How to Program A New Powerful Belief in Under 5 min question

With the above section - the swaying technique, is forward definately a yes and swaying back a no, i seem to be getting it the other way around? but it keeps changing at times so not sure what I am doing incorrectly 

thank you!


  • Hi Koly, you aren't doing anything incorrectly. The sway test does require some practice. The sway can be ever so subtle. It took me some practice to become clear on what my energy body was saying. Sometimes it does change on me. I always start with saying "my name is Shelia or my son's name is Ben." I've learned that the movement is very light. I think part of the problem was trying to force it. If you find yourself trying to make it happen, relax by softening your muscles, even smile a bit. It is a wonderful tool. Keep playing with it. Let us know as you progress. ,❤️
  • thank you xxxx
  • You are most welcome
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