Greetings Folks

It's been more than 90 days since I started making major lifestyle changes and am working to be on top of everything and trying to be the best version of myself. One of the youtube channels I follow in this pursuit mentioned Quantum jumping so I thought I would look it up which is when I saw one of Dr. Jessica Connor's video on Quantum Jumping which Ultimately led me to the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery Course. 

I am excited to begin this journey with all of you!!!

Let's do this!!!



  • So happy to have you in the forum, Akshay! 

    I already know from our previous exchanges that you have a driving force within you that it is ready to create magnificent things. I cannot wait to see what that looks like for you in the coming weeks. Please feel free to share anything you'd like here, or ask any questions!

  • Thank you Jessica, I really appreciate your kind words and am really excited to have begun this journey. I look forward to sharing my aha moments and progress with everyone over here!

  • Welcome to the tribe Akshay! We are a group of co-creators celebrating our energetic transformation. I look forward to reading more about your process and shifts. Life loves and supports you. You are a POWERFUL creator!

    Shelia ❤️
  • Thank you Shelia, I'm looking forward to this journey and working through this course with everyone!

  • I know you are so committed to your transformational process. I would love an update! ❤️
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