How to Program A New Powerful Belief in Under 5 Minutes - Video

Hi Jessica and Team,

In this video, once we have crossed and uncrossed our legs and arms and have established which is our stronger side, will it always be this way or does it change every time we do the technique? For example today my left foot over my right and left arm over my right arm is stronger but could that be the other way around tomorrow if I was to do some more affirmations embedding then?

I think my partner may get a little annoyed if I have to keep asking them to push down on my arm every time I want to install a new belief. 

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

With gratitude!



  • Hi Kate,

    Welcome to the forum and thank you for your question!

    Yes, theoretically this could change. However, I've found in my coaching that most individuals have a predominant way in which their body responds. 

    That said, yes....your partner might get annoyed. haha  There is a section just below this technique on how to muscle test yourself that should assist you with this. It's pretty simple to implement and carries very accurate results. 

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

  • Thank you Jessica, in that case my partner will just have to get used to it!  : ;)
  • Hi Kate. I personally use the sway method for muscle testing. It's quick, easy, and it doesn't require a helper. You can do it anywhere, like when you are standing in the line at the grocery store. I am glad you are here. I look forward to hearing about your process towards becoming a deliberate manifestor!

    Shelia ❤️
  • Hi Jessica and or Shelia,

    I have tried doing the sway method for for muscle testing as I  do this alone.  I've listened close to my body after asking myself the question "What's my Name"  answer  with my REAL name"  and then "What's my name" with the "False name" without a sway or a confirmed answer in my body. 

    Is there another method that is more direct Jessica or Shelia?  I want to make sure that the new belief is installed.  I also want to go back and check in a few days has that belief is installed properly. 

    Thanks for your responses!.  
  • edited December 2021
    Hi Maxx,

    Just below that exercise is another one entitled: How to Muscle Test Yourself. It's a pretty simple technique to implement and it creates accurate results. I recommend relaxing into the process when you try this. When the response is strong, that strength is effortless. And when it is weak, that response is also effortless. 

    Another simple way to do this is by placing your middle finger on top of you index finger and pushing down when asking questions. A weak response will be indicated by the index finger giving way easily and a strong response will be indicated by the index finger remaining firm. 

    You can also try standing up straight and asking your body to show you its response for a "yes" and then asking it to show you its response for a  "no". The body will generally answer this by swaying in one direction or another and its a good way to get a 'feel' for how your body communicates to you. Not everyone is the same, so you might get a sway to the right or left. Test it out and see what your body has to say!

    I hope this helps! :) 

  • It is good to hear from you Maxx. I personally enjoy using the sway test method. The key for me when I began was practice. This technique requires honing. The body's responds are very subtle. "Trying" can create tension which lessens our ability to perceive it's answers. I suggest you smile when playing with this tool. Smiling release tension, except when we are trying to smile. Drop all seriousness. Be gentle, have fun. Most importantly, trust. Ego will want to make you doubt your readings. Take it easy. Relax. Practice. You will be amazed at this simple tool. I now use it often and in many situations. Remember, the movement is ever so subtle. Please update us as you progress.

    Shelia ❤️
  • I really appreciate the very fast feedback Jessica and Shelia.  Wow! Will update you on the progress after trying this out for a few days.  Cheers!

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