Gratitude Shifts Conscious Awareness

Hi all, I wanted to share a thought: that GRATITUDE is a way of shifting your conscious awareness. It can literally pull you out of negative thinking in very powerful ways and not only raise your vibrational rate (and release about 1,200 chemicals, I swear I remember that from one of Dr. Jessica's videos in the UMM course) but it will also refocus your conscious awareness on the things that are successes and therefore things and behaviours that your subconscious will try and repeat. Instead of focusing on disbelief, focus on the good all around us right now!

Also, I'd like to share a quote I heard this morning: "your relationship with yourself dictates your relationship with every other person!" It has to do with self-love, self-image, and the 'yourself pushed out' teaching of Neville Goddard. 

PS. Dr. Jessica, I love the new video you released that showcases your newest manifestation technique, super cool!!! I'm so using this haha  :)

All the best


  • Thank you, Franklin!

    Gratitude is the signature of already having received something. We are generally grateful for things we already have. But we can can also be grateful for the thoughts in our minds as 'already' things. As we've discussed several times, this changes the energy.

    I love that you are talking about 'everyone is you pushed out.' The world around us is always a direct reflection of what we think and believe it/they is/are. When we persist in a new story about ourselves, the world, and others, we begin to push that version out into the physical. Our brain changes, and everything around us changes. Its as though we tune ourselves into a new reality with new possibilities. 

    Please do use that process! I've had fun with that one the last couple of months and have "pushed out" some amazing manifestations. :) 

  • edited September 2022

    This new “I wonder…” and associated steps are really fun actually. I instantly thought that if my mentor found success with this, then I should be doing the same :)

    That new story about myself is, I have to admit, still a bit of a struggle at times. I know it’s okay to have ups and downs during a day but even for all my drive I still feel like I quite haven’t gotten my chops down in my self-image just yet. I think I have always been a stress engaging person as that’s how I have always believed highly successful people should be and how I’ve managed to be successful in the past: dump all your energy and focus into something no matter the cost. I know you’ve given me tons of perspective and advice on “energy” and am going to master this! You and the UMM course will make the difference I’m confident. 

    I wanted to share another cool quote I heard with regards to chasing things and specific people which is: “stop chasing them, START CHASING YOURSELF!” This was so quirky and cool I had to stop and laugh at it along the way and it made me feel so energized in remembering that we attract what we are and, as you say “When we persist in a new story about ourselves, the world, and others, we begin to push that version out into the physical. Our brain changes, and everything around us changes. Its as though we tune ourselves into a new reality with new possibilities.”

    I’ll end with a success story. I have been trying to manifest someone (as you know) and asked my subconscious mind last night to show me how to do this. This morning I find the “start chasing yourself” quote, your response above, all of which put me back into the frequency of being a master manifestor. Just as I’m done receiving all of that, my dog, a golden retriever, gets up and wants to go out. I ‘happen’ to run into a neighbor who I told about the person I have a crush on and she tells me that she just invited this person to go out and watch music on Tuesday - after suggesting that I do it and I chicken out! Wow, she did that for me! What a win! I’m so happy and grateful at all the universe provides as I have relied on step #3 in your new process to send forth the Holy Spirit and God to open the way for me and have used the iterations “open, openest, wide open” to allow this to happen for me. 

    All these cool happenstances keep occurring for me, I just need to master getting out of my own head and being Debbie Downer even in the face of progress. If I can do this, I swear anyone can LOL! I am getting out of my own way and becoming the way!

    PS. As if all that wasn't enough, I just read the "Met A Match" post and read the last 2 comments full of affirmations and perspective that I really, really needed as I can related to what was posted. Thank you, thank you!

    All the best


  • Yes! I do love that combination of processes. I've also been having fun with it and getting great results!

    I understand completely what you mean about being a stress engaging person. I have had to turn my own story and beliefs around regarding this as well because I become so energized by the things I'm passionate about. Balance is truly key here. Give yourself permission to relax, have fun, and reap in the rewards of the actions you take. And when you do, more fun things will begin to flow in!

    I love the quote you shared! It is perfectly okay to make yourself a priority. In fact, I encourage it...especially when you're single and interested in someone. This creates such a dynamic and magnetic state!

    I also love that you asked your subconscious mind to show you how to get what you want! (You can also affirm that you are always given the perfect solution in an easy and effortless way.) You have tons of "wins" going on here! This is that bit of evidence that shows up that can begin to spiral into bigger proof when we pay attention to it. Again, it's like retuning to a new reality. Take those moments and get super excited about them to increase their momentum in your life. This is why I always tell my students to pay close attention to the signs and focus in on them. I may have to use your "open, openest, wide open" phrase myself, haha. 

    You may have moments where it feels as though things aren't coming in fast enough for you. That's okay; you're human. But don't let it keep you there long. That's the trick! Consciously teach yourself to pivot and focus on what IS working for those signs that are showing up. And keep reaffirming that this is evidence of your new story and new reality - that's it's coming in fast and easy!

    You've got this, Franklin! I can already see how things are beginning to shift for you! Your dedication to this inner change is creating amazing shifts in your outer world! The physical is validating your changes. Let it catch up to all of that good stuff you're fueling your mind and spirit with. I'm excited to read more! :)

  • edited September 2022

    HI, Yes balance is the key! I have also noticed that I am already reaping in the rewards of allowing myself to relax and be more balanced in fun things. Previously, I was always dependent on others to define my fun and that’s not good, and that is gone. 

    Thanks, I have found asking my subconscious things very successful for me among the myriad of techniques we have learned, and also I will affirm that I am always given the perfect solutions too! You just keep on hitting on things that are happening in my life haha. For example, with the getting “super excited” advice, this is a new mode that my gut (subconscious) has been signaling me for some time now as a way of super enforcing a positive feedback loop. My negative emotions have always been more powerful than my positive ones and now for the last 6 months or so that has reversed and anytime I have a small success I get uber excited about wins, in an emotionally-charged and physically-extatic, fun and celebratory way. I have also noticed that my memory association has recalled those past positive feedback loops for each subsequent celebration. It’s building into something awesome here!

    Also, I had been thinking about the mirror metaphor for the past few days with regards to our SI and the world around us and then whamo! there's your new video which features a cat looking into a mirror and seeing a lion. Haha, it so hit home for me! Those affirmations are so prescient for me, and many others, and is well appreciated.  

    Thank you again for taking the time to respond in depth to me and my comments. Having a mentor means the world to me and you have done more for me than you know!

  • That is the power of this "work." It's conscious creation vs. just floating through life and watching what happens. :)

    I'll say it again: The proof will keep showing up for you! You're in the fun part now. 

    I am very happy to assist you with this journey, Franklin! You make it an absolute pleasure. And there is nothing I love more than seeing someone realize their power to create an intentionally beautiful life! 
  • Wow, such priceless information!, I appreciate you guys for elaborating on gratitude.....Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    In love light and gratitude.

  • You're most welcome, Les! I'm happy to see you checking in! :) 
  • Hi Les, this forum is the best way to stay connected to our program and mentor and I am so grateful to have a journal of sorts to reflect back on. All the best on your successes! 

    Thanks again Dr. Jessica!!! 
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