Specifics on "install a new belief" technique

I started the U.M.M course a few days ago (LOVE IT)! I have a question about the "Installing a new belief" exercise from the U.M.M. program (the one where you cross your hands and feet). 1) Regarding the instructions about repeating your affirmation "in your head" ?- Would it be potentially more effective to state the affirmation out loud? It seems that it would create a mental feedback loop since your brain would "hear" the phrase and process the information differently than if it was only a thought (my theory anyway). 2) Regarding the instruction about spreading the fingers on both hands and touch the fingertips for a few minutes. ?During this "lock in" time, is the goal to: a) Maintain a clear calm mind OR b) Continue repeating the affirmation while touching fingertips? Thank you! : )


  • Hi There!

    So happy to have you on board! And I love to hear that you are loving the course! :)

    For your first question, you can most certainly speak your affirmation out loud. In fact, I would encourage you to do that based on your belief that it would be more effective. What we believe tends to come true. 

    To answer your second question, you do not have to repeat the affirmation during this "save" command. But you can if you so choose. The main goal would be to remain in the feeling of the shift you have experienced. It's a sort of relief, assurance and confidence. Or, a knowing, if that makes sense. Keep it easy and light and have fun with it!

    Please let me know if this clears these things up for you, or if I can be of further assistance!

  • Hi Jessica,
    thank you for the thoughtful and informative response. Everything makes perfect sense (especially the idea of remaining in "the feeling"). I think I'll focus on the feeling to the exclusion of the affirmation during the "save" command.

    Wishing you and your team the very BEST in 2022!

    : )


  • Thank you, Jeff! I appreciate your kind words. A very happy new year to you and yours!
  • Hello Jessica and members. Larry Sullivan here. Just enrolled on 9/29. Question regarding the current material,specifically " Challenging your current self image....how many "big goals" shall/can we go for at one time. Clearly, I'll do more than1 work sheet. But I want to work on money/career, sports expertise, etc. Thanks everyone 
  • Hi Larry,

    Happy to have you in the forum!

    Each person will be different with this. For those who have difficulty believing in their power to create, I recommend starting with one goal to prove to themselves that they have the power within them to create the change they are aiming for. Once that change is made, the brain has good reason to believe it can accomplish other goals just as easily, if not easier than before.

    Others are able to intertwine all of their goals effortlessly. For instance, they may create a story where they are in the perfect home, with the perfect job, perfect spouse and perfect career. If you find that you are able to mingle all of your goals together into one cohesive story like this, then go for all of it! It may or may not all come in together, but the foundation will be there for it all to eventually mesh. 

    Your money is most likely connected to your expertise and career (and possibly sports..?), so it sounds as though you could easily do this. :)

    Let me know if you still have questions!
  • edited October 2022
    Yes, yes, yes! Combine the energies if you can. I had this same question when I started the course and created a scenario to combine my 3 individual goals into a single story. It is efficient and the brain likes efficiency which wastes less energy on our part emotionally. That's my theory anyway (what I learned from the course, actually). 

    This Big Goal is something that I have had to revise / edit several times. Wishing you all the success!
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