A bit stuck.

Hi Jessica, hope you are keeping well.

Just a few things I am feeling a bit stuck on.

I'm feeling good , however sometimes I get pangs of anxiety randomly regarding my Big Goal. What parts of the course should I focus on to get rid of this?
Secondly, I'm halfway through the course but feel like I need to practise some more of the previous two sections. Should I move forward with course and revist the previous two sections once finshed?
I'm particularly finding a bit tricky the topics on mastering the emotional intelligence. How many times should I do this process? Do you have to go back to childhood to rid the mind of blocked negative energy?
Thirdly, can you suggest some sort of routine/ shedule whereby, I can use a collection of the excercises where I can reach maximum benefit?

I appreciate its a number of things I have asked, and will be very grateful for any advice you have regarding any of the above.



  • Hi Sonya,

    Thank you! I hope you are well also. :)

    To answer your first question, I suggest working with the programming a new belief exercise. I also suggest affirming that you are worthy and deserving of this goal each and every day. The anxiety is only the old self-image trying to hold on. In affirming that you are worthy of this goal, you begin to override that. The "clear negative energy" meditation given in the bonus section of the course should also do wonders for you where this is concerned!

    For your second question, I will say that I personally believe the first section of the course to be the most important. That said, the other sections of the course reinforce that information. This will be a personal preference as there is no "right or wrong" way to go through the processes. If you feel as though you'd like to master those sections first, that is perfectly okay. But it wouldn't hurt to see if you find an "Aha!" moment in the other sections of the course that tie a few things together for you.

    If the visualization part of the emotional intelligence section is what you are finding tricky, I suggest just using your mind and body to get a sense of what you are doing with this process as best as you can. You don't necessarily have to "see" everything to clear it. Allow yourself the ease of knowing that you can do this effortlessly with the use of your conscious mind. Keep it simple and light! Set an intention and then confirm that it is done!

    For a daily routine, I personally meditate morning and night. Choose a meditation that you prefer. I'm personally fond of the "changing the course of events" meditation. (Again, just let it flow naturally for you - keep it relaxing and let your subconscious mind just absorb it.) I also recommend using the daily success chart given in the "remapping your behavior" section. In fact, that section may help you come up with a routine that suits you perfectly. You may choose to use the techniques given that resonate most with you. Which do you find the most success with? Pick one or two so you don't overwhelm yourself. 

    I hope these answers help you!


  • Hi Jessica, Hope you are keeping well.

    Yes, I will do as you have suggested and keep doing my daily new beliefs exercise.
    I do listen to the changing course of events at bedtime, and I am fast asleep before the recording ends! I also personally enjoy that one.
    I am continuing to move forward in the course, so fingers crossed!
    Thank you for clearing up re the clearing bad energy. I will try and do this way.
    So far , I do enjoy creating a new belief exercise, as evreytime I do it I feel a sense of peace and calm , I feel similar once I have listened to the nightly recording as well.

    Thank you so much Jessica for all the above advice , I'm so very grateful for your responses.

    Have a lovely festive break!

  • You are so welcome! I'm happy you found it helpful.

    Peace and calm are amazing things. :)

    Happy holidays to you, Sonya!
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