UMM - Success, Sucessful, Successes

Hi Jessica,

   As the title says.  I would like to update you on some minor successes that I received so far by doing this course and I am not even finished yet.
1. I am performing better and better at work daily. August month I received 2 of 5 top achiever's award for my team
2. The month of September I received 3 of 5 Top achiever's award.
3. In the last 3 months my Manager was hinting that I am ready for the next level.
4. Last month she told to apply for a certain position when it becomes available
5. This month,  a better opportunity became available which includes a promotion, working with top achievers, a 15% pay raise and an extra week of vacation. I told my manager that I am applying for this position and she was so excited she  asked for my Resume, totally revamped it, made me look like a superstar (every thing is factual).. She keeps prepping me with ideas and recommendation to make me the most valuable and worthy candidate for the position. Everything comes to me so easily now. (affirmation realized). The meeting (interview) is next week and I am ready to impress the hiring manager.
Oh BTW,  I placed and trade in the stock market and did not even worry about the results, 2 days later I closed the position with a 3% gain, (all credits to your affirmation)
So I decided to move forward and purchase a stock trading course from a seasoned professional trader in my local community. He told me that he will do a 1/2 personal consultation for free (normally cost $150) and I didn't even asked for it. I just release all the resistance and the abundance flows effortlessly. This Student is now ready........I cannot find words that would describe how grateful I am for your UMM course and coaching.  Thank you for the bottom of my heart. I will keep the successes coming. You ain't see nothing yet.......the best is yet to come!.

In love, light and unending gratitude.



  • YES!! You are doing such an amazing job, Les! 

    Congratulations on these successes! "Everything comes to me so easily now" is a wonderful affirmation!

    And look at you trading with confidence and reaping the rewards! Isn't it fun to get those unexpected perks of conscious creation as well (the free consultation)?! Those are just going to keep showing up for you now that you're in the manifestation zone!

    I feel so very proud and happy for you. Please keep posting your "wins" here as you find time. It's very helpful for all here to see the power they have when they take conscious control of their lives. :) 

  • Thank you Jessica,

     I really appreciate your encouragement and the wonderful work you do.

     I am looking forward to great things in my life now, "more than enough" is my new standard.

    Thank you

    In love, light and gratitude.

  • You're most welcome!

    By the way, I would not call those "minor" successes. They are the epitome of success! :) 
  • So, I did my job interview, and the interviewer ask me just 5 questions and spent the rest of the timet taking about the role and the benefits  The same day the Recriuter called and offer me the position and also offer me the top of the pay scale that I requested. which was 7% more than the position pays. 
    2.The stock trader that had offerred me the 1/2 hour free personal consultation ended been a full 1 hour consultation (worth $300).  I release all resistance and allow the abundance to flow. The UMM course continues to amaze me, not counting the numerous little miracles along the way and more to come!!!
    Thank you profoundly

  • Leslie, you are on FIRE! The abundance that is flowing into your life is because of YOU. You did the inner work and now you are reaping the rewards. 

    You have released all of the resistance and you are allowing the abundance to flow to you! I affirm this with and for you. :)

    You are a wonderful testament for everyone who participates and/or reads these posts that going within makes all of the difference in what happens in the outer, physical world.

    Thank you so much for continuing to share your progress and success with all who are here! I am so happy for you! :)

  • Hi Jessica,
                    I just want to let the tribe know how profoundly effective this Ultimate Manifestation Mastery course is for me. I am so happy and carefree now that nothing really bothers me. I feel so peaceful. (that is priceless). I made a trip to NY to spend time with my aging Dad, and it was the most wonderful vacation, everything was so easy. My trip flying there and back was effortlessly easy, I sat next to some wonderful people on the plane( I am going to conscious of happy people everywhere I go today). I got pick up and driven around town in a brand new Tesla, People bought lunches and dinner and other items to take home that I didn't even asked for, but they knew what I normally take home. I spent such quality time with my dad, he was raving about it to everyone after I left, his Aides said that it felt like I gave them a vacation while I was there cause I did everything for my dad. I really enjoyed my trip and it was such a delight. Additionally I had a company came over and cleaned my home (tiles) cause they were running a special at a good discount. When the tech came I ask for a Veteran's discount and he says that they only give one discount at time, so he call the office and the manager approved the additional discount for 15% in addition to the already 20% special discount. During the work, he said that he would give me and another deal for 2 rooms for the price of 1 ($49), Basically I ended up getting a 50% deal when it was all over and it was the best work I have ever had done.(ask and it is given)!!!,  My neighbor saw it and place an order to get hers done a few days later. The wonderful surprises keep coming. oh BTW my stock trading is going exceptionally well, so far I'm up $7k, with only 3 trades. My successes over the past few months was nothing short of miraculous!
     I am ready for 2023 to be a phenomenally successfully year for everyone !!!    I expect the Best and invariably the Best comes to me - yes, it is that easy, once you work this course !!!

    (Who says you are Going to Barbados, you are Already in Barbados and you went there First Class. BAM - Slam the door.) - haha haha,  had to included that for giggles..........I am so happy for no reason at all !.

    Thank you sooooooo much Jessica, for the Outstanding work.

    Love and best wishes for the holidays.


  • edited November 2022
    I'm so happy for you Leslie! Look at what you did, you are such an inspiration and your success has, in fact, inspired me to achieve my own and am so grateful for you sharing your situation and letting it morph into a new conscious reality. 

    Happy Holidays and I am also very grateful for our Jessica in being the person she is for all of us. 
  • Thank you Franklin, Yes this course is like no other, I have tried many and never had the breakthrough until now, I am reaching for the stars.  I am sure you will exceed your exceptions, I know you will. Keep on pressing on.

    Wishing you the very Best.

  • edited November 2022
    Oh my goodness, Les!  YAYAYAYAY!

    This is so wonderful to read! "I feel so peaceful." "I am so happy for no reason at all." You are so happy and peaceful because you found your true power. And you know how to use it! Isn't it wonderful?!? 

    AND you are positively affecting everyone you come into contact with!

    And look at that stock market success! I remember when you were timid of this, and NOW...SUCCESS! 

    I just LOVE your Neville and Abdullah reference, too! I've always thought Abdullah was teaching Neville to slam the door on the 'old man,' or on the 'sense world' when that scene took place. Either way, I believe you got it! When we shut out the "seen' (scene?) and create from within, everything changes. It definitely made me giggle and I thoroughly enjoyed the reference. :) 

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Les! I can't wait to read of more of your successes!

    I also appreciate all of your kind words, and those from Franklin. :) It fills my heart. 

  • Thank you Jessica, Appreciate the valuable feedback,  Oh yes,  the best is yet to come...............!!!
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