Is It Better To Be More General Or Specific With Goals For SI?

Hello! I have a question regarding introducing a new program into my Creative Machine which will be my new Self-Image (SI) program / goals / blueprint. Basically, is it better to be more GENERAL or SPECIFIC when introducing new SI beliefs? I created very specific goals; however, in many examples in the first section of the course they are very general (cf. Challenging Your Current Self-Image worksheet). So, for me:

Is it better to be more general, like "I want to be independently wealthy" or more specific, "like I want $xxx by August?" 

Also with relationships is it better to be more general, like "I want a loving relationship filled with happiness ...", or more specific, like "I want a specific person I have a crush on named Jen?"

Thank you in advance! 


  • edited July 2022
    Hi Franklin,

    Thank you for this question!

    It's great to create specific goals. And you can definitely get as specific as you choose with this. But each person is different and will work at a different pace with these processes. For that reason, it can sometimes be a good idea to start with more generalized statements. It will depend on whether or not you feel you are experiencing some resistance with the techniques. But, if you have gone through some of the worksheets and found some general statements you would like to change, start with those. 

    I'd also like to assist you with your goal statements. The word "want" indicates "I don't have" to the subconscious mind. It is a statement of lack, and one that I recommend changing. Let's reframe it: "I choose to be independently wealthy." Or," I am excited to play with my newfound wealth because it offers me freedom." Or, "I am excited about the new, loving relationship that fills me with happiness." Or, "I am creating a dynamic relationship with Jen." Keep it in PRESENT tense. 

    Often, when I introduce this type of alteration to goal statements, people will say to me: "But, that feels like a lie." And the truth is that the subconscious mind may reject it initially if it is too far of a stretch. So, we keep these general as well. Notice I didn't say, "I have independent wealth and it feels great!" I say, "I CHOOSE" or "I am excited about" (to get into the feeling state that is the language of the subconscious mind) or "I am creating." 

    We can certainly saturate our minds with affirmations that aren't quite true yet to make a change (repeated daily, over and over again). That definitely works. But if you feel any resistance, like a feeling of untruth, play around with it a bit to see what feels like a better transition for you. And as you begin to see proof in your outer world that these goal statements are taking shape (which validates these changes AND your power to make this type of change to your subconscious mind), you can make them a bit grander. 

    Of course, work with the visualization processes to really tap into the power the subconscious mind holds! :)

    I hope you find this helpful!

    Let me know if you have any questions about what I've written here. :)

  • edited July 2022
    Hi, thank you for your in-depth response, it is very encouraging! I do realize what you said about the PRESENT tense goal statements as my actual ones were written as "I am" statements, I typed those examples off the cuff, but thank you for underscoring the importance of the power of the PRESENT. On that note, I do like your suggestion about the use of "I CHOOSE" or "I AM EXCITED ABOUT" or "I AM CREATING" statements! Those are great! I am going to implement them post haste :)

    I have been listening to the "Positive Subconscious Questioning to Speed Up Manifestation - Meditation" mp3 quite a bit and like that one when I go walking. 

    The beauty of this course, I have found so far, is that there are so many options. I have taken probably 10 pages of notes going through the first 2 sections alone and each lesson has multiple techniques that are encouraged "daily," which is obviously impracticable. This leads me to believe that we should choose the ones that resonate with us the most and the ones with which we find the most success. 

    I do the "Changing the Course of Events Meditation" every day, as well as at least one guided meditation as I'm sitting and working or out walking. I also read my self-image statements each morning (and sometimes randomly throughout the day) and get into the "beingness" of that person, which I can already feel a massive shift after only a week!

    I have also noticed an encouraging change in how my crush now communicates with me over the last 3 days. I am just about to start the 3rd section right now, woohoo!!!
  • That's great! The 2 MP3's you mentioned are very transformative. 

    And, yes. Obviously, doing all of these techniques daily would turn into a chore. Chores = resistance. I agree that choosing the ones that resonate with you most and sticking with them is key. If that ever feels boring, you can always switch it up. :)

    I love to read about your shifts and cannot wait to hear of all of your successes!

