What to do with doubt?


I'm on day #98 in the UMM program, and have done some type of exercise/meditation every day except for maybe 3 or 4 days.  

Today after I did the CLEANSE bonus meditation, followed by my own guided meditation of my goal (which I love doing to "ocean waves" music), I noticed a very slight/faint "this won't work for me" feeling and voice.  It only lasted about 1 second, but I would be lying if I did not admit this.

What is the best thing to "do" to try to erase this feeling/voice?  Is it normal for this to happen?  Do I just try to overpower it with something positive?  I appreciate any type of cheerleading for this  :-)

UPDATE:  I just remembered the video in UMM called "How to Program a New Powerful Belief in Under 5 Minutes" - I will give that a try.  I will let my brain create the "pushback" and follow the instructions to proceed (continue to invite the resistance, then tell it my new belief...)


PS - I really love the sweet background music for the CLEANSE meditation.  Is "just" that background music available somewhere, without the words?


  • Hi Heidi, 

    Sometimes we have a little linger of an old program try to show itself when doing this work. Whenever I notice something like that, I use my conscious mind to override it and let it know who is actually in charge of what will be mentally entertained. I'll generally say something mentally like this: "That's just an old program that I don't use or allow in my life anymore. I've consciously decided to work with a new, more abundant, happier program. My conscious mind has the power and the ability to be in charge of what I allow and disallow within my mental field. I only allow thoughts that are of my highest good and that align with the abundant and happy version of myself that I have decided to experience. If it shows up again, I know that I can just let it float on by because it has no meaning in my life anymore."

    In dong this, you can easily release that resistance. The conscious mind has the power to command the subconscious mind when it so chooses through practice and dedication. :)

    For the meditation music, I purchase a license for each track that is not transferable. 

    I'm so happy that you went back to the 5 minute belief process. And I am so impressed with your dedication to this program! Day 98 is super commendable! You are changing your life in amazingly powerful and positive ways!

  • Thank you!!!!  :-)

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