Clearing up my goal.

Hi Jessica, 

I am just after some assistance in creating my goal for my s/c mind. 

 I intend to manifest an online coaching business as soon as I can, but I'm not certain on what I want to coach on yet. 
Is a goal for my s/c mind specific enough to say 'I intend to create a 6 figure online coaching business?' - I know I want to help change lives and I would feel successful, rewarded & passionate about it.  I would love to watch clients lives change knowing I've had such an impact.

Can I go through this program and TRUST the idea will come to me? 
Or do you suggest having an idea of a niche first - to be more specific.

I'd been saying for months I'd love to coach on manifestation, but I believe I cant do that until I have proof myself. (which I know is a block in itself).

I know you're great at wording this stuff for my s/c so I look forward to hearing from you. 

Another questions I just wanted to clear up is how is their enough money for everyone? 
Is this because paper money is always being made and that its now in the form of electronic transactions? 
Hence it doesn't even matter if there is physical money? 

As I read through the thread of posts here I am so so grateful for finding this space you have created. 
I find answers to questions I didn't even know I had.

Thank you. 


  • Another great question, Tayla. And you pretty much answered this yourself, but let's format it from what you've posted. 

    This is what I would use based on what you've written: I intend to create a 6 figure online coaching business that powerfully shows others how to transform their lives in a way that fuels my passions and rewards me with success.

    As you move through the program, and work with the processes, you will most definitely start to receive inspired ideas. Your subconscious mind will begin to jump on board and gather ways to solve this for you, just as in the positive subconscious questioning meditation. When a "void" is created within the subconscious mind, (as in creating it in your mind and the void being the outer experience that must correspond) it's response is to problem-solve that void and fill in the blank. Once it believes in this goal, (and you may even want to reframe it as "I am creating..." since you are already in the midst of this process), the subconscious mind will begin to work for you, in your favor, where that goal is concerned. You'll receive flashes of insight that you've probably not encountered before where this is concerned. More "AHA" moments... Your niche will fall into place when the timing is right.

    In regards to money, that is merely a symbol of abundance. As a society, we put a lot of weight on this symbol without realizing that abundance is more a state of mind. This may sound cliche. However, it's never really the money we want. It's the freedom, the security, and the experience that we believe money will give us if we have more of it. I don't know how or why so much money is printed. I don't really care, to be honest. haha. It doesn't affect me in any way because I know that if I decide that I want more abundance in my life, I can create it. It might come in the form of money, or it might come in the form of my actual desire being met - a free trip, a new refrigerator, or whatever it may be. I don't know if that answers your question regarding money, but that's how I view it. :) 

    I'm happy to have you here and truly appreciate all of your questions as they help everyone here grow!


  • edited November 2022
    Jessica this answer is everything!
    Honestly exactly what I needed to read.

    I can see I've been causing anxiety (worry about the future as you point out) because of HOW or WHEN the business will happen, and my subconscious mind can't give me creative ideas from that scarcity/lack state. 
    You've helped me identify how our s/c gives us the insights and ideas in response to problem solving the 'void'. That being created in my mind but not in my outside world! WOW. This totally makes sense as to how inspired action and ideas are created.

    You're so right, its the abundance and that comes in so many forms! 

    I'll work through this program with 'I am creating a 6 figure online coaching business that powerfully shows others how to transform their lives in a way that fuels my passion and rewards me with success'.
    Wow I just teared up writing that! (hello souls purpose). 

    Thank you so much!!!!! This course as honestly already been worth it! 

    **Okay since this comment this morning - this has taken a turn.
    I just did the changing timeline of events meditation and could fully see myself in a hotel room looking over city with floor to ceiling windows etc (I am in Melbourne Aust and if feel like this was in New York ha!) and I was fishing up on a coaching call with women who were thanking me etc and my 'soulmate' was in the room too getting ready for us to go out for dinner after my coaching call. The step before this coaching call was manifesting my soul mate.(this scene was in November 2023), which in turn I had evidence that this works and was helping other women do the same. I would feel so passionate about this, as currently single at 30 feeling very pressured by society's limiting belief timeline, I would be so passionate in helping other women do it. 
    So I feel like, from that meditation alone, the steps I got was to use this program to manifest the most ideal dreamy relationship, use that evidence to creating a coaching program to help women manifest the same love, then use that program to create financial freedom and teach people how to do that etc and then my skills and evidence will create very strong belief system in manifestation! 

    SO wow. Maybe for now... I'm getting I use this course to manifest my loving soul mate relationship (this was going to be my next goal), and go from there?! Crazy!!
    With this new insight from imagination - my first big goal from this relationship is 'I am creating a loving healthy relationship with my soul mate who I am so physically attracted to and feel fully supported and joyful with'

    This manifestation will serve me and others, as I help other women on their journey of removing books and changing their inner world to create new intimate relationships! 

