begin to do this naturally and it will become easier and easier. Does that sound like something that you would be able to try to see if it helps you with this? 


  • That's simple enough, for sure. I'm finding that memorizing the meditation doesn't get me into as much of a connected place as say some of my favourite guided ones on YouTube.

    I'm still really struggling with how fast the meditation mp3s are. I cant keep up or succeed in fully charging my energy into the visualizations before more different directions are given, or the filler directions. I honestly haven't been able to keep up to them. I've been doing them every day but it's still a problem. I find the questions for me are interrupting me like when im asked, what do you smell see feel whose with you etc it takes me away from where I was touching those things in my mind already but the speed of the constant commands really pull my imagination away.

    I'm struggling with this a lot. The meditations aren't feeling meditative to me, I'm getting disruptive feelings instead of tuning into the aether. :(
  • Hi Andrea,

    I certainly understand that. I have favorite meditations that I prefer over others. Because you are feeling those disruptive feelings, I would suggest using the meditations you prefer, or even meditations with just music. You can implement the visualization processes given with these. That connected place is always within each of us and we can join with it any time we choose. Do what feels best to you and be gentle with yourself in the process. :)

  • Thank you for the advice
  • My comment was cut off? Thnx, I just haven't wanted to stray from the path of the curriculum to prevent making any errors that may influence my seeing results
  • You can still incorporate other meditative practices, especially if they resonate with you in a way that helps you feel connected.  We each have different perceptions and different practices that assist us in ways that we prefer. In the learning experience of ourselves I would say there are no errors, only evolution, progress and transformation. And because you are intentionally creating those things for yourself, you are already miles ahead of those who do not understand that they can do such a thing. Give yourself a pat on the back for the work you are doing to transform your life! And know that you will be able to assist not only yourself, but others as well, just by the fact that you are doing so. :) 
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