
I'm not here to try to attract money or a soulmate, I'm here to eliminate anxiety. Has anyone had success doing this and if so, do you have any tips to share please? I've done the course and am still not able to leave my house. I logically know there's nothing out there to be afraid of so why can't I just do it? It feels like the anxiety is feeding off my energy and there's none left for me. When I get nervous, ZAP, no energy. Has anyone healed anxiety and can help me out please?


  • Hi Tiffany,

    Welcome to the forum! And thank you for your question. As someone who previously experienced quite a bit of anxiety, I greatly appreciate your request for assistance with this.

    As stated in the course, your mind runs 'old' programs. It also makes a ton of associations all of the time. Anything that it may have once associated with anxiety will be a trigger to pull up those anxious feelings again. It does this protect you, although it definitely doesn't feel that way when it is happening. So, it does what it does very well. One of the most important things I learned on my journey through overcoming anxiety is that there was nothing 'wrong' me. I learned that these automatic associations, and therefore the feelings that followed, actually indicated that what was going on inside of me proved that my brain and body knew how to run in super-efficient ways. It was only that it had learned to do so in a direction that I didn't prefer. The solution is to train it to do what it does (so well) in such a way that aligns with who you prefer to be, and with what you prefer to experience.

    There are many techniques in the course that assist with this. You can use those techniques to vision a new you who experiences joy, happiness and adventure. In doing so, you begin to change your energy. And when you change your energy, your mind starts to do new things and open up to new perceptions. It then creates new neural paths, and with practice those pathways become strong and eventually dominant. 

    Because you are able to 'do' anxiety so well (as I was), I know that you have an enhanced ability to imagine in great sensory detail. On a surface level, you may not even realize you do this. However, your imagination skills are strong and you can learn to harness those skills in ways that change your life in a drastically positive manner. This is really great news for you!

    To create some new associations that positively impact your life, I suggest adding some NLP techniques to go along with the techniques in the course. There are many on YouTube and you can find some on my Youtube channel as well by searching "Your Youniverse NLP". I highly recommend getting started with those immediately to begin seeing how powerful they can be in your life. 

    Are you working daily with the visualization processes given in the course? I recommend 30-60 days of daily use of these processes, especially for anxiety. With these processes, I have been able to change literally every single aspect of my life. And I know you have this ability too!

    Please keep me updated. I am looking forward to watching you blossom into the physical version of the free and joyous woman within you! And please let me know if you have any further questions. :)


  • Hello again Jessica. I have faithfully listened to the changing the course of events every night for at least 45 days now. I love it and can do it very well. it's the same every night for me seeing myself healthy, active, cleaning my awesome home and smiling and loving my life. I added NLP I love the 7 steps you say will eliminate anxiety and fear and do it often when i am anxious. However, I am still not out of my house and am still very fatigued and just have no energy. When I do the 7 steps it has never gone to a 0 but it's usually a 1 or 2 at the end of the steps. Is there something else that can get me over this hump if that's what this is? it's like i can change it in my mind but my body seems to just not let me change it when it's really happening and i get to feeling even worse from trying to use too much energy trying to do things WITH the anxiety because its still here. Even if I envision the outcome i want I still can't breathe and get too dizzy to carry on with what i want to do, be around people, or drive, or go into a store, What can I do from here?
  • Hi Tiffany,

    It's nice to hear back from you! I'm very happy to hear that you have reduced your anxiety to a 1 or 2 with that technique. That's wonderful progress!

    There are multiple NLP techniques that I firmly believe will assist you if you work with them daily. What they effectively do is "scratch" the memory like a a record would be scratched so that your mind cannot pull up the same anxious feelings it once did when recalling it. One of my favorites is the "Theatre of the Mind" Exercise and I'll leave a link to an older video from my channel so you can see how the technique works. (As I was looking for this, I had the thought that I will redo this video in the future as an updated version.) With this technique, you are changing the movie you replay in your mind and then directly associating yourself into that movie. This is super powerful and it works quickly!

    I also highly recommend creating an energy circle and I'll leave a link to another video I did about this. This is something I have done for years, and still do daily. It works wonderfully for instilling positive states! 

    The point with these processes is that you are consciously overriding those old thoughts and feeling states in a way that your subconscious mind can relate to. Push past the initial rejection your body is giving you by persisting with these techniques. Tell yourself that you are in charge of your mind and body and that you have the power to teach it such. And as you progress, you will want to take some small steps by doing things that you once couldn't do to reaffirm to your mind and body that this is so. Baby steps with this as you feel you are ready. 

    The main point is to be consistent. I would use all 3 of the techniques I've outlined in this post daily until I felt a change in my personal energy. 

    Please do me a favor and be as consistent as possible with this over the next 3 days and then report back. We will keep working through this until we break that lovely lady called Tiffany out of this false shell! I am fully here to support you with that. 

  • Jessica, I LOVE the energy circle!! I havent been able to do it for the last few days but I will pick it up again when I'm out of bed. I go to a holistic practitioner and for the last few months we have been working on my adrenals and whatever has been happening lately is really deep so, anxiety and other physical symptoms show up really intensely and it seems all my energy is used for healing but i get an adjustment once a month so the cycle is ongoing. I was really hoping by taking your course that I would be strong enough by next month to attend my sons wedding, but that doesn't seem like it'll happen. I already hate myself for missing it. I can't believe all the stuff I have missed with my kids over the last 5 years. Is there anything else you can recommend that might get me to a point of being able to leave my house without so much anxiety and fatigue within a month?
  • Hi Tiffany,

    I want to start by saying how sorry I am that you don't think you will be able to attend your son's wedding. I know that is heartbreaking for you. I'm a mother.