    My self image is now - feeling confident in where I am going with attractive qualities to offer, aware of patterns and trauma to communicate in healthy and loving ways. I am such a catch! I am the firken prize!!! (thanks to a different post).
  • We have a new prize in the forum!  YES!

    How amazing is this?! Our minds help us sort things out when we give them the space to do so. You nailed it when you said that the creative mind won't give you inspired ideas when working from a state of scarcity and lack. Scarcity and lack keep it in "survival mode," and the goal here is to get back into the natural state of "creative mode." Well done - another light bulb moment. :) 

    I believe you'll find this evolving even further as you continue to work with the processes.

    I love that you are connecting with your soul's purpose and being divinely guided to achieve it! Keep going, sister! I feel very proud and happy for you!!
  • edited December 2022
    Jessica can I ask how to let go of the HOW and when?

    I know this is probably the most sought after answer.
    I’m in anticipation but it feels like it’s coming from not trusting or believing it’s already happened.

    What could I think instead when the thoughts pop up like ‘I wonder if I’ll meet someone at that party’ or when I see and guy and think ‘I wonder if he is single?’ Or ‘I wonder if I’ll get a discount off that’ etc.
  • edited December 2022
    Hi Tayla,

    Let me see if I can help you with this. 

    Part of the mind wants to know "how" because that is how it problem solves for you. This part of the mind is designed to do this. The other part of the mind is creative and more carefree. This is the dreaming (or daydreaming) part of the mind. It finds joy in the act of visualizing for the sheer pleasure of it. When the two are working together, we can create and manifest wonderful things in our lives.

    However, we must override that logical side just a bit and tell it to relax. In general, we are taught to use this logical side of the brain more than the creative brain. This is one reason I created this course - to show you how to use more of your creative brain because it holds such immense power when it comes to magnetizing the things we want to experience. That side of the brain literally draws things to us. 

    The easiest way to release the 'how' is by going back into the visualization and giving the creative side of the brain the reigns, so to speak. The more you do this, the more real the visualization becomes. When the visualization becomes real to the mind, it's "as if" it's already happened. And when that takes place, you can't want something that you already have. It's a matter of imprinting it so many times that you cannot think of it in terms of NOT having it. You're then in a state of it being so real that the outer world doesn't mean much at all. This may sound difficult to do on the surface, or even silly, but it's merely a matter of repetition and losing yourself in the dream world to the point that the visualization is the place you prefer to be. And then it will materialize in the physical world as your experience!

    Feelings of anticipation can also be used to your advantage. Tell yourself that those feelings are just excitement for what's to come. Your mind and body do not know the difference between exciting feelings and anxious feelings. So, the meaning we assign those feelings on a conscious level will have a great impact. Get a little childlike with this process, as if your birthday is here and you just KNOW a present is going to arrive for you. Those are the type of anticipatory feelings that will work immensely well for you!

    I also believe that "wondering" is an amazing skill when it comes to manifesting. If you catch yourself thinking these things, consciously turn them around in your favor. For instance, you can format these into possibility thinking questions that send your mind in search of what you truly desire. "I wonder if I'll meet someone at that party" could be, "How would I feel if I met someone amazing at that party?" Or, "What if the man of my dreams showed up at that party, or even somewhere else?"  

    And maybe you go to the party and the man of your dreams isn't there. Not a problem because your brain is still actively trying to problem solve this out for you and you can rest easy knowing this. Just keep doing it until it shows up! In other words, open yourself to the idea that it all comes to YOU. You don't have to search it out once you get into the mindset, feelings, and confidence that it already belongs to you. :)

    I hope this helps!

  • Oh Jessica this is it!!!
    You have definitely helped me here. 
    Visualisation and consistency is key so your inside world is SO real it can't help but show up for you to experience in with your senses!!

    I also love how you have helped me see my anticipation feelings as a good thing and that our mind and body doesn't know the difference between anxious feelings and excited feelings. I can totally change my conscious story about these feelings now!!!
     I am totally going to try this and pretend its my birthday coming up haha! 

    Yes great examples of helping me turn those questions around into possibility thinking questions (like your meditation which I have been listening to at least 3 x a day haha) 

    This has made me so excited! Many more 'aha' moments! 
    Thank you so much!!!
    I will keep you posted ... for now going to visualise haha! 
  • You are most welcome, Tayla!

    Yes, please keep me posted! I'm excited to read of your successes and certainly willing to assist further! :)
  • I absolutely love this community! Even just reading this I'm getting aha moments and breakthroughs!

    Thanks for asking the question Tayla and I loved reading Jessica's response as always.

    Abundance is a state of mind! GOLD

  • KC this forum is the BEST. Jessica’s wisdom and knowledge is demonstrated in every single reply and I learn something new everytime I read a different post!

    So glad you found my post useful!
  • Awww, thank you ladies!  I love it when we all have "AHA!" moments! :) 
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