    Thank you for adding value to the forum with your question, Franklin!
  • Hi Dr. Jessica!

    This course is awesome and so full of information and in-depth research I feel like I'm back in Grad School again! Haha. Each component is tied to a technique which I absolutely love and find valuable for my journey as a natural manifestor. Over the past few years I have come to realize just how fluidly I have always manifested people and situations in my life that I never was able to account for; why would I because we are never taught this kind of stuff growing up. In fact, I've also come to learn that we are all natural manifestors, it's our gift as conscious, cognizant, human beings.  

    My problem, like a lot of people, is that I never was taught to value my opinion as I grew up in a household with parents who treated children as items to "be seen and not heard," and also where parents talked AT you and not TO you. They were great parents in their own way, just not emotionally active or engaging. 

    It wasn't all doom and gloom as I do have a healthy dose moxy about me. I am very driven and determined to achieve in life and am always seeking out the best way to improve myself and my surroundings. What I learned in this course so far is that my former SI which drove that program only kept me in line with that program to the exclusion of all else like a mathematical function!

    My new SI is what I intend to manifest into reality and I am excited to do so. Is there a point where you can work too much on this? Can focusing too much lead to some point of obsession? I ask because I work at home and am currently single (separated) and don't get out a whole lot, therefore am working on this course and techniques a lot! I would like to see this as an advantage like how I studied my behind off in grad school and graduated with a 4.0. 

    So here's my daily routine (because I constructed one lol) for your critique or perusal:
    • Read Self-Image (morning and before bed)
    • Take action being my SI 
    • Listen to at least 1 meditation throughout the day
    • Visualize for 5 minutes a day
    • Use any of the worksheets as necessary
    Reminder, I just started the "Remapping Your Behaviour" section of the course, which is amazing so far I have to say. I love creating positive feedback loops! Cheers, sorry for the long messages :)

    Have a great day! Oh, also, is the "Your Youniverse Meditation Music" also your channel on YT?

  • Hi Franklin,

    I can feel your enthusiasm in your post! And I love what you've written about being natural manifestors. This is so very true!

    I would dare say that your "problem" wasn't a problem at all. It was a learning experience that has driven you into greatness! I believe we are taught certain things when we are younger in order to learn how to find our inner and true power so we are able to overcome them and excel. And it sounds as though you have done a great job with that! The self-image combined with our higher consciousness is truly the key.

    When I began this journey myself, I felt very much the same as you have expressed. I dove in head first and could not get enough of it. It really is an exciting revelation to discover just how powerful we are and how we can change every aspect of our lives with a little dedication to inner work. My words of advice from what I've learned along my own journey (and I say this quite a bit) is to back off a little when it begins to feel like a chore. If your gut says, "I have to do this to get results but I really don't feel like it right now," that is a good indicator that your energy will be one of resistance. This is when I learned to step away and come back when I'm feeling excited again. I found that trying too hard gave me the opposite results of what I was intending to create. If the excitement is there, by all means...use it! If not, come back to it at a later time. In other words, keep a healthy balance and allow your gut to guide you regarding what that is.

    Your routine is great! It sounds as though you have a good balance there that is spread out amongst your day.

    And yes, the meditation music channel is also mine. My oldest son runs that channel (along with helping me with video production) and mixes the music and tones. He is a natural manifestor, too. :)

    I really do enjoy hearing how excited you are on this journey! It's a ton of fun, isn't it!?! I'm still very excited about it over a decade later! 

    Wishing you an amazing day full of joyful creation!


  • Jessica,

    Thank you so much for your sage advice! Your story is very inspiring and relatable to me and I have the utmost respect for what you have accomplished and even more for your ability to be so genuine in the way you help others. I could talk all day about manifesting and creation and all of these meta-concepts, it's so invigorating and I love to hear success stories. It is a lot of fun!!! It is also uplifting to feel your excitement while counseling others.  

    Thank you for reminding me about my gut, as it has always been my guide, well before I found the law of attraction. I like to say "my gut has never steered me wrong!" :) 

    I do like your son's and your meditation channel quite a lot! I noticed a similarity of design and branding hehe. 