    I also understand anxiety. Anxiety is an energy that has a massive amount of momentum. It's like a train barreling down the tracks. Anxiety, like the train, can't be stopped on a dime. It requires a slow application of the brakes. The length of the process is dependent upon the speed of the train. It sounds like your training is moving fast. I am going to tell you how to engage your brakes.

    I want you, right this moment, to look around at your immediate environment. Look deeply. Look at the device you're using, at the pen, at the paper. Look as though you've never looked before. As you look, feel the slight shift in your energy field. It's very subtle. You must be still to feel it.

    Now shift all of your attention onto your hands. Feel the presence of energy in your hands. It's a calm, quite energy. You must be still to feel it.

    This is called getting into the present moment. In the present moment, there is only anxiety at times. Only the future holds anxious energy. When we bring an unwanted future possiblity into our present experience, we create anxiety and fear for ourselves. To be effective, this must be practiced as the primary way of being. It does take constant practice. Practice is something we do inorder to get better at what we are doing. We never criticize or abuse ourselves with negativity when we don't get it perfect. We remind ourselves over and over that this is a process. We are in the process of Becoming.

    I speak with such authority because I came into this lifetime with anxiety. My journey towards Becoming is still in process. You are doing a great job. You are implementing a beautiful variety of tools.

    You get to choose what aspects of the future you want to bring into the present moment. You are on the road to a happy and peaceful destination. Trust the process. Practice. Don't give up on yourself. Know that you matter. Affirm yourself. Speak life over your desires. You are doing everything right. Trust the process.

    I admire your commitment and dedication. You are a miracle. I support and affirm you.

    Shelia ❤️
  • edited October 2021
    Heey Tiffany, i was reading through the posts in the forum and saw your post and felt your pain on this.

    I am not an expert like Jessica and Shelia but maybe i can share my perspective on this.

    The way i look at it is that we are all playing THE GAME OF LIFE. or maybe the game of life is being played with and through us.
    There are 2 types of energies playing this game with and through us. Lets call them God and the devil ( Positive energy - Negative energy ).
    They both live inside of us.1 energie wants you to prosper in this life and is there to help you with anything. on the other hand the other energy wants to completely ruin your life and make it misserable. So he is trying to stop you from prospering. This might sounds weird, but have you ever thought deeply about life? Life is kinda weird but at the same time so freaking fascinating if you think about it.

    As human we have been given free will at birth, that means we have the power to choose. We can think anything we want ( even if that seems hard sometimes )

    So we also have the power to choose to connect with which type of energie we connect.
    But we have been programmed from birth to live in ignorance which is caused by the devil so we feel powerless. the devil, the negative energie is like super sneaky. he uses al kinds of clever tricks. In my opinion his biggest task is for you to think that you are alone and that you identify yourself with your negative thoughts. 

    But the greatest secret there is, is that we are NEVER alone.  It is our task to connect with the positive energie ( God ) and litterly become our own best friends. That is what all the teachings are about. There is an endless source of supply of everything including health,wealth, happines, CONFIDENCE and the list can go on.
    Through our free will we can train ourselves to Connect with that.

    The point i want to make here is  that you got to understand that your negative thoughts are NOT YOU , it are thoughts you are having created by the devil who is playing the game of life with and through you, and he WANTS TO PULL YOU DOWN!

    So now you know your enemy ever time you have thoughts of anxiety you can stop identifying with them but see them as weapons of the devil who is trying to get you down.

    And you know what Tiffany? You are the most beautifull creature ever created! You have all the power there is. Your such a beautifull, caring, lovely, strong proud woman!! Lets accept the situation as  it is and start the warr against the devil!

    The way we do that is not by fighting against him , but we gonna feed the good part inside us!! I am here with you doing the same! 

    Each time a negative thought kicks in i want you to identify it as a weapon of the devil. And you say No! i am not letting you control me anymore. I am an extremely powerfull woman and from now on i will always choose for LOVE!!

    Then i want you to search for 2 things you are immensly proud on for yourself. Maybe it can look difficult but let me ask you something.  Would you ever hurt anyone on purpose? Would you ever cheat on someone who gives you his whole hearth? would you ever steal from some one just to be better yourself? If you can answer those questions with no. THAN YOU HAVE SO MUCH TOO BE PROUD ON! You are such a beautifull soul and the world is a blessing to have souls like you in here. I WANT YOU TO REMIND YOURSELF OF THESE TRUTHS EVERY SINGEL DAY!!

    Start telling yourself with such a deep emotion how proud you are on yourself for being such a beutifull soul. Tell yourself that you love you unconditionally. Tell yourself that you will always have your back! no matter what, you will always be there for YOU!!!
    Even start making jokes when you are just alone and make some fun with yourself, really build that connection.
    Practise this every single day. its your biggest task ever and you will really harvest the fruits of it!! i know it from my own experience.

    We need you Tifanny you are so much more important than you might think !!
    You are to strong to let that freaking devil inside you win AND I KNOW THAT!!


  • Thank you Iwan for taking the time to write that post. I got a lot from it and I know Tiffany and the others will also. You are much appreciated.

    Shelia ❤️
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