A life of financial failure

I started this program with a lot of fear because like many of us, I have experienced a lot of
financial and personal failures in my life. I take this program seriously and with a lot of positive
will to make it happen.

But there's always that little voice in my head telling me that all I want isn't for me.
I'm afraid that that little voice will be the loudest again and that I'll never finally see the light
at the end of the road.

I hope that the mediations I do and all of these exercises that help me function differently will
make a difference and fight those horrible voices that have sabotaged my life so far.
I hope to finally earn a lot of money and have a happy life.

To Success!
;) :)


  • Hi Ingrid!

    I just read your other post - your greeting from Switzerland, and loved to hear of the changes you are making with the program!

    I'd like to ask you this:

    What if that little voice became your friend and started telling you that all you want IS for you? And what if it gets loud with positive, life-transforming affirmations of love, peace and abundance? What if you asked that little voice to be your friend and told it that working together is for both of your benefit? 

    That little voice is the subconscious mind that you are working with in this program, and it can (and will) be in your favor with a little nudge from you. I encourage you to change a few of the thoughts you've posted here by using the above questions. As you ask yourself these questions, take a moment to allow yourself to imagine these things differently. Differently, as in "A Life Of Financial Freedom". What we think and believe about ourselves tends to become our experience. Some simple reframing and affirming goes a very long way!

    Yes! To Success! :) 

  • Thank you Jessica and YES you're so right, making my inner voice a friend is
    the best thing to do because this voice will accompany me forever and I absolutely
    have to make it my strength.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer me.
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