Affirmations for Stock trading and money issues

Hi Jessica,

      Thank you for creating such a life changing course, this is my second week and finishing up the first section, it's so deep and soul stirring.  I have been involved in different modalities for the past 30 years on and off, but cant seem to stick with it to completion. However I have to get pass the resistance to get things done. I tend to jump around looking for quick results, hence not getting the full benefits of the course. I am doing some of the topics several times and I am seeing subtle changes. I am 64 years old and this might be my last shot to change for a better life that I longed for. I have a lots of childhood trauma around money and abundance as I grew in a Rice farm in South America to parents who had no formal education, so emotional intelligence was none exsistant.  I heard all the negative things about money and rich people repeatedly and was beaten when I took money to buy candy or ice cream, Just a little background. My Mom used to say that I was born on a Saturday so therefore I have to work for a living..........I believed this nonsense growing up as a child and carry it through my adult life,  living this lie that I cannot seems to get rid off.  I also heard from adults to stay away from the Stock market cause I will loose all my money, and so it was. But I have studied the stock market and like trading but I have made some bad decision from fear and greed and lost a lot of money over the past 35 years, and still have not made any gains.   I would really appreciate any advise on affirmations to eradicat this belief and install new empowering belief, regarding Money and trading the stock market successfully, eliminating the fear of loss(my biggest obstacle). 

Thank you for such and amazing course.

I appreciate you.

Warmest regards



  • edited July 2022
    Hi Leslie,

    It's so nice to see you in the forum! And thank you for your kind words. :)

    I can see that you are ready to work past a few limiting beliefs regarding money. And kudos to you for recognizing them and being ready to change them! (As well as recognizing that your persistence will make all of the difference in the world.)

    Let's start with a few affirmations to prep you for this change:

    I am ready to make a change in my life
    I am worthy of making a positive change in my life.
    I am increasing my confidence in my ability to make this change, daily.
    I am committed to tapping into the fullness of the power within me to see positive changes in my life.
    I am powerful and will create this positive change in my life through that power.
    Any age is a good age to create a positive change in my life.
    Change is constant and I am ready to flow with that in a natural way that creates positive results. 

    Now let's move onto a few "easy" affirmation beliefs where money is concerned. You recognize that there are some foundational beliefs formed that require some changes if you are to experience something new. Let's keep it simple and kind of generic until you are able to install these affirmations as new beliefs. Once you have done so, then you can get a little more specific about "how" the money will come (the stock market) by creating affirmations that pertain to that. 

    Nature is abundant and I am a part of that.
    It is natural to be abundant and to prosper.
    Money is easy to come by and I use it constructively in my life.
    Currency is intended to flow and it flows into my life easily.
    I am creating a positive relationship with money.
    Money loves me as much as I love it.
    Money desires to be a part of my life.
    I am worthy of having a life of ease and financial stability.
    I have the power to build and sustain the wealth I desire.
    I am allowing prosperity to grow in my life.
    My income is constantly increasing. 
    Every time I spend money, it comes back to me multiplied. 

    I highlighted one of these affirmations for you. Based on your story, I believe that will be the core belief for you to work with initially. But feel free to work with all of these. I recommend using the process: How to Install a New Belief in Under 5 Minutes while using these affirmations. Keep persisting until you see the indicators that it is working, as outlined in that part of the course. 

    I'm also including a video I created about money that you might find helpful (if you haven't already seen it). This visualization process assists in releasing resistance around money, making it easier to bring it into your life (and keep it there.)  

    Please keep me updated on your progress and let me know if you have any other questions! I'm excited to see the success you create in your life...I can feel that it is right there and ready for you!


  • Hi Jessica 

              Thank you soooooo much for such detailed reply, I really appreciate your dedication to your Tribe. This is exactly what I needed to get me motivated.  I am working deligently on the process of installing the new affirmatons that seems so personal. I will keep you posted on my Progress

    Thank you so much 

    I Appreciate you 

  • You are so welcome! Keep telling yourself how easy this is going to be and watch what happens. :)

    I appreciate you, too!

  • OK, thank you, really appreciate the advise and guidance with this Amazing program.

    Warmest regards


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