    Thank you again for your well wishes and I hope you have a wonderful day of inspired living!

  • Thank you, Franklin. :)
  • edited October 2022

    You know, I’ve come to the conclusion that the wider I cast my net, the more I’ll catch when it comes to reprograming my subconscious self-image!

    Back in late July/early August I went very specific, perhaps too specific and although I did notice marked results in what I was manifesting, those things did not show up for me to posses because I did not address the underlying assumptions in my mind and emotions about what I deserve. I thought I could bypass that and go straight to my goals not realizing that my conscious mind and subconscious mind were not in alignment. 

    My new program I am installing will be: “I am worthy of requited love and worthy of financial abundance.” 

    Dr Jessica, your thoughts please :)

  • Hi Franklin,

    It's nice to hear from you! 

    I agree with your new program. You've been implementing the reprogramming thus far and I
    believe it's fair to say that it's time to "level up" what you're
    doing. In reviewing this post, you mentioned that you felt as though your
    opinions were not valuable when you were a child. And as you probably already know,
    we are VERY impressionable as children. And often those types of beliefs stick
    with us until we change them – which you are already doing wonderfully!

    Self-worth and the self-image go hand-in-hand. Teaching
    yourself that you are worthy, deserving, and valuable creates shifts in those
    underlying assumptions you referred to - BIG SHIFTS! I believe this to be the
    root of many of my client’s challenges, and it was once mine as well.

    My suggestion: Elaborate on those new statements you are making just a bit by finding the evidence of such. This will deeply impress your
    subconscious mind with validation.

    For example, 

    I am worthy of love because I am a loving and kind person

    I am worthy of love because I was created from love.

    I deserve love because that is what I was designed to

    I was created as an extremely valuable and valued being.
    Because of that, I attract people who value and love me into my life.

    I was designed from love and I am the embodiment of love.
    Therefore, I naturally emit love from my being and receive it back in


    I am worthy of financial abundance because I am a Divine
    Being rooted in all that is abundant.

    All of the universe is abundant. Therefore, I deserve as
    much abundance as anyone else.

    Because I exist, I know that I am valuable. And I open myself
    to receiving the equivalent of that value in dollars, which is immense!

    My mind is abundant with thoughts of financial prosperity. Because
    I have those thoughts, I know that the physical equivalent is already available
    to me.  

    Every day, my self-worth increases because I know I was
    designed as worthy and valuable. As my self-worth continues to increase, the
    Universe (you can put another term here if you prefer) delivers wealth and
    abundance to me to match that.

    In other words, what is the "WHY", or "BECAUSE" proof that you can offer to your creative machine? This requires contemplation, and your brain will help you discover this.  

    Keep priming your mind with your worth and value! I’ve seen
    this type of priming create dynamic results, and have also experienced it in my
    own life.

    Let me know if you have any questions about what I've written here!


  • (I wrote that in a Word document as my internet was being repaired. Disregard the awkward formatting, haha.)
  • edited October 2022
    Hi Jessica! Don't worry about the formatting haha, I hardly noticed :) 

    It is always nice to hear from you! And thank you for your suggestion to elaborate my statement out to include the "WHY" or "BECAUSE," that is brilliant, and so are your examples which are so super powerful. 

    As you say, it will take some contemplation which I will work on and get back to you with, but I was thinking I might tie a "because" statement or idea back into my main goal verbiage. I was thinking about the idea of Occam's Razor, sometimes the simplest or most eloquent is the best. 

    Okay, speak soon! ~Franklin
  • I like that idea! Yes, simple can work beautifully. :) 
  • edited October 2022

    Hi Jessica, thank you again for such poignant responses! I do look forward to our discussions. I took what you suggested about including a “because” statement and created the following iterations:


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I said so!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I was created for it!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I have already earned it!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I have a tremendous amount to offer!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I am the PRIZE!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I deserve to be surrounded by happiness and joy!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I deserve to feel love and joy and inspiration every day!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I deserve to be loved, adored, and inspired every day!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I deserve the right to choose!”


