Dear Dr Connor
Thank you so much for your email dated 28.08.21. First of all I really appreciate your patience and the time you put to answer our questions. Since I am really serious in learning the lessons, have decided to learn all aspects of the first part of the course and then move to the second part. I usually have questions about everything I read so, I hope my questions are useful and worth being answered. here are my questions.
1- You have stated that all the secrets of the Universe are kept in our mind and can be accessed by any person who takes time to reflect and use their intention. This is a wonderful idea so, could you please explain how I can access to the secrets of my mind?
2- We can change the frequency of our thought to make changes in the Universe. Could you please advise me how to do this?
3- Most of the gurus believe that merely visualization or affirmation can not make any changes. We have to attach emotion to what we visualize or say. If you also are on the same opinion, could you please advise how we can emotionalise our visualization and affirmation?
Thank you in advance


  • Hello Mohammadreza,

    My name is Shelia. I work for Dr. Connor as the moderator of the forum. She is unavailable for a few days. I will do my best to answer your questions. Your questions are wonderful and I'm sure other members will benefit from them.

    Let us first talk about the mind. We have the ego mind and the Mind that is part of the Infinite Field, pure consciousness. It is the basis of all things. From it we stem. When we are in alignment with this, our true selves, we have access to all wisdom, knowledge, and guidance. Our goal must be to quite the ego mind, the monkey mind. In doing this the Universal Mind can access us. It flows to us and through us constantly. When our energy matches up with that of the Infinite Mind we are in the mode to receive that which is desired. As has been taught for thousands of years, the best way to quiet the mind is meditation. Dr. Connor offers us so many forms of this. We get to play with all the styles to see which are best for us. Meditation is simply focusing. Whether focusing on your breathing, visualizations, affirmations, or intentions, the goal is focus. This requires practice. The entire process of transformation and manifestation requires constant practice. It must become our lifestyle. It is a lifestyle of fun and feeling good no matter what the outside conditions.

    We are the thinker of our thoughts. When we become aware of our thoughts we can begin to choose them consciously. Awareness is the key here. Our emotions are the indicators of our dominant thought streams. Practice feeling your emotions and then ask yourself, "what thought am I giving myself here?" Awareness is the key. Once you are aware, then you can begin thinking on purpose. Start general with your deliberate thoughts then get more specific. Again, this has to be practiced continually. It gets easier and more fun. Make a game of it. Be playful with it and with yourself. Seriousness is a block. Remember to smile and laugh with yourself!

    Thoughts create emotions. Emotions create more thoughts. They are intimately connected. They are energy. They are our attractor field. So yes, the better we get at feeling in our bodies what we are deliberately thinking the easier our wanted manifestations appear. Again, this requires practice and awareness. If our thought is "all is well" and our body says, "no it isn't," then we want to soften the thoughts. We may choose a thought such as, "I'm okay," "I'm doing a good job," "It's okay to be right where I am." With such softer thoughts you will begin to immediately feel a release in your body. Be easy, be gentle. Play with the process. Be as general as you need. Your emotions let you know if your thoughts are sticking. Remember, our thoughts create our feelings. Together they create our reality.

    I hope I've been of use to you. Your commitment and dedication is admirable. You are an inspiration.

    Shelia ❤️
  • Dear Dr Connor and Madam Shelia
    Thank you so much for your instructions and explanation. Madam Shelia has explained a lot of wonderful points regarding the ego, mind and the differences between them, I appreciate her. I had asked for a technique to make my energy matches up with that of the Infinite Mind if possible. 
    I would like to get advice regarding the affirmation Dr Connor gave me in her email dated 2 September . I have made some small changes to that affirmation and the way using it and would like to ask if I have done it correctly or not.
    1- I changed the" I AM  OVERRIDING the old programs and creating a NEW identity NO MATTER what takes place"  to I am fading and destroying the old patterns of my mind and creating a new identity no matter what take place. This sentences gave me more positive emotions.
    2- Since this is an idea which needs to be planted in my mind, I am using the technique of "how to program a new powerful belief in under 5 minutes" with this affirmation and I meditate at the same time.
    Please advise me if I should make any changes to my way.
    3- I would like to know if I can use the muscle testing to make sure if this new idea has taken place in my mind or not.
    Thank you so much for your help and advice.
    Kind regards
  • edited September 2021
    I truly admire your deep commitment to this work Mohammadreza. You asked if your changes to the affirmations were correct. The answer is in the feeling. There is no right or wrong in this work. We each must feel our way through it. What works best for one may not so much for another. I know these changes were best for you because you said that they gave you more positive emotions. You felt your way into the right words. Good job! The technique you are using, "programing a new belief in under five minutes" is a very powerful one. I think you have chosen well. There are so many wonderful techniques to sort through and try. Again, we each need to play with the various techniques to see which are most effective. I personally use the muscle testing technique a lot. I trust it and it gives me guidance. I'm always shocked and delighted when the test demonstrates for me the progress I'm making in my reprogramming endeavors. You are on a sure and stable path. I look forward to seeing your new life unfold in delicious and surprising ways.

    And by the way, I've never been referred to as "Madam Shelia." I liked it. It made me smile. Thank you. Keep us posted on your exciting journey.

    Shelia ❤️
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