Feedback loops

Hey there. I am on the portion of the project which has the 4 stages of learning. I would like to practice creating a new program. Does anyone have some good suggestions on a program that I could try to create, given my goal of having a loving and committed relationship? 


  • edited January 2023
    Hi Garett,

    Sure! For a relationship program, I suggest working on installing a program that creates high self-worth, self-value and self-love. This type of program changes the way you see yourself and the world, as well as the way the world will reflect that back to you once it is fully installed. For example, you may want to integrate self-worth as, "I am worthy of the best love. I know my high worth and expect that from the outer world." For self-value (very similar), I would integrate something such as, "I am extremely valuable. Because I am extremely valuable, I am always valued by others." And for self-love, you may want to work with something like this: "I am becoming the version of my self who loves me unconditionally, in all ways. The more love I show myself, the more others increase their awareness of how much love I have within me." 

    This part of the course is really quite powerful because it teaches you how to create an automatic program that runs on auto-pilot where your manifestation goals are concerned. When you feel it on the inside, the outer world has no choice but to present you with experiences that match that. It's an energy that you exude from deep within that says, "I get what I desire because I've created it within me!"

    For the chart in the course, you can use things such as new affirmations, new tasks that you do for YOU and feedback from the outer world that lets you know where you need to make adjustments (without judging that). Remember that the point is to BECOME the version of you who has what you want!

    Does this help? Let me know! :) 


  • Yes! I am anxious to start. I have been keeping a log on small things that I notice that are good and these should be a nice compliment to that. I will keep ya posted. 
  • Great! Yes, please keep me posted. I'm always happy to answer any questions. :) 
  • edited February 2023
    Hi all! Hello Garett! Hello Jessica :)

    I have been keeping a log for some time now and find it super beneficial! I’ve adjusted it over time and now keep track of the meditations I use, the successes I have, and the types of energy mantras I use before going into activities such as walking, working, communicating, etc.  Cataloguing your successes and socializing them is so important for our self-image I believe and the course certainly emphasizes the importance of feedback loops. 

    Good luck! As Jessica says, this part of the course is very powerful. 

  • Thank you for sharing that, Franklin! 

    I agree that cataloguing your successes, even if only mentally, is a fantastic way to embody an energy that manifests more great things. :) 
  • Thank you Jessica,

    This has made me feel a lot better with the programs that I have active. I am finding the things that I need to adjust to live a better life with those three selves.
  • Hi Alecia,

    Happy to have you in the forum! Also happy to read that this post is helpful to you. 

    There are lots of gems here in the form of fantastic questions and suggestions. I hope you'll peruse through the threads and find more inspiration and insight. And let me know if you have any questions! :)

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