Timeline and the Universe

Hi Jessica,

First of all I recently came across your series of 'The Master Key System' book and I am in awe and so grateful for it as I love that book. I have listened to the book a couple of times on audio and I love that your son narrated it 5 years ago. I have been following your channel for 4 years but only just came across it so thank you. I'm on part 18 and loving the reminder.

I'm back to working through the program again with fresh eyes and there is a piece of the puzzle I'm missing now and would like your assistance to put it all together please. I have watched all of module 1 this morning. From what I understand about conscious creation is that what we experience is basically all within our own mind or should I say brain. We don't actually come into contact with any physical matter and only produce copies of images through our senses using the electrical circuit within the body and brain. Our brain then interprets this information. (I also found some of this info on one of your older YT videos I watched recently.)

Now if I want to create something externally, basically I visualize it until the image/movie is stored and locked in my subconscious mind using my emotions and consciousness to decide what images/movie and feelings I want to create. This is then reflected on the screen of what I perceive to be 'my' reality. Now (please correct me at any point if I've misunderstood any of this) the part I can't get the puzzle to fit together is where the external world of vibrations/frequencies or the Universe comes into this. If I am basically creating everything in my mind, is there actually a Universe or anything outside of me? I mean does the world actually exists if I'm not perceiving it through my senses or awareness. Or when I close my eyes, is the external world even there. If I can't perceive it with the senses, does anything exists and how are other people a part of my realty? What are they really? Are they actually just an energy I'm translating with my brain, and if they are am I controlling how I perceive them? For instance, I'm sitting here typing this, on my own, in my office, so that's the only thing I can perceive right now so is anything outside of this real?  I sort of feel like I'm in a VR headset the deeper I go with this and when I shut off my senses (sleep for instance) I am basically taking off the headsetThe way to control the game is through my thoughts and feelings which I don't even need my physical senses for apart from to experience the game. If I just need to imagine everything in my mind, how does the Universe come into it and how is taking action a part of it? Is it just that I am a part of the Universal mind playing the game?  

think I may have information overload as previously I think I understood it all and now it's all gone into confusion. 
As I'm working through the UMM, when it comes to memories, I'm not sure I understand about storing memories and how this helps? If I put them out in the future, am I not saying to my subconscious mind that they haven't happened yet or I haven't achieved them? I thought I had to believe everything as already happening, therefore I need to store them as memories in the past? I can now easily (over the past few weeks) create images of what I want to be in my future and it feels as real as the past memories, so what is the next step now? Am I missing anything?   

Please, there is absolutely no rush to respond within your usual response time, I am just grateful for your replies and support to understand this.

As always with love and gratitude,



  • edited November 2022
    Well, you have presented an existential question for the ages - one that has been pondered by philosophers and mystics for thousands of years! haha

    First, I will not claim to have all of the answers to these questions. I can only give you what I know and understand from personal experience, and that may certainly be different than someone else's understanding or perspective.

    We are given a physical body for physical experience. That experience derives from our mind. What we think and believe, we get to experience. As I state in one of the videos you've reviewed, the Universe is an information processing center. What we put out, we get back. (I think you understand this.) You want to take action (move through the world) because that is what your body is designed to do. And how boring would it be NOT to do that? At least in my opinion...

    Everything you spoke of exists because you've experienced it. You've experienced it/them in your mind and with your senses. So, yes...they are real. But there are some things that we simply aren't able to perceive in these physical bodies. And one of the most important of those things is this: HOW things come to be. If we try to pick apart the "HOW," we start to confuse ourselves and ask questions about what reality really is. And that only seems to add to the confusion because it is not our job to know the HOW of these things . We are meant to have the experience, no matter HOW that experience came into be, even if we directed it with our thoughts and feelings.

    Neville Goddard puts this beautifully in a speech that he gave (can't remember which one off the top of my head). He talks about the "Sender" and the "Sent." We are the "Sent." Sent out into the world to learn to become creators of our own right. But the "Sender" is the operant power. Call that God, the Universe, or whatever suits you. The Sender knows all and has the means and power to bring forces together to complete our thoughts and feelings. Again, we are meant to have the experience, but we aren't meant to know all of the ins-and-outs of creating that experience - only that we have control to change the course of events if we don't like them.

    If you ordered a meal at a restaurant, would you want the waiter to describe every detail of how the chef is going to create that meal for you? Or, would you more prefer to enjoy the meal once it got to you for the sheer pleasure of it? I say yes to the latter. Who cares how it became so delicious, just let me put the fork in my mouth and enjoy it! haha

    My suggestion would be to stop worrying (if that is in fact what you are doing) about all of these answers. It's so much that it could make the most sane person go mad! Maybe we will never know. Or, maybe we won't know in this body. What we can know is the joy of the experiences that we are able to create. And that is good enough for me! :)


  • Ha thanks Jessica, I guess I did ask the existential question of all time there didn't I! I definitely went into overload and I think my mind was seeking to know all the answers. I also like to try to explain what I'm learning to my friends so that it helps me embed and understand the knowledge a little deeper. But on this occasion my brain just started to shut down I think due to overload.

    Thank you as always for your answer and I completely understand it is your perspective and understanding that you share and I always love your perspective. 

    Can I just ask, I'm on the video for integrating your left and right brain. When it comes to doing the exercise, I understand that I have to think of my goal, and who I need to be, but am I then repeating an affirmation as I'm doing the actual exercise? For instance when I'm integrating my left and right brain by doing opposite limb movement, I imagine I'm in my end scene of my big goal but then I start to repeat 'I easily achieve my goals and dreams'. Are we supposed to be repeating the affirmation similar to the belief change exercise?

    With gratitude,

  • edited November 2022
    Thank you so much for this conversation! KC I appreciate you asking and Jessica your response is so calming and reassuring for our minds. Especially love Neville's idea here about us being 'sent' by the 'sender'. This is such an empowering perspective! 
    I absolutely love this space.
  • Y'all keep me on my toes with these super smart, deep thinking questions. I love it! :)

    For your question, KC - the goal is to feel the way you would feel when your goal is complete (the end result) while performing the exercise. This is why it's a good idea to get into that feeling state via the meditation given first. Doing this exercise while feeling those heightened "state of completion" feelings will make it easier to "wire" in that information because your brain will be wholly integrated. This allows for the "download" of that information in a much easier way. In other words, the subconscious mind will accept it as true much faster. 

    Once you become proficient at doing this, you can most definitely add in some affirmations that align with your goal. I only suggest mastering the exercise while working in the feeling state first to get the hang of it. 

    Let those affirmations flow to you naturally. Once you're in the feeling state, those thoughts should start to come in automatically in an effortless way.

    Tayla, thank you for being here. I appreciate your contribution to the discussion. :)

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