Starting course

Hi Jessica,
I have recently started the course. Just wanted to ask do I go through the topics in chronological order and listen to the mediations at night?
Also , do I do the bonus material once the course content is completed?



  • Hi Sonya,

    Happy to have you here!

    The course and information has been formatted to build upon itself so members can move through it somewhat step-by-step. However, you can move past things if you feel as though you're not ready to work with those processes just yet and want to come back to them later. 

    I do recommend meditating at least once per day, at a time of your choosing. I personally meditate every evening as I'm drifting off to sleep so I can impress my subconscious mind in an optimal way. But if you find another time works best for you, that is okay too.

    The bonus material is intended to work alongside the other processes to strengthen them. Again, these can also be completed at a pace that suits you. I encourage you to keep from overwhelming yourself if you feel that to be the case, and keep the processes light and fun. 

    Because each person (and their learning style) is different, there isn't a one-size-fits-all format for these things. I always tell individuals to go with what feels right for them while also keeping in mind that the processes are given in the order they are given to create a foundation that is built upon.

    Take your time and have fun with it. And please let me know if you have any other questions!

  • Hi Jessica,
    Okay yes I will follow advice. Thanks so much for your response.
  • Hi Jessica!

    I started the course a week ago and completely freaked out as I was overwhelmed and did not understand the wording of the first worksheet (my ADHD mind). I have meditated more frequently per your course suggestions, read many discussions and articles, and have since calmed down. I am now ready to start the worksheets again.

    The reason I am writing to you is I think you should know what really sunk in and made everything laser-focused for me. I found one of the downloads, "As A Man Thinketh," and I cannot express my gratefulness for this reading.I had read it many years before in my spiritual journey, but this time it resonated loudly.  It has made such a change in my psyche and suddenly, everything made sense. I want to thank you for sharing this course, your personal experiences (I am presently a caregiver/housekeeper at 61) and providing plan that I can follow to manifest my dreams and create a more healthy, joyful, and loving life. God bless you and yours!

  • Hi Artemis!

    So happy to have you in the forum!

    Thank you for sharing this with me. That is a wonderful book! I find myself picking up things that I haven't looked at for some time when I feel a little off track. It's amazing the shift that can be created in doing so. 

    I encourage you to move through the course at a pace that suits you. There is no rush or timeline. Keep the processes light and fun and you will make the most amazing strides!

    I look forward to hearing of your successes!

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