Daily action plan/schedule of events - what do I do?

Hi there,

I just completed the course, and being a primary left brain person, I was pretty surprised at how many of these things seemed to work instantly. I have been meditating once in the morning after my coffee and before I eat, and doing a timeline visualization at night. I have noticed the following awesome things happen in the first 2 weeks:
1) got my first hole in one on the frisbee golf course
2) got a meeting with a powerful business contact that went extremely well

Obviously everything isn't perfect (never is) and I'm not to my big goal yet, but I thought those two things were quite remarkable and worth mentioning.

Anyway, I am looking for a specific action plan for each day. It would be awesome if the course came with a calendar/daily schedule of suggested events. For example:

How many times should I be meditating? 
What meditation audio/video from the youtube channel should I be using? 
Should I use one MP3/video or cycle evenly between a set? 
What should I be journaling every day?
What should I be tracking every day?

I guess I am looking for a templated roadmap of the exact things I should be doing each day. There are so many cool exercises (like the hand twisting thing and the left/right brain thing) but I don't really know when to use them. Right now I am just meditating twice per day and trying to keep my Big Goal top of mind.

It would be awesome to have a specific schedule of events and instructions that I could do each day.


  • Great questions, and I look forward to seeing the answers/suggestions!  It's encouraging to see others getting results and sticking to the process!

    I purchased the UMM program at the end of March and have taken actions daily - I'm up to day #110.  But, I've started wondering the same things!  (BTW, I count your post here as a "manifestation hit"  :-)  I decided from day #1 to keep a daily, brief log of what I'm doing (I think the UMM program has a worksheet for this).  I also record every "hit" no matter how big or small, to reinforce to myself that this process works!

  • Hi! Welcome to the forum! As Heidi said, great question. And I want to congratulate you on the success you have manifested so far! I love to read these testimonials. :) 

    I get this question quite a bit. And the reason I don't give a daily schedule is because everyone is different and learns differently. I try to avoid "shoulds" when it comes to manifesting because it can add a bit of pressure and/or resistance for some. 

    That said, I always recommend meditating daily and doing that a pace that suits you. I also always recommend that individuals use the meditation that "speaks" to them to do this, and that can change and/or be multiple meditations. Personally, my journaling consists of writing out a story of me living with my manifestation, including as many details as possible. And I love Heidi's suggestion of logging every "hit" she gets - that's very powerful!

    So, my questions to you would be:

    Are there specific techniques within the program that you enjoy more than others? If so, use those and let the others go for the time being. (You can always come back to them.)
    Are there specific meditations that you prefer over others? I generally find a meditation that I like and stick with it for quite some time (years, even). If I'm getting results and I enjoy the meditative process, I don't need to go searching for something else.

    There is a daily success chart given in the 3rd module of the course to log your success actions and create a habit of using these tools. I suggest using that chart to log the processes you are currently using and then finetune your own personal process. You may find that you complete a day but didn't really like or enjoy a technique you used. Write that down so you can begin to get your specific routine tailored just for you.

    I realize my response does not give you a specific template. What I've found in my own personal journey is that what works for others doesn't always work for me. It's a bit of trial and error. I find the tools and then tailor them to my needs and goals. For now, ask yourself what speaks most to you and what is really working for you so you can begin to hone in on a routine that keeps driving your success. It sounds like whatever you are doing now is really working for you! You can take some pressure off of yourself in knowing that. :) 

    If you have any questions about my response, let me know and I'm happy to help further!

  • Thank you!

  • Hi Jessica!  

    Question about what you said above, "Personally, my journaling consists of writing out a story of me living with my manifestation, including as many details as possible."

    Do you pick "one" thing that you want to manifest and write about it (daily?) in detail, until it appears?  I'm thinking that if I write out all manifestions I desire - in detail - I'll be writing all day long!

    I've been at this program for 176 days, keeping a brief daily log, and honestly nothing has changed in a while and I rarely see signs anymore.  Clearly, I need to change what I'm doing, so I may try the writing-route.  (I will mention too, that things actually got much worse for about 2 months and I lived in high anxiety with too little sleep.)

    I appreciate your help,

  • Hi Heidi!

    It's nice to hear from you. 

    To answer you question: I usually combine many of my intentions into one short story. And those stories generally focus on ultimate happiness in every area of my life. 

    Say for instance a person is manifesting an abundance of money, a new home, a new partner and a thriving business serving others in a field they love. All of these things can be incorporated into one story that might go something like this:

    I love the service I am offering others. I provide great value to my community and I am compensated wonderfully because of that. This exchange of energy is fun. People benefit greatly because of this service and it creates a mass of abundance for all involved, including me. The feelings of confidence I feel for the ways in which I positively affect those around me is one that I find filling my mind, body and soul. At the end of my work day, I love arriving at my beautiful home. It is a testament of the abundant positive energy I put out into the world and it puts a grand smile on my face. When I walk into the perfection of this home, I love to stop and stare at all of the details. (This is where I would elaborate on those details.) And my partner is always cheerful to see me. (Add more details about this partner according to what you are specifically creating.) It is wonderful to find someone who connects with me in such an aligned way. This experience of love, joy, happiness, abundance and confidence permeates every cell in my body. I am elated by how wonderful my life truly is.   

    This is just an example to show you how the entire thing can flow into one complete story. For the most part, I've found that all components can be woven together. 

    It's okay if you find that your path has a little bind of winding component to it. It is an indication that changing what you are doing might be a good idea. Most all of us encounter this. I am happy to read that you have recognized it. Know that you are exactly where you are meant to be at any given moment. 

    Please let me know if I can assist further!

  • As always… Thank you for the encouraging support and especially for the example!
    Very helpful!
  • You're most welcome! :) 
  • Jessica, if we write our desired outcome into a story, how often do we write? just once and leave it alone, because i've done that long ago and nothing yet. Whats the trick to the writing?
  • Hi again,

    Writing the story is great, but I wouldn't leave it alone. Tweak it if necessary as you come up with new things. And then read it daily! Embody it as you read it and then live it! Assume it is real and that is who you are NOW. 

    When you change your personal state, the outer circumstances must follow. The trick isn't necessarily in the writing, although the details of what you truly want are important. The trick is in EMBODYING the feeling states as you create your new story. Be playful like a child. Let it be a wild imaginary world of play. Tell yourself that it is your play time and you can envision anything you want, and then wash yourself in the feelings of that! 

    The stories we tell ourselves tend to come true. And the beauty of that is that we can change the story anytime we wish when we move out of the old story in our current physical reality and go within to access our "creation mode."  Persistence with this is the key! The new story must be the one that is consumed more than the old. :)  
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