
Hello Jessica , I hope you are keeping well.
I just had a few things I wanted to ask about.
I'm nearly at the ebd of the course jue couple more topics to go.

Since starting the course I have felt better in many ways about myself in general, and felt more optimistic and positive about my Big Goal.
However a few weeks ago, I was triggered by something and broke down into floods of tears. I couldnt logically explain why I was upset or why I was so upset. After that the next day I felt like a big weight had been lifted from me and felt cleansed and once again positive about my future.

This week I was feeling under the weather and felt really flat and demotivated about my goals I could feel the anxiety triggering and so I quickly repeated my affirmations and listened to the meditation in order to stop feeling like that.

I suppose I just wanted to ask what this means as I dont want to undo all the work I have been doing. Also if this happens again , how can I ignore it so it dosent even effect me.

Thanks so much with much gratitude



  • Hi Sonya,

    You are not undoing all of your work. In fact, you immediately turned your attention to the tools you were given to make an adjustment. You should give yourself a huge pat on the back for that!

    As humans, we have a range of emotions. It's perfectly okay to encounter some of the ones that might not feel so great. We all do it from time to time. And the more you practice doing what you did (placing your attention on better feeling thoughts and emotions), the more it will become habitual to think and feel in those ways. It sounds as though you are already creating that habit!

    So, you don't have to ignore those things. You simply let them know that you have the power to change them if they arise and you are not willing to sit with them. Scientifically speaking, the neurons that fire with negativity will begin to die off, so to speak, and not come up as much as they used to. You're not focusing on them, so the brain allows them to fade away. This is not to say that you will never encounter them again, but they will show up less and less. And your more positive thoughts and feelings will become the natural and dominant way you move through life the majority of the time. 

    You also have the choice to 'cry it out' if you need to sometimes. That's perfectly okay, too! Some people feel a great cleansing effect in doing this. 

    You truly are doing amazing work within yourself and building positive momentum! Kuddos, Sonya!


  • Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for getting back to me, I really appreciate it and am really grateful for any advice /pointers.

    Since reading your response , I feel uplifted and motivated , it made my day seeing a response from yourself!
    I suppose I feel relieved that I am not undoing what I have been doing so far.

    I came across one of your videos on the main youtube channel a little while ago. (magnitize from the quantum field) The contents really resonated with me so I went ahead and bought the full length version from the site. I really enjoy listening to it so thank you for creating such amazing content.

    Have a lovely weekend

  • You are most definitely doing what it takes to create intentionally! You will just keep growing and evolving. :)

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend as well!
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