Struggling with so much coming up

 Hi Jessica, Sheila
I havent written here for a while because Ive been able to negotiate my way through most things. But at the moment I a finding it really tough
A few "co-incidental"( no such thing as coincidence) things have happened:-
 My ex-partner has come back into my life after after 3 years apart and a terrible 12 years together..It just wasnt right timing for both of us ...we both see that now and I still love him very has been a life long love, since we were very young and a deeply psychic connection .
It has brought up many things for me to work through...and it just keeps coming..I  am waking around 2- 3.33am ( Yes that's a sign I am also looking at) in anger and grief-mostly about injustice and as I write, the heart beak of never having had any guidance  when I was a little kid.
In fact it always he other way guiding and helping everyone pretty much from the Get- Go
I am going to find that 'Decision" and process that this morning..if I can stop sobbing.

The other stuff that is triggering me is the state of injustice happening on the planet at the moment...The way the world has worked in top down  slavery and manipulation and lies to keep people suppressed and the threat on humanity and our home i.e the planet... with sociopathic ,narcissistic rulers and people who just like to ruin things for others ( Mars is is cancer astrologically at h the moment so I see why  I have the anger  about the perceived lack of nurturing on many levels that is coming up)
Mostly I have been ok  and can just focus on what I want for the world and humanity and the freedom we all so deserve..but a straw broke the camels back last nigh whilst I was helping someone jump on board my awesome freedom giving biz, to dis-tract her into doubt and fear and untruths that she chose to listen to, from an outright Narcissistic scammer
I feel broken.
I have reached out for help from a somatic psychotherapist that Ive previously  worked with,  for a year,  ..and I cant get an appointment
So am reaching out here...
I look forward to your insights and guidance( meanwhile while I will do some more cleaning up past memories and emotions)
Kiki xx


  • P.S I just did the bonus exercise

    How to Become the Ultimate Creator of Your Experience.
    I'm working on it ...and feel better!
  • Hi Kristen, it is good to hear from you again. It sounds to me like you are in a wonderful place of growth and expansion. A place where the gift of self-examination is being offered to you by your Inner-Being. Throughout this lifetime our Inner-Being, Soul, is speaking to us the truth of who we are. Often times we are unable to receive those truths because our ego defenses block them. When we feel negative emotions, our ego is activated as a programed response to a perceived threat. This is especially true in childhood. The messages we received were not messages of truth. This sets up a pattern that we play out throughout this life. Look closely at your self talk. What are you thinking, feeling, and saying about yourself, your life, and the world? Examine these experiences. They are rich with information. We are extensions of the Source of Life. We are here learning how to hone our power and use it to create what we desire. We are always in the process of manifesting our external world. Wanted or unwanted, we created it. No one is creating for us. When my emotions indicate to me a negative thought pattern I write it down. I look at it. I ask myself if the thought is in alignment with what I know to be true. I then write down what I know is truth. From this I can develop affirmations to correct the negative false thoughts. I meditate, this is most important. And I use timeline regression to receive the messages from Soul that I was unable to hear in earlier life. Timeline practice is powerful. This path requires constant practice. It must become our way of life. It becomes who we are moment to moment. You are doing a great job. Your life is showing you many treasures. Keep up the excellent work and you will be amazed and surprised at how you can create intentionally. Relax, know that all is well. Try to be playful. Even the dark times play a role in helping us to get clear about what we want and who we truly are. I admire your commitment. I hope this was helpful to you.

    Shelia ❤️
  • Thanks Sheila I am doing all of what you have suggested ..constantly...except I am not sure what you mean by timeline regression exactly...I definitely use cleaning up past memories .and emotions as  regressive time line therapy this what you mean?...and I definitely get beautiful messages from my soul about un-thruths- and it really does shift things very quickly
    I do feel so much better. and will continue ...
    thank you for your support xx

  • I'm glad you feel better. Good job! If you look through the course again, you will find two videos that teach us about timeline work. They are in the sections entitled:

    1. Cleaning up Passed Memories
    2. Installing a Future Memories

    Keep us posted on your continued progress!

    Shelia ♥️

  • Oh Yes! these are the ones I use all the time..i just did another ...boy oh boy!!
    It went back to when I was born..I had lost my identical tin before I was born and had felt I didnt have a choice except to be be alone and at the disposal of  my mother as her only source of support and love.
    This had now shifted...and I feel the grief I have been feeling leave  now
    Thank you again for your beautfiul support xxx
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