    “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I am the one!”


    “I am worthy of being loved by Jen because I am the only one for her!”


    I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I choose to be!”

    I do love your elaborations and after combing through the statements I see that they each have their own gems of energy and I will incorporate them for sure! What I have been trying to master is maintaining an “in the end” attitude while going to sleep. My mind wanders like you can’t believe lol and I can never manage to focus or relax into an adequate emotional / energetic space while falling asleep - the irony is that I used to do that all the time! I’d hit the sack with my wheels turning on an issue and it would be solved by the next morning!


    To that end, what I have been doing is repeating short SI statements, (à la Occam’s Razor) to lull me to sleep. This is why I brought up the idea in my last post, it was with that goal in mind. I do think of these types of statements like jazz music or mathematics: it’s about variations (-ables) on a theme and scale - puns intended :)


    Thank you again for your wonderful advice Dr Jessica!


    All the best in success in life, ~Franklin

  • Hey, those are awesome! 

    Well done, Franklin! Yes, you DO deserve all of that. 

    I also loved what you wrote to Garett about noticing a shift in your life with just that ONE affirmation. Great stuff! Thank you so much for sharing that with him!

    The idea of you repeating the short statements as you drift off to sleep is perfect. It's such a great way to impress the subconscious mind and it should help create some mental images that align. I like to follow guided meditations as I'm drifting off to sleep to help with the end goal. A wandering mind can happen to the best of us, but I find guided meditations assist me in staying with the vision. 

    I am worthy of love and financial abundance because I am the one! SO POWERFUL! :) 
  • edited October 2022
    That one jumped out at you did it? That is "the one" then! :)

    I do like the guided meditations as well, it lets your mind latch onto something to allow it to relax. Do you have go-to meditations or are you constantly finding new ones?

    It's my pleasure to try and help others as I have received so much support from you and others like Les on this forum! It truly is the value of this place. 
  • It IS the ONE!

    I do have go-to meditations, but I sometimes switch it up depending on what I'm working on in my life. I created this meditation as a way to enter "the field" and create from a blank space, and I use it often: 

    And I'm also currently working on another one that is very similar, but with a few extras so that the experience is a bit smoother and easier to digest. I'll be posting that one in a few weeks on my channel.

    I tend to find nuggets in my research that spark inspiration and then custom-tailor meditations from those pieces of information. Truth be told, many of my meditations were originally created because I wanted to use them myself. :) 
  • edited October 2022
    I have watched that one before! In fact, I've watched pretty much all of your past 2 year's content and get excited to see new stuff in my subscriptions feed by you! There was just one today actually about astral projection, am going to listen on the way to work  :)

    The 11 Tips and the Helen Hadsell videos are so good too! It's funny for about a month I've been hearing her name and had various YT ads pop up with her featured and did get curious about who she was. Then your video appeared and I enjoyed learning about her amazing technique through you, I wish I had her easy going demeanor, she seems so happy and positive and such great energy. I swear that's the definition of "expecting" or "faith" in the sense of "allowing." She sounds like she had such a wonderful family behind her too. 

    You know, I kind of figured (wondered) that some of your videos were self-medicating, for lack of a better term. That is so smart and such an efficient use of energy as I would think it would amplify that energy having come from such a good place. In addition to my "regular" career, I assist people building WordPress sites on a small scale and have a small family history blog of my own and have often used whatever research I am working on at the time as the evidentiary part of my genealogy posts. I think the nifty part of that is that we end up with our own record of our progress as we look back on what we created! 

  • Thank you for supporting my work, Franklin!

    Helene is a joy to listen to. If you ever have the chance to listen to her full interviews on YT, I highly recommend them. She just has that peaceful presence about her, as you stated. 

    What kind of coach would I be if I didn't learn from experience and then help others do the same? haha  I've had my fair share of challenges, but I've learned to view them as opportunities to grow. I believe we are all here to grow and evolve and there's still so much left to learn!  

    You are absolutely correct about creating records of our progress. I love that you do this as well. Your 'other' job sounds like fun!  :) 
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