3 Mind-Blowing UMM Techniques for Me

I wanted to share 3 mind-blowing techniques that I always come back to that have driven my successes from big things like money and relationships to little bits like fun synchronicities of things just showing up. So, I’ve gone through the UMM course like 3 times and know the material enough to have found the techniques that really have resonated with me and I feel are the best suited for my imagination and style. I should also say that I feel like I am just stirring the surface on how much depth this course actually offers!!! It continually blows my mind just how much is included in the UMM course.  

1) is the following statement: “Our minds read their own OUTPUT as if it were INPUT” (source below). I kind of understood it when I first heard it, but it took me months to actually begin to see just how profound and life changing this thought really is! It’s about the law of assumption and Neville’s “you pushed out” teachings. I keep coming back to this and it inspires me every time to not rely on my external reality to define me but to visualize I am everything and everything is in me. 

SOURCE: Section 3 “Remapping Your Behavior” > Feedback Loops: How They Reinforce Your New Programs & Why They're So Important! - Video (2:47)

2) Whole Brain Integration. This is the technique where you interlace your fingers and cross your feet and say affirmations to reprogram your self-image and input new program instructions to your subconscious. For me this is my go to! I have found so much success with this rebuilding my self-image, I didn’t think something so simple could have that much impact on me. I have used it multiple times to course correct as I grow and can feel it in my dominant chakra point as it takes hold when I do it. This has literally been the thing that has changed my mindset from one of lack to one of abundance.

SOURCE: Section 1 “Rewiring Your Brain For Abundance” > How to Program A New Powerful Belief in Under 5 Minutes - Video & Written Instructions and Affirmations to Reprogram New Beliefs - Worksheet.

3) Asking your Subconscious for answers! I don’t remember which video I saw this in and don’t seem to have it in my notes but I distinctly remember it was mentioned in passing somewhere in the course. It’s mind-blowing to think that all we have to do is ask our subconscious for answers and then we receive them, what a crazy reality shift that has been! 

SOURCE: Section 2 “Recreating Your Emotional Intelligence” > Written Instructions to Release Past Limiting Decisions Stuck in the Creative Machine mentions this idea. 

All of the techniques and modules have been amazing and overlaying all of this is the idea of Conscious Awareness, or what we focus our minds and energy on. I’m still learning every day and the most mind-blowing thing of all is that all of these techniques are interrelated reinforcing of one another.

Feel free to share what techniques have worked best for you fellow UMMers!

Cheers, ~Franklin


  • I signed up for the program a few days ago. Thank you for this information. I'm going to look into it and try to move through each piece one at a time. I want to manifest money and a relationship too. 

  • Hi Franklin,

    I loved what you have shared. They are all great techniques!

    My favorite now is integrating the right and left hemisphere by doing mix matched body movements. This has been profound for me over the past couple of weeks. Also the mediation that asks the subconscious questions. 

    Love this course and community 


  • Thank you for posting this, Franklin! I appreciate you sharing with others what has worked for you in the course and I'm interested to read more responses from other members! This is very helpful for everyone. If I recall correctly, I briefly mention asking your subconscious for answers at the bottom of one of the first worksheets in the course. 

    Welcome to the forum, Ray! I'm happy to have you here! I believe you will find great value in the previous threads and I'm eager to assist you at your request. Any questions you have will help everyone here. 

    KC, I'm curious as to whether or not you have tried the finger pointing exercise given in the mismatched body movement section. That's a fun one to try to work out!

  • Hi Ray and KC! Thanks for posting, I always get inspired by what others are finding useful about the course and knowing that others are growing as well. 

    And yes Jessica, thank you I found the talking to your creative machine bit at the very end of the "Challenging False Beliefs - Worksheet" below the answer section! Cheers. Woohooo.
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