Question Regarding Emotional Management

Happy New Year Sheila and Dr. Connor!

I am excited to report that in 2020 I started following your teachings on YouTube.  In 2021, I was excited to enroll in your course.  I have seen life changing results in 2020 - 2021 with evidenced and real outcomes.  

I have one question.  While 2020 and 2021 were largely elevated vibratory experiences for me, I found myself having a challenging and highly emotional meltdown on January 1, 2022, that was completely unexpected.  Since learning from you, in 2020 & 2021 whenever I felt myself experiencing a lower vibration, I would engage in some of the practices (i.e., meditation, quantum jumping, etc.) to help restore my vibrational energy.  However, January 1, 2022, was not as easily redirected.  I felt as though there were deeply repressed negative emotions that needed to be released.  Strangely enough, I feel freer since the meltdown.  However, my question is, since the emotional release came in the form of a meltdown (rather than through the calmness of meditation) have I undone all of the progress I have made with managing my emotions and progressing towards my big goal?  

Thanks for all of your wonderful resources and your willingness to educate others.  I am looking forward to your feedback. Until then, continued abundance and bounty to you both.

Kind regards,
Shalando R. Jones, Ph.D.


  • Oh my dear, you have undone nothing! You are experiencing at a deeper level. I celebrate you for being so aware. You have successfully used your tools. Today you are in a much better place. Let us not focus too much on yesterday. We want to be intentional about where we put our focus. We create with our thoughts so continue to be ever so aware of what thoughts are present. You are amazing! ❤️
  • Thank you so much, Shelia.  Your support and encouragement are valuable.  I wish you the very best.

  • Happy New Year to you as well, Shalando!

    I whole heartedly agree with Ms. Shelia. 

    Let that "freer" feeling remain a part of you. Sometimes, what you've referred to as a meltdown is just the thing we need to experience this. You've let some things release away from you and freeing yourself is exactly what has taken place. I find it helpful to imagine that I've just cut a ball and chain away from my ankle and that I am able to walk around much lighter and happier than ever before. :)

    I'm so happy to hear of the progress you have made with the new outcomes in your life! Wising you so much more peace, love and abundance in the days, weeks and months ahead!

  • Thank you, Dr. Connor.  Also, I appreciate the I AM Calm meditation I received from your company as a holiday gift.  It is one of my favorite meditations.  
  • You're most welcome! I'm happy you are enjoying the meditation! 
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