I am overwhelmed by this site and want to know if there is anyone who's had success with anything on here who's willing to briefly chat with me about making sense of all these resources?
I have asked and didn't really find the answer helpful. So now I just pay for a subscription I don't even use (been a while).

I have severe CPTSD and it makes certain things like learning/study and researching a challenge. I could be alone on this but I come to this site desperate to get started and just have no idea where to start, or find some things hard to understand.

Is there anyone kind enough to talk about their experience with this site?

And worst case, where can I go for traditional coaching as that clearly must be a better option for me? (I am aware the point of this subscription is to make private coaching knowledge affordable for everyone if I am in the wrong place and should go away, at least tell me where to go?)

Kind regards


  • Hi B,

    I will certainly try to assist you. The first thing to note is that when you sign in, you have a member homepage with all of the links to the material available to you as a subscriber. 

    You also should be receiving monthly content links (via email) with techniques to work with in 30 day increments. I just checked this and it looks like because you were a member that expired in 2020, the automated system isn't recognizing this for you (it archived your email address).

    I've just manually added you in and it set your third content link to be sent to you on 11/4/2021 and will continue sending new links to you every 30 days. I'm going to have someone from my team email you the first 2 month's content links so you can work with those in the meantime. 

    I can see how this would have caused you quite a bit of frustration and I apologize that it happened. Let's start here and see if that helps! But please let me know if this doesn't clear it up for you.

  • Heey Bee,

    I can tell you that the information shared here with your subscription is insanely good.
    its one of the best you can find in my opinion.
    Even all the free content on youtube alone is already super valuable.

    What i notice, is that it seems pretty hard to stay consistent practising everything we learned here on a daily basis for a long period of time. 
    Our old paradigm kicks in because we dont practise it long enough, and we start to believe our old thoughts more than the new information and we lose track again.
    I say this also from my own experience.

    What should be really helpfull in my opinion is someone who holds you accountable so that  you really put in the work needed every single day for atleast 60 days.
    Ideally should that person be yourself. To be our own best coach/inspirator/accountability  partner, eventually our own  best friend.  That should be the goal we are aiming for.

    But that doesnt happen overnight haha.

    So maybe you can find someone who is on the same path as you and grow together. or find someone who wants to hold you accountable so that you can train your discipline. ( it could be a coach )

    Im wondering what is the dream you want to create? :D  
    What kind of person are you trying to become ?

    Maybe we can share experiences/insights.


  • I couldn't agree more Iwan. Being part of a tribe that is focused on like goals makes the practice so much more fun. I think it's great that you are rallying the rest of the team to be more interactive in the forum for the purpose of coaching and accountability. Keep putting your request out to the group. Be the leader that you are born to be. Others will join. I'm excited to see what you are creating within the forum! You are amazing!

    Shelia ❤️
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