Look Within

Hi! I wanted to highlight a phrase that Dr Jessica used in a forum post* that really hit home for me. It was this: But you have to stop looking for ways to solve the problem by scouring the internet for the answer and go within as a way to soothe yourself.

This really inspired me to reanalyze content that I have become accustomed to reading and watching and ask myself if it is constructive or mere entertainment? While there is nothing wrong with consuming internet content as a quick motivational pick-me-up, it can become a crutch. 

Our power lies within and we have to become self-righting and self-reliant as we want to transcend the content itself to the point where we are masters of our emotional intelligence and the content becomes research for future growth and not dependent in nature. 



  • Well said, Franklin!

    When we focus on the "problem," we get more of the problem to focus on because we are tuning ourselves to that. We also have the option to focus on the solution. And if we become frustrated by that thought, we can simply choose to focus on something peaceful that has nothing to do with problems or solutions. 

    I personally enjoy spending time each day (about 15 to 20 minutes) going over in my mind as many of the joyful moments of my life as I can connect to during that time. There's something very powerful about that energy and how it can reset me and everything around me. Anything that might have bothered me becomes quite insignificant after this process. :) 
  • Hi there Jessica!

    I often have fallen into the trap of wanting to raise my energy by watching something about manifesting, which inevitably seems to work as such content inspires me. However, I have found that simply getting myself charged up emotionally to raise my thought energy and vibrational rate works the same and is, as I call it, "portable" lol. I'm not dependent on a phone or laptop to change my emotional state, I just need me! I can do it anytime, anywhere! 

    What I have been doing more and more is to literally get up and "shake it off" so to speak. Just like an athlete who is preparing to go on the field or get psyched up to perform a routine, this fires up the body's metabolism. 

    Yes Jessica! It is so easy to be caught unawares in our thinking and slip back into focusing on problems instead of solutions. My mind is blown because I never truly conceived of the act of scouring the internet for "solutions" as being focused on "problems." Wow is all I can say! 

    You know I had a friend named Carl and I never forget one day we were talking and I was moaning about something and he said: "dude, we all have the same amount of time and energy so we can either choose to complain about stuff or do something about it." In many ways that conversation changed my life.

    I need to make time to give gratitude just like you do . . . sorry, let me edit that . . . I WILL make time to give gratitude just like you do :) 

    Cheers! ~Franklin
  • Information and knowledge are super important when it comes to growth (in my opinion). It's only when we're trying "fix" things on a consistent basis that we can become a bit unbalanced. I've certainly done this myself and find that monitoring my thoughts and feeling states is the key. As you stated, we can go within to recalibrate first and then watch as the perfect information streams in. 

    Carl sounds like a wise man! Just focusing on all of the good does something amazing: It brings more good! Bathing in the feeling states of all of the love and joy I have experienced in my life fills my heart in such a way as to create some pretty magical things. I don't do it because of that; I do it because it feels great! But the side effects of this process can be truly astonishing and I recommend everyone try it! :)

  • You are such an inspiration!
  • Thank you! 

    As are you, Franklin. I admire your dedication and willingness to open your awareness to new concepts. 
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