How do you program a new belief into your subconscious mind without a partner?

I have finished the first part of the course, Rewiring Your Brain for Abundance, and I'm wondering if there is a way to program a new belief without a partner. I know you said there's a way to muscle test yourself but is there a way to program a new belief through similar methods? 


  • Hi Ali,

    Having another person assist you is only mentioned as a way to muscle test. Once you know how your body responds, you can use the exercise to install a new belief without assistance. Some people find the self muscle test easier to determine the yes and no body responses. 

    Also, the methods given for integrating both hemispheres of your brain are highly recommended for programming a new belief because it heightens your cognitive function and effectively allows new information to be "downloaded."  

    I hope this answers your question. If not, let me know!

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