Clearly defined goals

Regarding goals/objectives, ALL of mine are intrinsic/BE goals/objectives.

My concern is that I'm not sure I've been able to make them specific/well defined enough for the lessons I'm learning here to be as effective as possible.
It seems that having extrinsic goals (make 50k by "X" date or weight "X" lbs by "X" date are more exact and might be more effective to use with this system (but I hope I'm wrong... : )

Here are a few of my goals (things I'd like to manifest).

• "I am committed to continuously forge/refine my creative gifts to their full potential"

• "I am committed to maximize process/systems based strategies in my life"

• "I am committed to consistently do WHAT needs to be done WHEN it needs to be done regardless of how I feel"

Intrinsic goals (as shown above) are very important to me. However, I'm not sure if they are "specific/defined" enough to work with the system I'm learning. Any insight that you can share regarding a change of wording OR a shift in perception, would be greatly appreciated.

thank you so much!



  • Welcome Jeff. I am glad you are here. Your questions will benefit other students who might feel the same as you. In regard to your intrinsic goals, you are perfectly on track. You know what it is you are wanting. That's great! You will find as you progress that your goals shift in nature and clarity. The main thing is that you continue with the work and trust the process. You will be amazed at how things unfold. I applaud your commitment and look forward to hearing more from you. ❤️
  • Hi Jeff,

    You can absolutely use these processes to install these types of goals. Ask yourself what it looks like to "BE" that type of person. What does it feel like? Describe it to yourself in detail. Visualize it with the visualization processes given. You can always start with the "being" part of this and capture what that looks and feels like. In fact, I encourage it!

    Shelia's point about your goals becoming clearer as you hone in on them is absolutely correct. When you become the type of person you want to be, more thoughts and ideas that align with that come to you. And then other goals begin to emerge. As creators, we will always have new things we want to create. 

    These techniques walk you through that becoming. You're creating a new habit with them. I would encourage you to be playful about it. Have fun with it! 

    If you have a specific process in the course that you'd like a change of wording for, I'm happy to help. Just let me know what it is! :)


  • Shelia and Jessica,

    Thanks SO much for your quality responses!

    As a result, I feel I'm better equipped to move forward. I'm enjoying the learning and the journey. The materials (and your kind assistance) are first rate. Wishing you both the very BEST!

    : )


  • Thank you, Jeff! I'm glad this helped. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
  • You are welcome Jeff. Keep us posted! ❤️
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